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Feedback & Comments: Midtown Madness 2 - Anti-Cheat v1.0


Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 7 December 2010 - 11:35 pm
You've said nothing to make me feel that a/c wont form a divide between modders and those who think they are "pro". I therefore still dont support a/c
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Join Date: 5 October 2007
Posted 8 December 2010 - 10:24 pm
ArTicJoEz has some valid points and so does everyone else. The Anti-cheat seems fishy as its another part of the "System" that others will get around.I've seen "fishy" goings on and also brought to Homers attention. All i got was " he's a good player you know ". Unless i have a movie showing what i was seeing then i cant really have a concrete case of " Before & After " scenario.. ( if only life was that simple ) lol....

When the Anti-cheat was implemented and was tested with alot of players regarding bug issues then i could see it made a tremendous difference to other players and was nice to see that "yes" i can now drop more people and actually move their bus,because in some cases other busses were hard to move out the way if you going past them.

Now, it seems, not mentioning any names, faster busses?? and more non moving and dropping issues( and i wasnt the only one to notice that as well ) Hence the reason me saying that it seems as though anti cheat to be working but why the sudden diffrence is bus behaviour ( please note i aint what you would call a computer wizard ) but my eyes and mind are working fine ( i think lol )

The anti cheat is a GREAT idea and hats off for getting it implemented..BUT.. Something aint right somewhere and i know what i see and can bring to the attention of who i think will do something about it, but all i get is a half hearted comment without them actually listening to all the facts.

This is all after the anti-cheat was in force :

1) how come someone can be ALOT faster than in many previous games ?(what changed ?)
2) how come the issue with HEAD - ON collisions dont drop someone ? (what changed ?)
3) how come after many people in game saying " WTF " doesnt the anticheat pick up what is different with the files before and after ? ( what changed ? )
4) After commenting on what we see is the problem the person on chat goes " LOL " (what changed?)

Seems there is alot of change from when anticheat was implemented to the time the changes has taken effect. So , what has changed ? Is it people know how to get round anticheat or is it the fact that " Friends/donators or w/e now have the program in force to enable them to be alot better than the people who are " not in the know " !

If you would like to know more Homer or would like to discuss in full the reasons for me , as well as ArTicJoEz thinking this is the devide between the people that know how to do it and the people who play this alot to strive to be a better player & community member.

Thankyou - :)

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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Edited 8 December 2010 - 11:56 pm by [xGz]ArTicJoEz
so much for a/c being the saviour of the community, second time this week i seen someone wonder if people are cheating the a/c. I guess we will get homers answer to this as well shortly...

By the way, for the list of allowed mods/files:
quote homer: "Yeah, setup a list of recommended files wanted by the community - I'll push it forward"

I suggest a neutral player be the one to send it to voobly admin, someone a lot of people trust..I think it should def not be a bbd (esp. homer) who hands the list to voobly admin. Simply as the a/c setup seems to be a sensitve issue now and the more open and trusted the list is the less likely the accusations are to appear?
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Join Date: 5 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 12:02 am
I suggest a neutral player be the one to send it to voobly admin, someone a lot of people trust..I think it should def not be a bbd (esp. homer) who hands the list to voobly admin. Simply as the a/c setup seems to be a sensitve issue now and the more open and trusted the list is the less likely the accusations are to appear?

I vote Fudgie !!
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Join Date: 3 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 12:02 am
well after reading all of these posts I am inclined to agree quite strongly with Joez posts and what Marky is trying to put across, I am not putting the a/c down at all but look what's happened... again.. the community is all having their say (which is good) but this will turn out ugly like usual where more people are gonna turn to another game..I am pessimistic and sorry for that but old school players do not want this sort of hassle when it seems to be causing more problems than it's worth...

No disrespect to anyone on this post it's just how it is portrayed through all the topic..
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Join Date: 1 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 12:07 am
Marky wrote:
I vote Fudgie !!

Ehhhhh.. to be fair is there any files on any list already allowed apart from the 4 [You must login to view link] files already in place... ??? Or are some drivers just making their pc's leaner on resources so the game runs better for them maybe??
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Join Date: 3 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 12:24 am
Now, it seems, not mentioning any names, faster busses?? and more non moving and dropping issues( and i wasnt the only one to notice that as well ) Hence the reason me saying that it seems as though anti cheat to be working but why the sudden diffrence is bus behaviour ( please note i aint what you would call a computer wizard ) but my eyes and mind are working fine ( i think lol )

The anti cheat is a GREAT idea and hats off for getting it implemented..BUT.. Something aint right somewhere and i know what i see and can bring to the attention of who i think will do something about it, but all i get is a half hearted comment without them actually listening to all the facts.

1) how come someone can be ALOT faster than in many previous games ?(what changed ?)
2) how come the issue with HEAD - ON collisions dont drop someone ? (what changed ?)
3) how come after many people in game saying " WTF " doesnt the anticheat pick up what is different with the files before and after ? ( what changed ? )
4) After commenting on what we see is the problem the person on chat goes " LOL " (what changed?)

The previous update fixed hosting issues that some people were experiencing after the recent update. This game does acquire a lil extra bytes of bandwidth here and there to perform FPS checkup. AR files are thoroughly checked - along with CRC checksums scan to make sure they are valid and approved by the developers. Also please keep in mind a/c doesnt get rid of LAG, it only gets rid of possibility of cheating through modifying system settings.

Marky, I already discussed with you about this, and if you weren't satisfied with those answers - in the end I'm going to tell you that you can take it to the next level if you want, and I am not sure what other level you are looking for, but if you cared enough for this game you wouldn't even be writing anything down and would've done something already. Just like our superior Mr. Arctic Joez who has a lot to say but does absolutely nothing for the community to use, so much for being the beloved memberplus++ that he was. Marky, I consider you a good fellow of our community. The things you express here, man I wish I had a vaccine to insert this idea in your head or just the ability for you to understand, it's all game-related anger & frustration. I don't know why the examples you are presenting can have so many implications behind them, I see them being LAG related. The speed issue, it's all based on how you perceive other buses which is determined through the game status (you'll notice other busses slower than you > if you are winning, and faster than you > if you are losing --- that's how the brain creates frustration, if you take psychology you'll understand it a lot clearer). I even explained to you at that time, I've donated a large amount of money for this project to go through, do you really think I am stupid enough to give out or create some sort of an a/c 'exclusion' software for people to cheat? Maybe you don't have any ethics in the way you live, which is why you seem to be thinking this way, the way I work in real life and especially online for a game where I've always dreamed of an a/c software and to think that I would like to make my dream into a nightmare by coming up with a cheating software? That just blows my mind away, it surprises me how someone could even think that deep and that low, sorry you have disappointed me in a # of levels here.

Mr Joe, let me specify this, I don't know if you are aware of this - I am pretty sure you are not - but there are other moderators in Mm2 as well. You are surely welcome to give them your desired file if you want. Reeb0k has helped out a lot in this project in the past until he became busy with personal obstacles. He provided very important information about people cheating and how those cheats are made etc. You can contact him if you 'trust' him enough or there are (thankfully) others as well to answer. The way you talk, I don't even know who recruited you to become a memberplus in Zone days, it's unbelievable how judgmental, fact-less, and narrow-minded your comments are.
Please don't take this the hard way, it's a reality check.

I don't consider myself a king or someone who everyone should answer to. I try to be fair and honest in whatever I do, if there's an external problem, try to bring it up to someone who has higher authority than me. I actually am very thankful to Voobly for the way they have developed this system online for us, the game representatives are still junior to all the major developers, so if you have a complaint or a problem please forward your request to them.

This place is not like SlideGamers where the community is built up from scratch BY community players, so you can expect totally unbiased comments.


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Join Date: 3 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 12:29 am
Ehhhhh.. to be fair is there any files on any list already allowed apart from the 4 [You must login to view link] files already in place... ??? Or are some drivers just making their pc's leaner on resources so the game runs better for them maybe??
... no.
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 12:58 am
Stand up to homer/bbd and all you get is flamed... see above for proof. Ive done plenty for mm2, hosting tourneys, setting up a community lounge here, paying money into voobly, being + at zone, running a clan, bringing xgz members here, trying to get wgc to host mm2 when slidegamers fell apart. But apart from flaming me and marky openly on a forum, which looks poor from an active moderator, you;ve still not convinced me a/c isnt causing a divide.
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 1:00 am
Marky wrote:
I vote Fudgie !!
seconded :D
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Join Date: 3 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 1:03 am
The way you talk, I don't even know who recruited you to become a memberplus in Zone days, it's unbelievable how judgmental, fact-less, and narrow-minded your comments are.
Please don't take this the hard way, it's a reality check.

That comment was totally out of order really considering a BBD member had already stated don't bring up the past don't you think?

It reads biased here anyhow it is totally irrelevant to what Joez was trying to say in his post
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Join Date: 3 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 1:08 am
but if you cared enough for this game you wouldn't even be writing anything down and would've done something already. Just like our superior Mr. Arctic Joez who has a lot to say but does absolutely nothing for the community to use, so much for being the beloved memberplus++ that he was.

this one also.. you ask for people to feedback now your posts and replies are not what members of this topic are asking.. I am no moderator on here but as an outsider to the arguments on here your reply is totally out of order for a moderator status don't you think? I actually thought reading the topic earlier on you had matured and grown up and gone away from this way of replying Homer but I guess I was wrong and I am really disappointed by that reply you made the only part that needed to be stated if you felt strongly was for members to take it to the next level if they weren't happy....

Guess i will be flamed now for standing up to you......
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Join Date: 5 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 1:59 am
Now...answers will previal and im sorry SO CALLED answers dont even come near and to be honest i find your comment offensive.. here is why !
Marky, I already discussed with you about this, and if you weren't satisfied with those answers - in the end I'm going to tell you that you can take it to the next level if you want,

How is that possible as i think your not the best person to be in the position to be telling people what they can and cant say about YOUR OWN TEAM doing... ?
but if you cared enough for this game you wouldn't even be writing anything down and would've done something already.

Trust me i care more about this game than you think Homer, i was here from day 1 and want to be here till the end but after seeing all that has gone on since the good ol zone days then i want to make sure this place is more community based rather than dictated too by a team owner who (lets face it ) has a clan full of individuals rather that a collective force ( team players )
Marky, I consider you a good fellow of our community. The things you express here, man I wish I had a vaccine to insert this idea in your head

Just like you inserted the idea about anticheat after your own team members were getting owned ? kicking people and then suddenly we had the so called anti cheat ( or as i like to call it...the Vsync cheat !
it's all game-related anger & frustration.
Get off your self made high horse and come back down to earth just for 1 second, then you would realise what the hell is going on, if you can see what ithers are doing then im sure if the shoe's fit then im sure you would run with your own perception.
I don't know why the examples you are presenting can have so many implications behind them, I see them being LAG related. The speed issue, it's all based on how you perceive other buses which is determined through the game status (you'll notice other busses slower than you > if you are winning, and faster than you > if you are losing --- that's how the brain creates frustration, if you take psychology you'll understand it a lot clearer).

All of a sudden your are now a psycologist ?? i dont think so some how do you ?
Why cant you see what you have done ? NO MORE excuses Homer, your comments have really got me thinking that you are clutching straws and you know for a fact that every straw your gonna pull out is ging be shorter than the previous one.
I even explained to you at that time, I've donated a large amount of money for this project to go through, do you really think I am stupid enough to give out or create some sort of an a/c 'exclusion' software for people to cheat?

and there was me thinking that the poeple who cares about mm2 actually paid for this A/C ?? so i guess there will be some exclution software you were speaking about then , coz i know about alot of stuff and where there is a program there is always going to be ways of getting round that...seems funny how the 1st person to be questioned in that process that you advised of happened to be a BBD Team member !!! coincidence or just fact ?
Maybe you don't have any ethics in the way you live, which is why you seem to be thinking this way, the way I work in real life and especially online for a game where I've always dreamed of an a/c software and to think that I would like to make my dream into a nightmare by coming up with a cheating software? That just blows my mind away, it surprises me how someone could even think that deep and that low, sorry you have disappointed me in a # of levels here.

I have more ethics in life than you can care to imagine, you dont need to stoop that low to be honest , it just shows you lack of immoral judgement and lack of care about the MM2 community whick also shows on how the hell voobly can make such a person to make judgements on other people lives when they basically have'nt got a clue about is beyond me but hey, who am i to just

but while were on the subject, you and your fellow team mates ( acting alone or as part of the team ) still bare the BBD Tag, which you are part of... why on earth make a clan member part of a clan based community ? Is that to show that BBD " NOW " have presidence over other players and clan members ? To me that shows that MM2 voobly is now not to be trusted as it has been pointed out in various games that the BBD team seems to be beyong the laws bound by the anticheat itself...and you blame me for speaking my mind ? I'm not the only one to have this opinion...
I don't consider myself a king or someone who everyone should answer to.

No **** sherlock !! but you have cetainly put yourself in the firing line as its your own CLAN member that seem to be operating above the "so called " law abiding members..( sorry i should say that law was forced apon us all )
I try to be fair and honest in whatever I do, if there's an external problem, try to bring it up to someone who has higher authority than me. I actually am very thankful to Voobly for the way they have developed this system online for us, the game representatives are still junior to all the major developers, so if you have a complaint or a problem please forward your request to them.

The way you spoke about a former zone+ member is a bit rude as well ( but to be expected from a BBD Team member )
The way you talk, I don't even know who recruited you to become a memberplus in Zone days, it's unbelievable how judgmental, fact-less, and narrow-minded your comments are.
Please don't take this the hard way, it's a reality check.

Your supposed to be someone who has to take it on the chin, if you can comment in a factfull manner then disregard the comment in full or at PM someone to tell then your fact(s).

1:Fair and honesty dont come into it when your own team members are not fair an honest
2: where do i forward my complaints too ?
3: As you said , external problaems cant be solved with you...and with you being a BBD Member and a moderator at the same time...either you choose what you have to do, either community or clan ?

I for one dont think you can be in a position of both to be honest Homer, as that give a certain lack of trust in the community. As some people have already noted, your team and your BBD Team only seem to be operating without boundaries and that creates untrust in the MM2 community. The community is bigger than any single member and that intern gives you a choice... either your for the greater of the community or your just another BBD clan member..... I think you have to make a choice .

For me the community is now so devided because of the simple facts that your homework wasnt done before you implemented this on everyone...if you you look on mm2 forums ( and no ...not the BBD forum coz that forum has died long time ago (funny that ))... then you would see that this anticheat and the problems that the BBD Team have caused yet again has made your position not only questionable but also your position is very unattainable.

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Join Date: 8 December 2008
Edited 9 December 2010 - 3:21 am by _HoMeR_

Let's re-do the whole anti-cheat discussion here.

No more bashing. No more low-diving. Just plain suggestions.

How would you guys like the anti-cheat initiative to be taken place.

Keep in mind, if there's no a/c, people will accuse regardless and people will cheat. If there's one, people will not cheat, and will accuse ANYWAY.

What should be the initiative that you guys want, if you can get enough support for it, we will do it that way.
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Join Date: 11 October 2007
Posted 9 December 2010 - 7:57 am
ahh what a what i miss..


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