Bad news. This is the full contents of your file, decoded from hex. There's no scenario data after this text in the file you gave me.
1.21.........?.X....[E] Empire Defence v1,0 made by: Heblem....Host Configurations:..Game type: Standard..Velocity:Fast..Player 8 civ: Sarracens (not other)..HOST IF YOU ARE HUNS, DELETE THE OUTPOST IN YOUR SETTINGS, IF YOU ARE NOT DONT DO THAT!!!..Remember if you are host, you have to be 100% honest, thanks!....What is the antiblock system? ..The antiblock system is a small trigger that kills your units in the front in case if you are blocking more than 100player 8 units, for avoid this situation you have to be killing constantly (dont use many rams for block, just the necesary), if your unites get killed by that trigger is possible that the enemie kills your castle... watch out.....antiblock system is active, if you are blocking more than 100 p8 units you lose!!! read hints for more info.....How to play? Keep your castle alive than others trough 7 levels and 10 stages (total of 70 stages) if u lost your castleu die if more than 2 persons survive the last level they LOSE!!!! buy terrible stages for your allies and defeat them. This is a race game.....How do I win? Resist at enemy attacks, and make another people lose...How do I lose? Lost your castle..What kind of game is this? This is a race game, racing for gold and best defense bases...Which one isthe best defense, towers or units? Use both because this game is really hard; upgrade your units and towers with gold...How do I get gold? With the few gold u got at behind,buy villagers, trade, get relics and buy gold bonus to get more gold.....Why my allies have different things, or more units than me? That's because this game have a civilization attributes, each one have a different strategy and way to defense your own.....How do I active my civ attributes? Make a unit in your castle and it active automatically...Which civ is the best? Read next page for better instructions, all civs are good, but have different starts... I suggest you Aztecs, Britons, Koreans, Mayans and Turks..Whycivilization attributes? To make people pick different civilizations in this game.....How do I get units? There isnot store. Make units at your castle, barracks, stables and archer's academy etc. You can get units until level 2...Why I have to make units? That idea take different stratsand it make works the civ attributes.......Chage mod against computer only block the "ruin a player store" and change to final victory.....Pick different bonus at begining.....Be carefully when u pick your civilization.....Make your own, and show to all which one is the best empire.......Thanks for playing!....If u don't like this for the petards and sabs after level 4, do not edit this, u can unblock it at host options by delething the outpost.....Those units make this game special.....If u want to edit it, sorry, make your own scenario but not using this map!....................
Thank you!
It works semi-well, for example, I can play the map but I can not open it anymore in the official editor after editing on AoKTS xD (makes the game crash)
Still, it helps me a lot to have this tool so I basically just edit everything on my map with this little software
-Fix inverted map scrolling (I scroll up, the map goes down, and if I scroll down the map goes up)
-In trigger condition "AI Signal" in virtual type "Taunt" if I set signaller for example player p1, then in condition description it will say "player 2 taunted..."
-Set rotation for all units of a player (and Frame too)
-Add Repeat Ref over area -> Triggers (multiply the effects to every square of the target area in the reference trigger, OR multiply the reference trigger to every square of the target area)
Some of the disabled unit dont show up for example trade cart.
Also for some reason it says bearded axe is disabled in the map editor it defantly isnt disabled.
-If I move up an effect in a trigger, it won't save its place
-If I move a trigger with mouse, it won't save its place
-If I save map as other name, and then reopen/resave it, sometimes it opens the old file
-If I do something in the Map section, the 0;0 terrain gets corrupted (black), and it causes game crash
-Sometimes I cannot save map because it says its "Protected map", while its not
-Cannot change type for just one unit, not for all
-At unit positions cannot write 5 digit number (for example 100,75 won't work)
-If I copy a damage object effect, it won't copy its area
For reasons Microsoft doesn't provide the download for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86).
Here is in installer for the future.
Perhaps Gallas or someone can add it to the original post.
Bigger Resolution needed
MINI MAP, cant read for ****. after 2700 triggers cant see anything
Need to fix occasional error of TS saving the scenario file without RAJA files
More Functionality with COPY AND DUPLICATE TRIGGER
How to replace .per file (scenario difficulty.per) in scenario file? In Trigger Studio possible only extract this files but not import. I need edit default scenario in compaings.
1.21.........?.X....[E] Empire Defence v1,0 made by: Heblem....Host Configurations:..Game type: Standard..Velocity:Fast..Player 8 civ: Sarracens (not other)..HOST IF YOU ARE HUNS, DELETE THE OUTPOST IN YOUR SETTINGS, IF YOU ARE NOT DONT DO THAT!!!..Remember if you are host, you have to be 100% honest, thanks!....What is the antiblock system? ..The antiblock system is a small trigger that kills your units in the front in case if you are blocking more than 100player 8 units, for avoid this situation you have to be killing constantly (dont use many rams for block, just the necesary), if your unites get killed by that trigger is possible that the enemie kills your castle... watch out.....antiblock system is active, if you are blocking more than 100 p8 units you lose!!! read hints for more info.....How to play? Keep your castle alive than others trough 7 levels and 10 stages (total of 70 stages) if u lost your castleu die if more than 2 persons survive the last level they LOSE!!!! buy terrible stages for your allies and defeat them. This is a race game.....How do I win? Resist at enemy attacks, and make another people lose...How do I lose? Lost your castle..What kind of game is this? This is a race game, racing for gold and best defense bases...Which one isthe best defense, towers or units? Use both because this game is really hard; upgrade your units and towers with gold...How do I get gold? With the few gold u got at behind,buy villagers, trade, get relics and buy gold bonus to get more gold.....Why my allies have different things, or more units than me? That's because this game have a civilization attributes, each one have a different strategy and way to defense your own.....How do I active my civ attributes? Make a unit in your castle and it active automatically...Which civ is the best? Read next page for better instructions, all civs are good, but have different starts... I suggest you Aztecs, Britons, Koreans, Mayans and Turks..Whycivilization attributes? To make people pick different civilizations in this game.....How do I get units? There isnot store. Make units at your castle, barracks, stables and archer's academy etc. You can get units until level 2...Why I have to make units? That idea take different stratsand it make works the civ attributes.......Chage mod against computer only block the "ruin a player store" and change to final victory.....Pick different bonus at begining.....Be carefully when u pick your civilization.....Make your own, and show to all which one is the best empire.......Thanks for playing!....If u don't like this for the petards and sabs after level 4, do not edit this, u can unblock it at host options by delething the outpost.....Those units make this game special.....If u want to edit it, sorry, make your own scenario but not using this map!....................
Is it possible to update it for Rise of the Rajas please ?
Thank you in advance !
It works semi-well, for example, I can play the map but I can not open it anymore in the official editor after editing on AoKTS xD (makes the game crash)
Still, it helps me a lot to have this tool so I basically just edit everything on my map with this little software
Bufs to fix:
-Fix inverted map scrolling (I scroll up, the map goes down, and if I scroll down the map goes up)
-In trigger condition "AI Signal" in virtual type "Taunt" if I set signaller for example player p1, then in condition description it will say "player 2 taunted..."
-Set rotation for all units of a player (and Frame too)
-Add Repeat Ref over area -> Triggers (multiply the effects to every square of the target area in the reference trigger, OR multiply the reference trigger to every square of the target area)
Also for some reason it says bearded axe is disabled in the map editor it defantly isnt disabled.
-If I move a trigger with mouse, it won't save its place
-If I save map as other name, and then reopen/resave it, sometimes it opens the old file
-If I do something in the Map section, the 0;0 terrain gets corrupted (black), and it causes game crash
-Sometimes I cannot save map because it says its "Protected map", while its not
-Cannot change type for just one unit, not for all
-At unit positions cannot write 5 digit number (for example 100,75 won't work)
-If I copy a damage object effect, it won't copy its area
Here is in installer for the future.
Perhaps Gallas or someone can add it to the original post.
Bigger Resolution needed
MINI MAP, cant read for ****. after 2700 triggers cant see anything
Need to fix occasional error of TS saving the scenario file without RAJA files
More Functionality with COPY AND DUPLICATE TRIGGER