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Something is going wrong between AOKTS and native interface
-Starting age not match
-View coordinates
-Number of teams
-Team choice checkbox
If i directly try to create a new game frome a file saved by aokts without modication and saving from game editor it may works but wrong, as host can only see all colors black, not blue or red in the lobby...
Im i the only one or ?
Edit: I reran it multiple times and it worked, not sure what went wrong the first time.
If i save a scenario with AOKTS
And if i open it with embed game editor
1) Feudal age become Castle age
2) Colors can be seen but they seems to be not really affected so i have to reassign each player its color
3) Sometimes, depending if the file was created from aokts or from game editor, the texts included in instructions, hints, victory, loss, history and scouts are or absent, or uneditable even if they are readable
4) Cannot create a game lobby, teams are unselectable and colors appear as black from the host view....
So i have to edit players infos and diplomacy, save with game editor and then it works.
But if i reopen with aokts it seems that it lost :
1) colors information
2) starting age (shifted)
3) sometimes lost view coordinates (don't remember how and when)
4) Lost checkbox "can choose team" (don't know it is named really in EN or US editor)
5) Lost the drop down information "number of teams"
Unfortunately i have bad news for you.
You should check the picture i attached to understand better what i draw than understand what i wrote... i try to do my best at English....
1) ok in this new version we can see colors and even play, but in fact colors are not stored in their right place in the file, it just need to open the original game editor to see it.
2) In the original game editor, colors are automatically assigned to a each player number when we define the max number players we want on the map, blue goes to p1, red goes to p2....
3) With AOKTS we cannot choose number of players, we can only by the checkbox "Active" but we can activate p1 deactivate p2 activate p3... this kind of things seems not reliable, if choose 3 players, only the first 3 players are activated, the better thing to do is a dropdownlist contains number of players, this dropdownlist should assign each player its right colors automatically, then we could change it if we want, and then the unused players editboxes and checkboxes should be disabled.
4) With AOKTS we cannot choose the number of teams
5) With AOKTS we cannot select or unselect the checkbox "choose teams"
6) A multiplayer created game seems to depend on 3) + 4) + 5)
7) As you can see on the picture, start age is not good.
9) Some saving values error occurs in the players tab
10) The name of empty triggers are not displayed in the triggers list, maybe it is just what you want and not a bug.
Of course i tested with a new empty scenario with last version you released
I hope i explained better this time.
Killed P1-8
Killed by P1-8
Razed P1-8
Razed by P1
These can be safely tributed.
Also if they could be added to work with duplicate for all players would be good.
Killed P1-8
Killed by P1-8
Razed P1-8
Razed by P1
These can be safely tributed.
Also if they could be added to work with duplicate for all players would be good.
Converts too.
Jizzy and Gallas:
Now it will only show "(display tribute warning)" when you are dealing with food, wood gold and stone.
I've also added a button between the source and target players that you can use to toggle the tribute warning.
Also the problem with duplicating effects is that duplicate only works on the source player, not target player.
To make it easier to do what you want I've added some buttons to let you select BySource of ByTarget.
I'll continue finishing the rest of the bugs
To disable the warnings about the resources all you need to do is change WeirdResource=0 in the ini file. I have changed the default for this as well.
Thx for updates
It seems working for the moment, just some things failed with files coming for previous AOKTS version but if created with AOKTS new version seems ok.
1) Locked teams not working in created lobby
2) All colors are displayed in blue instead of the right color
See pic below.