Code of Conduct
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As part of Voobly's commitment to making [You must login to view link] a great place to meet and interact with others around the world, we require that you abide by our Code of Conduct. Your commitment to this Code of Conduct in all [You must login to view link] game lobbies, game rooms, messenger, bulletin board services, chat rooms, public social network web sites, forums run by [You must login to view link], and forums ensures a positive experience for all our users.
Specific communities, chats, events, and discussion groups may also have additional guidelines that govern your use, so be sure to review them in addition to this Code of Conduct. Voobly is not responsible for the content or activities in any user-created, non-Voobly-managed program or website.
All activity on [You must login to view link] is also governed by the Voobly Terms of Use. To read the [You must login to view link] Terms of Use, please click here.
Recommended age for Voobly members
[You must login to view link] is a general-purpose site and is designed for use by individuals who are 13 years of age or older. Some content and links on the Internet may contain adult content and may not be suitable for children. We encourage parents to join their children as they surf and explore the Internet.
Keep It Legal
- Voobly does not allow any illegal activities. Voobly is not responsible for anything you say on [You must login to view link], or for any consequences that arise from what you say. If you break the law, you alone will be responsible for the consequences.
- You cannot use [You must login to view link] to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene,
or other unlawful material, images, text, or information.
- You may not use [You must login to view link] services for chats relating to illegal drugs or illegal purposes.
- You may not use any chat, profile, or other [You must login to view link] service for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct.
- Do not post links to any materials (including software and other information) that could harm (or is designed to harm) other users' computers or would allow others to inappropriately access software or Web sites.
Play Nice
We encourage our members to treat each other with mutual respect. Do not use any of the [You must login to view link] chat, messenger, or message features to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others or hack their accounts.
Choose an Appropriate Voobly Nickname
Do not use an inappropriate nickname. Nicknames are also known as Member IDs, nicks, nicknames, or handles. [You must login to view link] reserves the right to remove any nickname it deems inappropriate for any reason.
- Inappropriate [You must login to view link] Nicknames can include those that in any way look like, sound like, stand for, hint at, abbreviate, or insinuate any of the following: profanity, sexual content, slurs (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities.
- Nicknames that reference controversial religious topics, notorious people or organizations, or sensitive current or historical events may also be considered inappropriate if they are deemed to be disruptive.
Harassment/inappropriate language
- [You must login to view link] inappropriate language can include any language that in any way looks like, sounds like, stands for, hints at, abbreviates, or insinuates any of the following: profanity, sexual content (including but not limited to explicit language, sexual innuendo, sexual content, or references to sexual preferences), slurs (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities.
- Language that references controversial religious topics, notorious people or organizations, or sensitive current or historical events may also be considered inappropriate if it is deemed to be disruptive.
- Voobly reserves the right to revoke the membership of anyone who advocates or encourages expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. [You must login to view link] does not tolerate racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs.
- Voobly does not tolerate disruptive activity online or statements that incite others to violate this Code of Conduct or participate in illegal activities.
- Do not use profanity or sexually explicit language on [You must login to view link] or in its forums.
- Threatening or harassing tournament hosts, [You must login to view link] Member Pluses, [You must login to view link] Community Managers, and [You must login to view link] employees is prohibited and can result in immediate termination of your [You must login to view link] account.
- If you post Web links or URLs in the lobby or game chat that point to content deemed inappropriate by [You must login to view link] Member Pluses or Community Managers, you could have your [You must login to view link] chat and game privileges revoked.
Misrepresentation of a Voobly member
Impersonation of [You must login to view link] Member Pluses, Community Managers, or staff members is prohibited. Falsely representing yourself as a [You must login to view link] employee, Community Manager, or Member Plus can result in immediate termination of your [You must login to view link] account.
Hacking/disruptive or destructive software/cheating
- [You must login to view link] does not allow the posting of destructive software, use of computer programs that contain destructive features, or access to any content such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or bots for the use of scrolling, showing multiple screens, and other activities that can be disruptive to online communication.
- Disruptive behavior may lead to your removal from a game area and even revocation of your [You must login to view link] membership.
- Cheating in games is prohibited unless a Host has deliberately enabled cheats for use in the game. Those users caught cheating may suffer suspension from [You must login to view link] and, if they are caught cheating in a rated game room, manipulation of their game ratings.
- Locking or stalling a player's game is considered disruptive behavior and may result in the offender being removed from the game lobbies.
- You are empowered to remove spectators, boot players, and otherwise enforce the Code of Conduct at individual game rooms. [You must login to view link] Member Pluses may be available to help with disruptive or abusive players but do not monitor or enforce the Code of Conduct at individual game rooms except during a tournament.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow inappropriate access to [You must login to view link] rooms, lobbies, private chats, or any other online resources through the use of hacking programs and/or methods.
Abusing public communications tools/spamming
- Any non-game-related conversation that takes up a substantial amount of the lobby chat space and prevents users from finding a game partner should be moved to private game tables or private chats. You are welcome to advertise, and encourage people to join in, these discussions within the lobbies, but please be reasonable about the frequency with which you do so. Continuation of lengthy conversations in the main lobby area can be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct. Given that it is so easy to move to a private table and people are welcome to announce this in the lobby, we expect that this won't be a problem.
- Please avoid excessive shouting (use of all-caps) or flooding (continuous posting of repetitive text) in [You must login to view link] Chat areas or on our forums. Flooding is defined as any rapid or high-volume posting that interferes with other people's ability to converse.
- Voobly reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, from any or all areas of [You must login to view link] for spamming, flooding, or otherwise abusing the public communication tools.
Member Plus
Learn about the Member Plus program by clicking [You must login to view link].
- [You must login to view link]'s Code of Conduct and Terms of Use apply equally to all [You must login to view link] users, including Member Pluses.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow Member Pluses to compete under their + nicknames in Voobly.com-hosted tournaments, sweepstakes, or other events.
- [You must login to view link] does allow Member Pluses to compete under their non-+ nicknames in Voobly.com-hosted tournaments, sweepstakes, or other events.
- [You must login to view link] may allow Member Pluses to compete under their + or non-+ nicknames in user-run tournaments at the tournament host's discretion.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow Member Pluses to be affiliated with a team or clan under their + nickname.
- [You must login to view link] does allow Member Pluses to be affiliated with a team or clan under their non-+ nickname.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow Member Pluses to intrude themselves into any on Voobly.com-hosted games or handle any game complaints.
- [You must login to view link] Member Pluses and [You must login to view link] are not responsible for any damage or loss of data as a result of their offering technical or operational advice in any chat area, message, e-mail letter, or help room, or such advice by any other method of electronic or voice communications.
- [You must login to view link], in its sole discretion, reserves the right to remove the command privileges of any Member Plus at any time without notice. Without limiting the foregoing, [You must login to view link] retains the right to deny service to any Member Plus who violates the CoC or Terms of Use.
- Abuse of any Member Plus privileges may result in the immediate revocation of Member Plus status and may result in the loss of [You must login to view link] accounts.
- You may only be registered as a Member Plus under one nickname. Duplicate entries into the program will be discarded.
Member Plus Strike Policy
Throughout all of the orientation Materials, you probably noticed statements regarding "abuse of this privilege can result in your removal from the [You must login to view link] voluntary program" or some other variation of the same idea.
We do not like to remove tokens, but as the facilitators of the [You must login to view link] voluntary program, it is our responsibility to ensure that all Voobly Member Pluses abide by the Code of Conduct by [You must login to view link] and that users, that violate intentionally the Code of Conduct are subsequently removed.
For the majority of abuses of [You must login to view link] Member Plus privileges, the Member Plus in question will be notified that he/she has been given a "strike" or warning. We feel this is the best thing to do given that at times, Member Pluses break the CoC because they did not clearly understand the rules, and we feel that these Member Pluses deserve a chance to get it right. If a certain number of strikes accrue within a certain amount of time, however, then the Member Plus is removed. After a set amount of time of "good behavior" strikes will no longer be associated with a particular Member Plus account.
Please note, to best protect your Member Plus account, we strongly encourage you to keep records of the use of any Member Plus privilege. More specifically, it's best that the logs are kept for one month and that they have at least 50 lines of chat history preceding the use of a command. Additional information by way of screenshots is helpful as well. When in doubt, it is better to have too much information in your logs, than too little.
Why the focus on logging? Well, as needed, you may be asked to provide information pertaining to a specific use of a privilege. We receive numerous logs from users, some of which are not 100% accurate. We do our best to verify the concerns expressed, based on information that [You must login to view link] keeps, however that is not always enough. As such, additional information is sometimes needed. Bear in mind, as always, we will act on information that is verifiable. If you do not have logs of specific uses of Member Plus privileges, it could result in a strike. As such, we strongly recommend that protect your Member Plus account and that you keep logs (50 lines of text or more) whenever you use a command on another user.
This process applies to actions on [You must login to view link] and [You must login to view link] services as well. [You must login to view link] Member Plus accounts and player nicks will be subject to this process.
Of course, certain infractions will still result in an immediate removal of one's token. These infractions include:
- Incidents considered to be illegal activity are exempt from the Strike process as it can constitute an immediate threat to all users.
- This would include, but is not limited to posting of sexual content, destructive links, or hack attempts - will not be reinstated into the program.
- Using tools on another Member Plus (this type of infraction is up to the discretion of the Voobly Committee Lead and will be reviewed before a final verdict is made).
- Suspected hacked accounts will still be pulled in order to prevent abuses by a would be hacker - will still be able to re-enroll into the program upon review.
- Usage of any Member Plus tools while the game is in progress. This rule won’t apply, if the game is part of a tournament and played in a [You must login to view link] tournament lobby, where the tournament host has decided to end the game.
- Violations of the Traffic-Light-Protocol (TLP) (this type of infraction is up to the discretion of the Voobly Committee Lead and will be reviewed before a final verdict is made).
Organized Events
There are three areas on each multiplayer game page for organized events: Tournament Rooms, Special Events Rooms, and Function Rooms.
Tournament Rooms
- Tournaments are hosted or monitored by a Member Plus (+) and conducted in Tournament Rooms. No cash-value prizes may be awarded.
- All tournaments held on [You must login to view link] must be hosted by or monitored by a Member Plus (+) and conducted in the provided tournament rooms located in each game area.
- Tournaments can be held in two ways: scheduled and spur.
- Scheduled tournaments must be listed on the "Tournaments & Events" page and must be held in their designated tournament room.
- Spur tournaments are tournaments that a Member Plus decides to host or monitor at the spur of the moment. These events are not put into the tournament schedule, as there is generally no time to do so. All Spur tournaments must be held in designated Spur tournament rooms.
- The tournament host may prohibit or remove any player from participating in their tournament for violations of [You must login to view link] Code of Conduct or [You must login to view link] Terms of Use agreement, or for persistent disruptive conduct during tournaments.
Special Event Rooms
- Special events are hosted by @voobly staff and are conducted in Special Event rooms. These special events often reward winners with tangible cash-value prizes. Examples of special events include Spotlights, Showcases, and unique promotional tournaments and events.
- Participation is limited to players who meet the eligibility requirements posted in the rules for each special event. Players who do not meet eligibility rules and yet still participate may be removed from the special event without notice.
- Additional rules concerning conduct and game play may be posted prior to the special event.
- You can find a listing of special events on the "Tournaments & Events" page for each game.
- Special Events may also be conducted in a game lobby.
Function Rooms
- Functions include, but are not limited to, unofficial leagues, ladders, and group events. To clarify, some people who play on [You must login to view link] have created their own ladders, leagues, or groups. Function Rooms are provided for these people to play their games on Voobly.com.
- Unofficial leagues, ladders, and groups are not in any way affiliated with, nor are they endorsed or supported by Voobly.com. You must clearly communicate this to all of your participants if you run an unofficial league, ladder, or group event and choose to play your games on Voobly.com.
- To prevent confusion, you are not permitted to use or display any Voobly or [You must login to view link] trademarks or logos on any league, ladder, or group Web site.
- If you run an unofficial league, ladder, or group event and choose to award prizes, you may not announce them or present them in the games, in the lobbies, or anywhere else on Voobly.com.
- [You must login to view link] does not endorse and is not responsible for the awarding of prizes for unofficial league, ladder, or group game play.
- Function Rooms are available to all [You must login to view link] members who would like to facilitate an unofficial league, ladder or group event; please share nicely. Intimidating or harassing people to try and get a room exclusively can result in removal from Voobly.com.
- Spur Tournament Rooms or Tournament Rooms may be used, if no Function Rooms are available. All matches must be played on the VCOM ladder in a [You must login to view link] tournament lobby. The usage of game lobbies however require the express consent of a [You must login to view link] Community Manager.
Tournament Guidelines
- A [You must login to view link] Member Plus may host in any room of their choice at any time adhering to the Tournament Guidelines.
- Hosts may not start with the preparation of another tournament in case one of their ongoing tournaments is on hold, is facing delays or organizational problems.
- Please do not list non-token nicks as co-hosts. The tournament must be (co-)hosted by [You must login to view link] Member Plus.
- When creating your tournaments, please spell out the room in its entirety, i.e. Tournament Room 1, Spur Tournament Room 1, etc. Please do not use abbreviations, i.e. TR 1, Tourney, etc.
- Each Hosting Group or individual may schedule as they choose in any Tournament Room of their choice. Please avoid any conflict of an existing tournament already scheduled in that room.
- Please allow a minimum of two (2) hours between start times for tournaments held in the same room unless one or all of the following apply:
- the game you host in has a shortage of rooms and less time is needed to accommodate all tournaments. (not less than 1½ hours.)
- all hosts involved agree to a lesser amount of time.
- it is the same host or hosting group.
- All Games may take 30 or 60 minutes prior to the tournament start time.
- The Tournaments and Events schedule is an important feature that players rely upon to plan and play in tournaments. In order to avoid players finding an empty room without a host, please send a cancellation notice if you are unable to host your tournament. It is understandable that when emergencies occur you may not always be able to send a cancellation notice.
- Individuals may not participate as tournament hosts and players at the same time. Give your full attention to hosting your tournament and to the players. They will appreciate the attention you give to them and your tournament.
Conflicting Interests
- Please do not interfere in another host’s tournament regardless of your current account.
- If you disagree with how a tournament is being hosted, do not approach a host during a tournament, neither in the lobby or in a game room. If you want to speak to them about what you feel is incorrect, take it private, after their tournament and do so with consideration and respect.
- If you see a host that appears to be having problems, ask them if they would like help. If they decline, accept it.
- Regardless of your expertise and how you feel 'it' should be done, everyone is an individual and each individual has their own method of hosting. It is their tournament and everyone hosts to the best of their ability.
- Do not put final decisions of a host during their tournament in question, it is disrespectful and bear in mind that all individuals in the [You must login to view link] community must be treated with dignity and respect.
- A display of interference and disrespect shown to a host while they are hosting their tournament will result in a warning. Two or three strikes (depending on gravity) lead to expulsion.
Welcome Messages
- Welcome messages are to announce your upcoming tournament once you have entered the room and are prepared to sign up people into your tournament.
- Welcome messages are be removed when the tournament is over and you leave the room.
- Welcome messages should not to be used to cancel a tournament.
Advertising for your tournament
- You may advertise in any room after Rules and Assignments have been posted. Rules and Assignments shall be finished no later than 10 minutes before the scheduled start time.
- Please do not deny another host the courtesy of posting their ad if it is 10 minutes after your scheduled start time.
- Ads should not be more than 4 lines of text and spaced every 15 to 20 lines of Lobby text or 10 minutes.
- Any Ads following should be spaced every 10 minutes or 15 to 20 lines of Lobby text from the last Ad.
Awards & Tournament Prizes
- All awards and tournament prizes must be approved by @voobly staff.
- Awards and tournament prizes cannot be transferred to other accounts, they are applied to the signed up account only.
- Tournament prizes for existing premium accounts will be extended by the length of the premium award and become part of the existing premium subscription.
- You may not transfer any awards or tournament prizes, either through gift or sale, or make your password available to others.
Invitational Only Tournaments
Any tournament that is not open to all players, i.e. clan or group events, unofficial ladders and leagues must be held in the designated Function Rooms. These will not be listed on the Tournaments & Events Site and are exempted from prizes in the form of any awards or tournament prizes.
Game Policies
We encourage our members to treat each other with mutual respect. Do not use any of the [You must login to view link] chat, messenger, or message features to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others or hack their accounts.
Game Strike Policy
Throughout the Voobly policies, you probably noticed statements regarding "abuse can result in immediate termination of your [You must login to view link] account" or some other variation of the same idea.
We do not like to remove players, but as the facilitators of [You must login to view link], it is our responsibility to ensure that all Voobly players abide by the Code of Conduct of Voobly.com. Users who intentionally violate the Code of Conduct are subsequently removed.
For the majority of abuse cases of Voobly players, the player in question will be notified that they have been given a "strike" or warning. We feel this is the best thing to do given that at times, players break the CoC because they did not clearly understand the rules, and we feel that these players deserve a second chance. If a certain number of strikes accrue within a certain amount of time, then the player will be removed. After a set amount of time of good behavior, strikes will be removed from the player's account.
This process applies to actions on [You must login to view link] and [You must login to view link] services as well. [You must login to view link] Member Pluses and player nicks will also be subject to this process.
Of course, certain infractions will still result in an immediate removal of an user's [You must login to view link] account. These infractions include:
- Violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or excessive profanity. [You must login to view link] does not tolerate racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs.
- Threatening or harassing tournament hosts, [You must login to view link] Member Pluses, [You must login to view link] Community Managers, and [You must login to view link] employees.
- Destructive software / cheating for the use of scrolling, showing multiple screens, and other activities that can be disruptive to online communication.
- Locking or stalling a player's game.
- Usage of accounts that that have been transferred, either through gift or sale, or passwords that have been made available to others.
- Filing complaints that do not report any of the offenses listed in this document or filing false complaints that have no truth or validity.
Before you Report
There exist certain expectations of every player that plays rated games on Voobly. As per the Code of Conduct, you are expected to play fairly and with respect towards everyone who plays with you.
Once the rated game is launched from the in-game lobby screen, you are committed to playing that rated game as described above. By accepting this commitment, you agree, that you are responsible for all unfair and disingenuous activity, as well as violations of our Code of Conduct.
- When adjusting the ratings for a game, please keep in mind that the match will be reset for all players. No points will be given to anyone.
- Only games with a 5 minutes time limit are eligible for a match reset. Any game that has a finishing time of over 5 minutes will not be eligible for a match reset. Exceptions to this rule are games containing connection errors, server errors and/or mass drop errors.
- Match resets are only given when the game shows no advantages towards any party.
- Games and appeals must be reported within 10 days of the match date. All games must be played as a rated game on a ladder and recorded (if supported by the game).
- You may be asked to provide additional information pertaining to a specific situation such as screenshots.
- There is no rule forcing any game to be saved.
- Filing complaints that do not report any of the offenses listed in this document or filing false complaints that have no truth or validity may result in a penalty.
- Any complaint filed that possesses insufficient evidences will not be reviewed. Please make sure that sufficient evidences (described below) are given while filing a complaint.
When you Report
- Please provide the URL to the match link and attach the recorded game file (if supported by the game).
- Specify, which of the policies below have been violated and who the offending player was. In addition, provide the URL to the player’s profile on Voobly.com.
- Describe the problem in chronological order and in detail.
- Being courteous and patient never hurts.
General Game Violations
When a user plays a rated game on [You must login to view link] and its services, and conducts any of the below, the player will be considered to be in violation of our Game Policies.
- Turning on the "Cheat Enabled" function in rated games.
- Choosing an inappropriate map in rated games.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Maps specifically designed to give players an advantage over others.
- Faulty designs with features that could be easily abused. - When a player has clear intentions to sabotage a game or act in any way that appears to be malicious.
- When a player selects the wrong rated ladder for the map being played.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- RM or DM ladders selected for a CS map.
- Hosting DM matches on the RM Ladder or vice versa. - Intentional feeding in AoC/AoK CS team games. When a player deliberately sends units under their control toward enemy units to feed kills.
- When a player knowingly uses a map bug to gain an unfair advantage or prevent a loss.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Bypassing the wall limit in RCB by making unfinished walls.
- Kings from AoE II games in stores making the player invincible, or other likewise inaccessible units preventing a player from losing a game.
- Using provided assets to remove obstacles to not-yet-granted units in a store-oriented map (i.e. using a bombard tower to attack palisade walls blocking access to units not meant to be available to the player yet).
- Hunt delete (AoM/AoT specific): Placing a building foundation over an opposing player's hunted animal, causing the animal to be deleted.
- Wallchips bug (AoM/AoT specific): Wall chips (1x1 wall segments) are forbidden to be used, except four wallchips around each of the starting towers.
- Transport / Ungarrison Bug (AoM/AoT Specific): Using a glitch that allows garrisoned units to be unloaded elsewhere on the map.
- Using a TC glitch to refund resources. - Any actions concerning a player who behaves in a manner that is deemed against the spirit of the game.
Examples of such conduct include but are not limited to:
- Walling enemies to prevent allies finishing the game (game delaying).
- Walling allies (i.e. using a villager to build walls around a player's base or buildings).
- Using siege units to destroy your ally's base.
- Repeated creation of accounts to team known allies, in a clear attempt to gain extra points and beat up lesser skilled players.
- Using AI Scripts or Computers in replacement of players.
- Enabling in-game cheats in rated.
- Delaying a loss in an effort to make the victor waste time or resign.
- Spectator cheating; deliberately making use of a spectator’s given information while playing a rated game. - When a player shows no visible sign of using their mouse or keyboard. 5 minutes of gameplay time needed as minimum. Time limit void if words expressing intent by the offender are coupled with demonstrable in-game action (i.e. not playing). Does not apply if player is demonstrably present and has legitimate reasons (see below).
- This violation also includes what is termed "extreme camping" to avoid inevitable loss (e.g. Aztecs camp inside their castles vs ranged civ while playing CBA / CBA Hero, etc.). Any delaying tactic with such obvious intent (stalling long enough to convince players to quit the game) can be an example.
- Exceptions can be made for AoC/AoK CS games where not moving units is an advantageous part of gameplay (i.e. CBA Hero), excluding clear and obvious game delay camping. These offenses apply regardless of the game's outcome (win or loss for those affected). - Continuously bringing up the Voting Screen while in-game with malicious intent.
- Where a spawn point or store is blocked to gain an advantage over another player. This only applies where the targeted player's spawn point or store is blocked while the player still has the ability to play competitively. This offense applies regardless of the game's outcome (win or loss for those affected).
Dropping Players
For matches where a player has dropped from the game to avoid point loss, and the server awards the player all the points. All games in which this is evident will be reset. Note that for some drops the server may reward points to more than one person.
This violation also includes matches where a player deliberately goes Out of Sync (OOS), which is defined as instances in which a player disrupts the established uniformity of player connections that is necessary for online multiplayer games, and forces the server to end the game. This is indicated by the on-screen message "Out of sync detected..." followed by an error message prompt.
In games such as Age of Empires 1, where a player drops and the rest of the players ally each other to avoid losing points evidently, the match will be reset only.
Rating Manipulation
Rating Manipulation is the act of using a friend's account, a second account or playing against an account with a certain outcome (e.g. a complete mismatch of skill) to increase or decrease the points of another. The rating history must clearly show multiple games using this method (no matter if one player or more were implicated in manipulating the player's account). The games played are usually, but not always below 10 minutes, and statistics may show that the game was not played normally.
This violation also includes sharing accounts with the intent of point-trading as well as when a player is resigning deliberately right before claiming victory in a rated game in order to manipulate his own rating and usually done to keep his rating low.
Noob Bashing in the New Player Lobby
NPL violations include activities that would force new players to resign in early stages of the game, making their games entirely unbalanced, trolling or demoralizing players in game or otherwise ruining their online gaming experience. Unlike other game infractions, NPL violations will result in immediate and permanent revocation of playing privileges in the New Player Lobby.
Examples include (but are not limited to):
- Rating Manipulation.
- Creating multiple accounts to avoid reaching the 1400 rating cap.
- Purposely resigning won games to remain under the 1400 rating cap.
- Playing unrated games to remain under the 1400 rating cap.
- Evading NPL ladder bans.
- Account sharing.
Streaming on Voobly
- All streamers broadcasting on [You must login to view link] must turn off Twitch's "The broadcaster indicated that the channel is intended for mature audiences" notification. All video streams must be suitable for individuals who are 13 years of age or older. The broadcast of non-PG-13 contents will be considered an abuse of streaming privileges.
- The broadcast of 18+ contents (including but not limited to consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs/controlled substances, sexual content, illegal bets or gambling) will be reported to the authorities and the video live streaming provider.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow streamers to broadcast non-Voobly games or matches not played on [You must login to view link] in any [You must login to view link] game lobbies, game rooms, chat rooms, forums and web sites run by Voobly.com.
- [You must login to view link], in its sole discretion, reserves the right to remove the streaming privileges of any streamer at any time without notice. Without limiting the foregoing, [You must login to view link] retains the right to deny service to any streamer who violates the CoC or Terms of Use.
- Abuse of streaming privileges may result in immediate termination of your [You must login to view link] account.
- You may only be registered as a streamer under one nickname.
Commercial Streaming on Voobly
- Corporations or other business en**** with one or more employees (including but not limited to streamers, casters, organizers or talk show moderators) are not authorized to broadcast on Voobly. For business inquiries please contact a Community Manager -- E-Mail: [email protected].
- [You must login to view link] does allow freelancers (business size == 1) to broadcast own tournaments in [You must login to view link] tournament lobbies. All matches must be played on the VCOM ladder in a [You must login to view link] tournament lobby. You are authorized to broadcast your tournament in all game lobbies, as well as using the Stream Live command. The Lobby Chat may be used to advertise your tournament only and to converse with [You must login to view link] players.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow commercial streamers to broadcast any Voobly.com-hosted tournaments, sweepstakes, or other events.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow commercial streamers to broadcast any user-run tournaments.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow commercial streamers to broadcast any non-tournament games in [You must login to view link] game lobbies.
- All commercial streamers broadcasting tournaments or events on [You must login to view link] must also add the Voobly logo and name of the tournament to their video stream. The Voobly logo and the name of the tournament must be persistent, clearly visible and directly embedded into the video stream. The broadcast of tournaments on [You must login to view link] without the tournament logo and tournament name will be considered an abuse of streaming privileges.
- You are considered a commercial streamer if one or more of the following activities are true: personal merchandising, merchandising shop, free giveaways, loot boxes, virtual currencies, partnership with your video live streaming provider, monetizing of your videos, any contracts with sponsors, advertisements controlled by you, paid subscriptions restrictions (including but not limited to chat privileges, custom emoticons or channel privileges), asking for donations, subscription or donation goals.
Non-Commercial Streaming on Voobly
- [You must login to view link] may allow streamers to broadcast Voobly.com-hosted tournaments, sweepstakes, or other events at the tournament host's discretion.
- [You must login to view link] may allow streamers to broadcast in user-run tournaments at the tournament host's discretion.
- [You must login to view link] may allow streamers to broadcast non-tournament games in [You must login to view link] game lobbies at the game room host's discretion.
- Donations through Twitch are covered by our Non-Commercial Streaming Policy as long you are not asking for donations in your live stream.
Premium Subscriptions
- [You must login to view link] does allow the transfer of your premium subscription once every 6 months and 90 days after initial purchase. Before your premium subscription can be transferred to another account, you must provide the billing information and confirm that you are the owner of both accounts.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow to transfer your premium subscription, either through gift or sale, or make your password available to others. If you share your account or billing information, you may have your subscription cancelled without refund.
- [You must login to view link] does not allow the transfer of premium subscriptions that have been purchased for a friend using the option "enrollment for a friend".
- [You must login to view link] does not allow the transfer of premium awards you won as prizes in [You must login to view link] hosted tournaments.
Peddle It Elsewhere
Please do not use [You must login to view link] for any commercial purposes without the express consent of Voobly.com. You may only create a membership for yourself as an individual. You may not create a membership for your corporation or other business entity.
Any space provided to you on [You must login to view link] is for your own personal use. You may not sell, license, give away, exchange, or barter any [You must login to view link] space provided to you, including, without limitation, selling, licensing, exchanging, or bartering space for advertisements.
Accept Responsibility
- You are responsible and liable for all your activities on Voobly.com. Remember, you are responsible for anything you say or post and for protecting your own computer system.
- You may not transfer your [You must login to view link] account, either through gift or sale, or make your password available to others.
- Voobly reserves the right to immediately terminate or suspend a user's [You must login to view link] account for violations of our Code of Conduct.
- Voobly gives you the ability to create your own profiles. Voobly takes no responsibility for ratings or content, nor any activities resulting from use of these profiles.
- Voobly reserves the right to remove at any time, without notice, any user-created content from Voobly.com.
- Some areas of Voobly may post Internet website links. Please be advised that Voobly is not responsible for the content on the Web sites associated with the links you may view.
- Some content and links on the Internet may contain adult content and may not be suitable for children. We encourage parents to join their children as they surf and explore the Internet.
- You are responsible for any actions you may take based on advice or information you receive online. Use your own good judgment when evaluating information provided through Voobly.com. Remember that the information provided could be from people of any age and experience level. The decision to conduct transactions with anyone is your own, and you should do your own research prior to making any decisions.
- If you have a [You must login to view link] premium subscription, you may not transfer it, either through gift or sale, or make your password available to others. If you share your account or billing information, you may have your subscription canceled without refund.
Uphold the Code
- In helping to make [You must login to view link] a great place to meet, play games, and chat, you must do your part to uphold this Code of Conduct.
- Voobly reserves the right to immediately terminate or suspend a user's [You must login to view link] account for violations of our Code of Conduct.
- Voobly also reserves our right to amend or change the Code of Conduct at any time without notice. You agree to periodically review this document to ensure you are doing your part.
- Voobly is not obligated to send users or tournament hosts a warning before deleting any content.
Protect Your Privacy
We caution you against giving out personally identifiable information (such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, names and addresses, telephone numbers, driver license numbers) to strangers online, as this information may be used for illegal or harmful purposes.
Some personal information you provide to Voobly may be stored outside of the country in which you reside.
Authoritative Contacts
Need further assistance? Select one of the options below. When submitting account communication, please be sure that you are corresponding with an official [You must login to view link] contact. Official contacts have a voobly.com email address or point to a submission page on the Voobly official Web site. (And note that any site that does not have a URL ending with “voobly.com” is not a [You must login to view link] site and should not get your [You must login to view link] account information under any circumstances!)
Help Room -- Click here.
Technical Issues -- Click here.
Non-Technical Issues -- Click here.
Premium Account Issues -- Click here.
Game-Related Complaints -- Click here.
Voobly Member Plus Issues -- Click here.
Report Legal Issues -- E-Mail: [email protected].
Report Security Issues -- E-Mail: [email protected].
Contact a Community Manager -- E-Mail: [email protected].
Policy Updates
Voobly reserves the right to change its policies at any time. Please help keep Voobly a fun place to play.
Last Revised 07/01/2022 08:25:56 AM PST.
(All times and dates posted on Voobly are portrayed in the following format mm/dd/yyyy, Pacific Standard Time.)
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