People talk and talk to you, but besides all your 'quoting' and "polite answering" there's nothing in your (gigantic) Text that IMPLIES LOGIC. It simply follows YOUR LOGIC.
Here's how the process works: People disagree with you ALOT, tell you why, make it clear why
> And you reply with a "QUOTECONTRADICTING YOU COMPLETELY" +adding a simple praise to whoever disagrees with you like: "yes your are right about this" and suddendly
> You show ur true self, ONLY IN EACH POST 3-4 ENDIND LINES, making ur point the only one AVAILABLE AND VALID and throwing away anything said contrary to your opinion.
Although you seem to be in canada, there's a whole lot of USA attitude in you (i dont mean this in a good way, there is no good way to it nowadays)
and dont take me wrong, i still love you. But only because ur in here and part of mm2, coz i dont know u personally and i would probably attack you instinctively, in a face-to-face encounter
lets hope we dont meet
No, i don't have terrible mood swings from one post to another or multiple personallity. I just read a lot between this and my previous (upthere) post.
Just found this list of the goldenlist files from the AC information thread here >>> 2) MM2's Golden List - these are file APPROVED to be enhancements that do not touch in-game vehicle physics (have removed the link).
So I thought oh cool we got some nice addons that make mm2 look good. Just tried the shadermod with ac on and Nada, this file is not allowed ....
The point of making the list and files available surely is like YAY... but the outcome is an epic fail lol Any reason for this??
yeah apparently the file was larger than expected - so i think elusive removed it from list of approved files, if you guys want it ill request him to add it to the approved list
yeah apparently the file was larger than expected - so i think elusive removed it from list of approved files, if you guys want it ill request him to add it to the approved list
np we still have the option of ac off so no biggie
ok as i dont play on voobly much more (hamachi best for modders)(and as i dont play here much more i wont hav problems giving away possible cheating ideas ^^) i will say a thing that i think it could just get over this system: i dont know how this system works, i think it scans mm2 directory to see if theres different files on (and scans inside core files maybe?) but what if i just edit files from the core, make a new core modified, delete the default core, all files on the new ccore are in the same amount, same name, of the original one, core has same name but epicly MODDED TO CHEAT? ^^
So we get as example: open the [You must login to view link], extact vpbus.vehcardamage, edit it to make bus invencible, copy all other files from the original core and this edited vpbus.vehcardamage to a folder, convert that folder into a new [You must login to view link], replace this new with the original old one from mm2. All files have same name, the only things that changed are the values INSIDE the vehcardamage file. DOes this system prevent that?
if you change anything about the game your cheating deal with your anti cheat choke on it hahhaah !!!!
if u change the maps or anything your cheating !!!!!! stop cheating and enjoy yourselves lol !!!!!
People talk and talk to you, but besides all your 'quoting' and "polite answering" there's nothing in your (gigantic) Text that IMPLIES LOGIC. It simply follows YOUR LOGIC.
Here's how the process works: People disagree with you ALOT, tell you why, make it clear why
> And you reply with a "QUOTECONTRADICTING YOU COMPLETELY" +adding a simple praise to whoever disagrees with you like: "yes your are right about this" and suddendly
> You show ur true self, ONLY IN EACH POST 3-4 ENDIND LINES, making ur point the only one AVAILABLE AND VALID and throwing away anything said contrary to your opinion.
Although you seem to be in canada, there's a whole lot of USA attitude in you (i dont mean this in a good way, there is no good way to it nowadays)
and dont take me wrong, i still love you. But only because ur in here and part of mm2, coz i dont know u personally and i would probably attack you instinctively, in a face-to-face encounter
lets hope we dont meet
No, i don't have terrible mood swings from one post to another or multiple personallity. I just read a lot between this and my previous (upthere) post.
So I thought oh cool we got some nice addons that make mm2 look good. Just tried the shadermod with ac on and Nada, this file is not allowed ....
The point of making the list and files available surely is like YAY... but the outcome is an epic fail lol
np we still have the option of ac off so no biggie
So we get as example: open the [You must login to view link], extact vpbus.vehcardamage, edit it to make bus invencible, copy all other files from the original core and this edited vpbus.vehcardamage to a folder, convert that folder into a new [You must login to view link], replace this new with the original old one from mm2. All files have same name, the only things that changed are the values INSIDE the vehcardamage file. DOes this system prevent that?
Just keep it ****ing SIMPLE or ppl will give it up... im so fkn close to it
guess what no sailing empty lobby.....
someone will get the you are a cheater message lol .
if u change the maps or anything your cheating !!!!!! stop cheating and enjoy yourselves lol !!!!!