
Join Date: 24 June 2007
Edited 11 August 2013 - 4:41 am by +Elusive
This is still a work in progress but you are welcome to download it a try it. Please report any bugs you find.


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Each age has 3 towers, with all 12 being available at the imperial age. Each tower has its own strength and weakness, some are better versus high armour units, others better versus high HP units, etc.

Other Buildings:
Houses - There are 4 types of houses, ranging from 1-7 population and 100-400 wood cost.
Blacksmith - Holds all of the tower attack technologies.
University - Holds the age up technologies and misc technologies.
Advanced Research Center - Holds technologies to increase rate of foraging. You can also create villagers from it.
Sky Dock - Same as a market or dock, used for creatings and trading with flying trade units. Market and dock remain the same.

Trade Units:
There are 3 different trade routes and at least 3 different trade units to go on each. In the middle of the map is an island displaying them all with their stats. New units are unlocked each age and they all vary in price, speed, amount carried, and trade route.

Villager management is probably the most important aspect of the game.
Wood - Used for building non-military buildings and trade units.
Stone - Used for building towers
Gold - Used for technology and creating new villagers
Food - Food is useless and is automatically tributed away. However the forage bushes will give your team rewards on completion. Rewards include hero trade units, villagers and technology making your opponents enemy stronger.

There is a total of 40 levels, made up of 5 different types of level.
1. Standard - 30 units walk in a group along the path to the end.
2. Bonus - 15 trees, gold mines and stone mines will travel town the path. For every unit you kill you will be rewarded with the corresponding resource (killing a tree would give you wood). It will be tributed to all of your team. Bonus level units are much stronger than previous levels, but if units from a bonus level make it to the end it will not hurt you.
3. Boss - 1 very strong unit, follows the path to end.
4. Flyer - 20 flying units will fly directly from the spawn point to the end point. They will not follow the paths and will fly directly over towers.
5. Dinosaur - 30 Dinosaurs will walk directly from the spawn point to the end point. However unlike the flyers, they have to walk around towers.

Civ Bonuses:
Vikings: All Ships are half price
Mongols: Trade Birds are half price
Celts: Lumberjacks work 2x faster
Spanish: Builders work 2x faster
Aztecs: Trade Riders carry 2x Gold
Mayans: Dark Age Towers are half price
Huns: Pavilions are half price
Koreans: Stone miners work 2x faster and Watch Tower range +1 Castle, +2 Imperial Age
Britons: +5 Attack to all Towers
Franks: Feudal Age Towers are half price
Goths: Hand Carts cost 1 Wood
Teutons: Foragers work 50% faster
Japanese: Castle Age Towers are half price
Chinese: Technologies cost -20% Feudal Age, -30% Castle Age, -40% Imperial Age
Byzantines: All Ages cost -33%
Persians:Trade Elephants move 2x Faster
Saracens: No tax at market
Turks: Gold miners work 2x faster

Terrains and graphics taken from SWGB
Graphics taken from Age of Chivalry by Kor Bosch and Andrew Dunn
Graphics taken from LOTR BOME by BOME team
Spiral map idea by Basse
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 [ TD ]browncrown50

Join Date: 7 February 2010
Edited 9 April 2012 - 10:31 pm by [ TD ]browncrown50
So far, viking and mayan bonuses don't work, and game crashes after some of those forages adding armour and hp to enemy units
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Join Date: 19 December 2009
Posted 10 April 2012 - 6:55 am
japanese and frank bonuses dont work either
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Edited 10 April 2012 - 9:48 am by Rambit
So far, viking and mayan bonuses don't work, and game crashes after some of those forages adding armour and hp to enemy units
Armour too? Hmmmm
At the end the really high amount of armor makes it so the quality of the towers doesn't matter. It just makes it so whoever has the most wins. We just built a long chain of basic towers and won at the end just because their enemy got to their end faster. I think if you lowered the armor, and bumped up the hp/speed it would be better.
I can't add any more HP or they would be over 32000 if you get all the forage bushes. I'm gussing you intentionally didn't get any to avoid bugs? Although I could remove some bushes and increase the HP of the end units if it is still an issue once they are fixed.

Just as a side note, rapid towers would have been better than the dark towers if that is the case. And/Or chu ko nu towers.
Another idea would be to make the dead ID of the megarams be some really fast unit, which then dies.
Hmmmm. Could go the other way and make the unit slower, and then make and even slower one inside that etc etc. So it is inevitable that they will make it to the end but the more you kill the bigger the delay.

Actually, I task the whole map to the end point every 60 seconds and when a unit dies it's dead unit will not walk until tasked again. So could just have them have themselves as a dead unit.
also to get the max ap at the end, you only really need the free hero trade units. Thats all I used this game and i had more then enough gold all game (without other trade).
Yeah I could look into nerfing the hero trade or increasing tower attack prices, especially at imperial age. Although again with you not using the forage bushes, you had no use for the tech in the Advanced Research Center. But people who did have a good trade could have got new villagers while you couldn't.
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 [ TD ]browncrown50

Join Date: 7 February 2010
Edited 10 April 2012 - 5:26 pm by [ TD ]browncrown50
ok, armour bushes for top team, bottom row, second from left, crashes game. (not sure if first or second bush, check them both...)
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Posted 11 April 2012 - 8:12 am
Are dinos still dying by themselves?
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Join Date: 19 December 2009
Posted 11 April 2012 - 5:41 pm
The game doesnt really go long enough to use the advanced research building effectively....

once you get to imp most people can only get 20% speed for foraging maybe 2 or 3 times before the final unit gets spawned
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Posted 11 April 2012 - 9:54 pm
Hmmm okay I will look into spreading out the levels a bit more. Personally I have never played a game where anyone got to imperial age so it could definitely use it.
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:14 am
They are 1 minute apart mostly. Will just add on 30 seconds to each. It will slightly extend the game while making less units catch up to the level before it. That and as I said before I can't add more HP without removing some forage bushes, so i'm happy with the levels as they are. I don't see it ever being too easy considering you can make it more difficuly for the other team if you have spare villagers.
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Join Date: 19 December 2009
Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:59 am
assuming that the game stops crashing for the berry upgrades
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Edited 12 April 2012 - 2:02 am by Rambit
Version 9 Changes:
  • Island added showing all the towers + trade units along with how much they carry and how fast they are
  • Added 30 second delay between each level
  • Forage bushes hopefully fixed
  • Mega Rams now get reincarnated
  • Offensive forage bushes have twice as much food
  • Hand carts and Trade carts carry more gold
  • Viking, Mayan, Japanese and Franks civ bonuses all fixed
  • Fire Tower Fixed

Possible to do list:
  • Add forage bushes for: More hero trade units, Spells, + Total HP to the tower you need to keep alive, Packed hero tower
  • Add new techs for Imperial Age: More tower attack, Increase speed of trade units, Increase how much trade units carry
  • Change power tower to have normal reload time but manual attack only?

As far as the builder bug goes, only solution is to restrict the villagers to only walking on the grass. Even if I significantly increase their speed it would take some time to reach the middle. Also would mean you could get boxed in like normal TD's. What would everyone prefer?
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Join Date: 4 July 2010
Posted 12 April 2012 - 4:36 am
Love Mod v9. Now that bushes work correctly, will be super fun to play.
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 [ TD ]browncrown50

Join Date: 7 February 2010
Edited 12 April 2012 - 9:27 pm by [ TD ]browncrown50
the 10% hp bush, 5000 food (left one) of top team doesnt work
and mega rams, for top team at least, when they die, they resurrect lol...they gain full hp and continue on their way...not sure theyre supposed to do that?
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Posted 12 April 2012 - 10:20 pm
the 10% hp bush, 5000 food (left one) of top team doesnt work
Okay thanks i'll take a look.
and mega rams, for top team at least, when they die, they resurrect lol...they gain full hp and continue on their way...not sure theyre supposed to do that?
Yes that is supposed to happen. Idea behind that is when they die the new one wont be tasked to the end point. There is a tasker every 60 seconds so depending on your luck it will be standing around just getting in the way of the others for 1-59 seconds. Although I do plan on reducing their speed to be the same as the other rams, and probably the hp also.

Also, had a good think about the forage bushes and think I have come up with a solution. You can make it quite difficult at the beginning but the forage bushes get a bit too big after that. So I am going to massively reduce the prices of the +foraging speed. All the way to the point where 10k would double the foraging speed.

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Join Date: 9 June 2011
Posted 13 April 2012 - 8:52 pm
hello :) i've played many times this cool game and i would like to say my opinion ^^
i truly liked that game but let me say that everytime i played it.... it ended the same way :P in final wave!!
also playing 1v3.... i lost only cause enemy team had chance to take food from +%speed so my megarams were much faster than their!!

- AP
i think game needs more expensive technologies to up the AP of towers!!
as already said before all technos can be researched just using the big hero trade ship, so any eco and team strategy is superficial since everything is reduced to take the big ship ^^
it would be also nice to have more tecnos as etching rate or just more AP tecnos!!
and why not we could introduce bushes that decreases the enemy team towers AP!

- towers costs
in each game i've played all i had to do was have sumthing like 50 accursed towers near the monster spawn area to own every wave.... this way it kills 99% of enemyes as they get into map,and the 1% as they pass through the first spiral!! even if the enemy team picks negatives bushes it makes no differences :P
so i suggest to increase the cost of every tower aswell!! if i'm not wrong the difference between accursed and standard tower is just 5rock :/ maybe creating more prize differences between towers would be great!

- 1000HP bushes 10%hp bushes
well.... this is very funny :D u did 1000hp bushes with 10000food and 10% bushes with 5000food.... there are not enemy units with more than 5000hp so take 2 bushes of 10% = (20%) will be always worst than take 1 bush of 100o hp , right? ^^
i bet u did this with the mean of take them as combo.... but those bushes have huge ammount of food!!! also with +300% of foraging speed it's not possible to take more than 30000 food from those :P so take the +10% hp bushes will be still inconvenient.... we need more time for that :D
solutions could be:
less food on bushes
cheaper vills!!
cheaper foraging speed bonuses
more waves (yes plz)

omg mate why are vills so expensive??? mathematically speaking it doesnt worth the effort!!!
since we can efford advanced town center costs only after booming trade economy, those vills and tecnos are usefull only to take food from bushes!!!
only after wave 32/33 this can be done also with trade boomers civs celts persians or goths...
vill = 20k gold
+30% foraging speed = 14k
if i'm using 10 vills to take food from brushes => +30% foraging means 13 vills speed
if i'm using 10 vills to take food from brushes => +1 vill = 11 vills speed
i wasted 6Kgold to have -2 vills :D that's really great!!!!
i really think this map needs to allow vills booming!!!

why is food useless? cmon man we have 1000k of food to take and all we can do is sell it on maket?!?
we should be able to pay new vills with food!!! that would be a great idea think about it!!! maybe 4000 or 5000 food for a vill!!! this would fix many situations!!!

since there is not the possibility to boom vills or to have more vills very fast.... economy just sucks, there is no strategy :D
to boom trade everybody goes for wood, and keep a couple of vills on rock.... everything else is useless!!also doing boom of towers it will be 3builders and other miners.... nothing will change in the end :P
gold mine is totally useless,also turks fails since trade is much more better than it
i think the key right now would be to let have vills, cheaper vills maybe arround 5000 food would be great!!
we should also have some tecno to up wood cut and minerals extraction!!! my idea is to use food to pay them, maybe in castle age into advanced towncenter!!! or why not they could be bushes!!!

ok i was very critical, but i still really really love this game :D i hope you guys can make it the ''voobly'' td :) you already implemented many many old mod already done out there, keep it up you're faboulos ;)

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