Poll: who will win the election?

Posted 10 January 2021 - 3:41 pm
... concern to your last posting ...

Thanks for your answer.

Another simple questions for my research.

What's the meaning of super liberal and where is the difference between superlib. and neolib. ?

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Posted 10 January 2021 - 3:54 pm
From my perspective as an argentine i'm going to explain to you what Trump is like and was seen here>

Donald before being president was rarely known by people outside the media, I mean ordinary people, those who knew him only know that he was a "businessman and tv actor"

Most of the TV channels showed him as the new hitler who came to divide american society and the world with his speech about the wall with mexico.

the positive image of him was 20% and the negative 90%

as time passed as president, his image improved according to the facts, the news echoed here about the policies that he applied on immigration, foreign relations, trade agreements, ceasefire in several countries, basically improved the quality of life of the Americans.

in the last year of his mandate, the Chinese virus arrived and echoed the disaster that it left in the hands of the governors of each state, most of them Democrats, by chance? If he took full control we could say it was merely his fault but we know what happened ..

here he got a lot of support last year, a survey of value, gave him a 65% acceptance in Argentina and more than 50% in the rest of some latin countries, all this taking people of a laudable academic level, From the misinformation the ignorant ppl compare him with cristina fernandez (current vice-president) because she didn't go to the assumption ceremony of mauricio macri in 2015 .. so we can expect of this? a neocon patriot guy with an social-democratic autocrat with hundreds of cases of corruption in court(on a country were justice means nothing)

on another point guys, before you talk about fragile democracy be sure you don't steal an election with a lot of fraud evidence, most of the world believe there was fraud and see you as an sheep tamed by the media, some day the truth gonna see the light, here is common to heard about of civil war in the U.S all the time since the electoral college said that biden won, in places where censorship can't cover or ban

K buddy.

@Sean brother just take a look of this thread, I think my point of view was right.
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 3:59 pm
People doing percentages based on 110% are kiloannums ahead
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Voobly Team

Posted 10 January 2021 - 4:09 pm
Thanks for your answer.
What's the meaning of super liberal and where is the difference between superlib. and neolib. ?

Hierzulande spricht man im Gegensatz zu anderen Ländern nur noch von der "Mitte". Neoliberale Politik auf deutschem Boden ist quasi die Politik der letzten 20 Jahre und hat unter Schröder (Rot / Grün) begonnen. Deregulierung der Märke, Liberalisierung und "Selbstregulierung" der Märkte und grenzenloser Finanzkapitalismus, Lohndumping, Privatisierung der Gewinne und Vergesellschaftung der Verluste (siehe Finanzkrise), weniger Staat mehr Privat, Abschaffung / Absenkung aller Sozialleistungen wie Rente, Krankenversicherung, Pflege und natürlich Bildung, Reiche und Firmen zahlen kaum noch oder gar keine Steuern etc. etc.

Ironischer Weise waren die meisten sozialen / sozialistischen oder auch "linken" Parteien zuerst betroffen weltweit, die links blinkten und rechts abgebogen sind (deswegen verwechseln viele auch den Begriff "links" mit "neoliberal"). Was in Deutschland passierte, ist auch in jedem anderen, westlichen Land passiert. Die USAwar Vorreiter, danach fiel England an die Neoliberalen, Frankreich durchlebt es jetzt erst, Japan und Australien sind schon seit fast 30 Jahren "amerikanisiert". Das was wir in den USA aktuell sehen, wird uns sehr wahrscheinlich in 10 - 15 Jahren auch blühen, wenn sich nicht bald etwas ändert.

In Deutschland ist das alles noch sehr harmlos abgelaufen, was wir aber zu großen Teilen den Öffentlich Rechtlichen zu verdanken haben (aber an deren Abschaffung wird ja auch schon gerarbeitet), ansonsten unterscheidet sich unsere Presse nicht von der in den USA auch. Eine Hand voll Superreicher halten nicht nur 78% des Barvermögens, sondern sind auch noch Eigentümer aller Zeitungen und sonstiger Medien. In der Volkswirtschaft spricht man auch von einem sog. Oligopol. Alles ist in der Hand von einigen, wenigen und die teilen sich den Markt und das Vermögen auf.

Du hast dies in allen Branchen mittlerweile: Internet, Handy, Festplatten, Waschmittel, Fernseher, Prozessoren, Grafikkarten, Strom, Bier, Wasser, Krankenhäuser, Automobile usw. Es ist also gar keine freie Marktwirtschaft mehr möglich, da jede Branche nur noch von max. 4 Anbietern beherrscht und aufgeteilt wird, und diese können sich super untereinander absprechen (Kartelle bilden).

Wie sagt ein Sprichwort: wer einen Teich trocken legen will, darf nicht die Frösche fragen, auch wenn sie so laut quaken wie die FDP. ;-)
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Edited 10 January 2021 - 4:36 pm by AaryanKing
AaryanKing wrote:
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trump supporters never disappoints
These are not the peaceful Trump supporters. These are the Antifa's you dumb****!

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Posted 10 January 2021 - 6:59 pm
Checking wrote:
K buddy.

@Sean brother just take a look of this thread, I think my point of view was right.
How do you come to that conclusion? The trump supporters on this thread are far more well read and educated than the trump haters. Even if you think Kasper is loony or crazy in some regard. I know for sure he can debate with better points than Amon or Kwin. Trump supporters from the right almost always get their information from the left side and the right so they know exactly what is happening and being said. People from the left basically live in an echo chamber where the media doesn't tell them lies. The world of politics isn't corrupt and politicians as a whole are genuinely good and honest people.

Living with a healthy amount of skepticism is how you should be. People should hold the government accountable for their words/actions as they have a long history of not backing their words & outright lying. I can't speak for everyone else but I'm from Toronto and im pretty sure PLO & Nightz are both from the same province I am. I can speak 100% that our media here is liberal and entirely bias in Ontario as well as Canada so I'm not surprised they think the way they do. They would actually need to do their own research how I did to find another answer and they likely just aren't into politics. They can reply to me and prove me wrong but that would be my guess.
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 7:26 pm
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 7:35 pm
+chris@voobly wrote:
Wie sagt ein Sprichwort: wer einen Teich trocken legen will, darf nicht die Frösche fragen, auch wenn sie so laut quaken wie die FDP. ;-)

rofl rofl rofl

In diesem speziellen Fall hätte mich schon die Meinung von dem Frosch interessiert ... ;grin

Wer Neoliberale dem linken Spectrum zuordnet, der wird Superliberale, zu denen er sich ja zählt, wohl nicht als links betrachten.

Ich hab ohnehin schon den Eindruck gewonnen, dass alle, die nicht den totalen Darwinismus huldigen, von vielen in den USA als Kommunisten angesehen werden.

Und dann maulen Sie auch noch rum, wenn es immer weiter bergab mit Ihnen geht. Sind es doch strenggenommen die eigenen Unternehmer gewesen, die die Güterproduktion aus Kostengründen nach Asien, insbesondere China, verlagert haben. Es entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Ironie, dass nun gerade ein Unternehmer, zu dem noch ein Psychopath, als der Heilsbringer verehrt wird ...

Das aber ein Kanadier, der in seinem eigenen Land eine mehr oder weniger kostlose Gesundheitsversorgung geniesst, in den USA die Abschaffung von Obamacare begrüsst und anderen bei jeder Gelegenheit Heuchelei unterstellt, ist, freundlich gesagt, schon ziemlich grenzwertig. Aber wahrscheinlich findet er auch dafür eine passende Lösung. Auf keinen Fall wird er sich als Heuchler bezeichnen, obwohl er genau das ist.

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Posted 10 January 2021 - 8:04 pm
rofl rofl rofl

In diesem speziellen Fall hätte mich schon die Meinung von dem Frosch interessiert ... ;grin

Wer Neoliberale dem linken Spectrum zuordnet, der wird Superliberale, zu denen er sich ja zählt, wohl nicht als links betrachten.

Ich hab ohnehin schon den Eindruck gewonnen, dass alle, die nicht den totalen Darwinismus huldigen, von vielen in den USA als Kommunisten angesehen werden.

Und dann maulen Sie auch noch rum, wenn es immer weiter bergab mit Ihnen geht. Sind es doch strenggenommen die eigenen Unternehmer gewesen, die die Güterproduktion aus Kostengründen nach Asien, insbesondere China, verlagert haben. Es entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Ironie, dass nun gerade ein Unternehmer, zu dem noch ein Psychopath, als der Heilsbringer verehrt wird ...

Das aber ein Kanadier, der in seinem eigenen Land eine mehr oder weniger kostlose Gesundheitsversorgung geniesst, in den USA die Abschaffung von Obamacare begrüsst und anderen bei jeder Gelegenheit Heuchelei unterstellt, ist, freundlich gesagt, schon ziemlich grenzwertig. Aber wahrscheinlich findet er auch dafür eine passende Lösung. Auf keinen Fall wird er sich als Heuchler bezeichnen, obwohl er genau das ist.

You keep getting slapped around even by your own country men, it must hurt you in some regard. The older and wiser guys who are German are giving you a lesson but your ego doesn't even let you accept that fact?

I know the difference between neo lib and progressive lib and I know they are not the same or even close. Progressive who support med4all are seen almost the same way that Conservatives are seen by neo lib's in the US. With Biden in office progressive voices will be shut down soon as well just like they were during the primaries where media treated Bernie and all people that think like him the way they treat Conservatives.

Also in what regard am I a hypocrite? I've stated that I support med4all. I already stated several times on this thread that I'm not a conservative. If anything I would be a libertarian but likely another party at some point will come up that will actually be a contender. The two party system is an utter failure and Trump is the best possible thing the US has seen for atleast half a century.

Also since you wanted to harp on Obama care and me being a hypocrite. Since you're a german and clearly dont know US politics the way Chris does ill give you a close run down of that.

If Obama care was as amazing as you claim and Obama as a President everyone would renown him as the savior of the United States doing the one thing that America doesn't have which most other countries do. It would single handedly be the best accomplishment by any sitting President I believe in US history. Yet it doesn't have that affect at all.

-Obama ran on Obama care claiming people would be able to keep their doctors (that was an outright lie)
-Obama ran on the prices of Obama care being reasonable (It's reasonable for the very wealthy, which is majority of DNC donors)
-The ACA made taxes go way way up which is another thing Obama didn't mention would happen as a result.
-You could be fined up to 2.5% of your yearly income just for not having the plan. Which is what many people chose to do, rather take a fine than Obama care, that is a yikes.
- The Premiums and actual amount you pay per month for the coverage on top of all your other expenses would make life much harder. In some cases it was like having to pay two rents every month before you paid any other bills.

Also incase you dont know Obama care had a plan where majority of the 'good doctors' or ones that are considered top in their field would not be part of this. So if you needed any special surgery or life changing type of operation you couldn't get that with Obama care to begin with. You'd still be paying for Obama care but you'd not be covered with Obama care should you need any special surgery.
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 8:41 pm
+kwin wrote:
lol, no Twitter anymore for Trump... With all his fake news, it's good but 4+ years too late ^^

I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO POST ALL THE FAKE NEWS TRUMP HAS SPREAD, POST IT OR LEAVE VOOBLY IN SHAME. Your just a plain liar. I'm gonna ask the real question here, are you gay or ****. Cause the evil you spew out is the same as they do.
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Edited 10 January 2021 - 8:49 pm by [s1L3nT]Amon__Amarth
... Obamacare (was a big failure) ...

The bill that the Republicans have introduced is particularly nasty. It's ice-cold and brutal. But they still celebrated it along with President Donald Trump.

How can anyone rejoice that pre-existing conditions like asthma, heart defects or cancer will only be insurable at extremely high premiums?

How can one celebrate that pregnancy may be considered a pre-existing condition?

How can one celebrate that rape and resulting post-traumatic stress disorder may fall into that category as well?

How can one celebrate that millions of Americans who currently have health insurance will be unable to afford it?

How can you live with the fact that many already can't afford the right drugs and have to buy them cheaply on the Dark Net?

Republicans like to stress they are Christians. Specially trump loves it to wave a bible into the camera ...But only when it suits them. Religious freedom is what they call it then.

Where's the charity in that? Shouldn't every Christian also think of others? And care for others? Share his possessions?

I often wonder how Republicans can look in the mirror in the morning. How can they sleep soundly at night?

Far too often in the U.S., people are faced with the decision of medical assistance or rent, gasoline and food.

I am glad to come from a country where we stand up for each other.

Cheers Trump supporters !
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 8:56 pm
The bill that the Republicans have introduced is particularly nasty. It's ice-cold and brutal. But they still celebrated it along with President Donald Trump.

How can anyone rejoice that pre-existing conditions like asthma, heart defects or cancer will only be insurable at extremely high premiums?

How can one celebrate that pregnancy may be considered a pre-existing condition?

How can one celebrate that rape and resulting post-traumatic stress disorder may fall into that category as well?

How can one celebrate that millions of Americans who currently have health insurance will be unable to afford it?

How can you live with the fact that many already can't afford the right drugs and have to buy them cheaply on the Dark Net?

Republicans like to stress they are Christians. Specially trump loves it to wave a bible into the camera ...But only when it suits them. Religious freedom is what they call it then.

Where's the charity in that? Shouldn't every Christian also think of others? And care for others? Share his possessions?

I often wonder how Republicans can look in the mirror in the morning. How can they sleep soundly at night?

Far too often in the U.S., people are faced with the decision of medical assistance or rent, gasoline and food.

I am glad to come from a country where we stand up for each other.

Cheers Trump supporters !
Okay so you just avoid everything I just said about Obamacare when I explained it to you and came up with another hit piece on only Republicans. Pretending like Democrats in the House & Senate never do any wrong and never have any part in the bad that goes on with politics.

You can't refute anything I said about Obama care on but that is literally the best solution the US has had, a solution which literally cripples and bankrupts middle class Americans. The only ones that can reasonably pay for it and live well are upper class Americans. I replied to you on the fact you called me a hypocrite because I said Obama care was a failure, which it was. I told you the reasons why it was a failure and then you do what neo lib's do daily. You wrote a bunch of **** that also can be said about them as well and just pointed the finger at Republicans and pretend like the problem is only one sided. I also said certain GOP people are reprehensible. Some Democrats are decent. For the most part both sides are corrupt and thats why they are known as 'the swamp'

Any decent candidates the DNC has a chance to put up, get ****ed over by the corrupt DNC swamp people that want things to go as their 'normal' Tulsi Gabbard & Bernie being the main two that come to mind who have been decent.
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 9:01 pm
I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO POST ALL THE FAKE NEWS TRUMP HAS SPREAD, POST IT OR LEAVE VOOBLY IN SHAME. Your just a plain liar. I'm gonna ask the real question here, are you gay or ****. Cause the evil you spew out is the same as they do.

are you even serious? 11
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Posted 10 January 2021 - 9:26 pm
Okay so you just avoid everything I just said about Obamacare when I explained it to you and came up with another hit piece on only Republicans. Pretending like Democrats in the House & Senate never do any wrong and never have any part in the bad that goes on with politics.

You can't refute anything I said about Obama care on but that is literally the best solution the US has had, a solution which literally cripples and bankrupts middle class Americans. The only ones that can reasonably pay for it and live well are upper class Americans. I replied to you on the fact you called me a hypocrite because I said Obama care was a failure, which it was. I told you the reasons why it was a failure and then you do what neo lib's do daily. You wrote a bunch of **** that also can be said about them as well and just pointed the finger at Republicans and pretend like the problem is only one sided. I also said certain GOP people are reprehensible. Some Democrats are decent. For the most part both sides are corrupt and thats why they are known as 'the swamp'

Any decent candidates the DNC has a chance to put up, get ****ed over by the corrupt DNC swamp people that want things to go as their 'normal' Tulsi Gabbard & Bernie being the main two that come to mind who have been decent.

Sorry Sean, but in the moment, i am outraged and need to calm down.

How can someone tolerate people who wears a hoodie with "camp ausschwitz. work bring freedom" and saying "we love you. you are very special" and claims he is a Christian ? Tell me, how is this possible ?

"Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

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Posted 10 January 2021 - 9:29 pm
Sorry Sean, but in the moment, i am outraged and need to calm down.

How can someone tolerate people who wears a hoodie with "camp ausschwitz. work bring freedom" and saying "we love you. you are very special" and claims he is a Christian ? Tell me, how is this possible ?

"Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
What are you even talking about? You do realize the KKK was a democratic idea and party right? Republicans were the party of the black people in the history of the United States. Your last post entirely confused me since I dont even think you know what you're talking about anymore.

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