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Feedback & Comments: Midtown Madness 2 - Anti-Cheat v1.0


Join Date: 7 October 2007
Posted 2 December 2010 - 8:12 pm
I have to agree with HOmer for once lol, there are always going to be bugs, nothing is perfect. This anti cheat program is long overdue and we been patient for a decade. With good strong support, it will improve and get better. And those like myself who didn't donate money for the new anti cheat, etc should just be thankful and grateful. Happy Holidays!

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Join Date: 5 July 2010
Posted 3 December 2010 - 1:52 am
10 years too late.
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Join Date: 8 December 2008
Posted 3 December 2010 - 3:12 am
at least its here for the ppl who play it :)
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 6 December 2010 - 7:28 pm
I think its a shame the mm2 community (or certain people in it) have become so fixated on things like winning, labeling other cheats, trying to make themselves look cool, trying to dictate to the entire community what you can and cannot use in your own game. Are we forgetting mm2 is a game that is meant to be FUN too? Loads of people use mods in everyday fun games and should be allowed to continue to do so without being labeled cheats (or other dergoatory terms), or kicked from games.

I think anti cheat should only exist in a league room or a tournament room where you get points for winning. I think the rest of the rooms should just have nat and no a/c and let people play any way they want.
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Join Date: 1 October 2007
Posted 6 December 2010 - 10:59 pm
At the end of it all, you can just turn it off..... I like the way the a/c works. I don't like the fact if the a/c is enabled and you forgotten to remove the other .ar files - 1 AT A TIME. So I would like to second HTG's motion of a full list all at once, again wether as a txt file somewhere.

I can see where Joez is coming from, because lets face it, as Homer pointed out in an earlier post, "did they win that game fair and square". You just never knew for the last 10 years did you?

When the A/c was released last sunday (28th November) everyone just wanged a few files in just to see what happened. Poor PuRe_W00t had over 50 files to move LOL awwwww. But he stuck at it and he seemed to enjoy the game.

I'm still a bit perplexed that some people think that should I not use a/c for one or two games, they would think I would be cheating and using mods.... Well someone has to try them out, different cars, different tracks, even Different textures look so much better on todays pc's than MM2 ever did. You ever played 1024x768 on 32 inch tv - ewwwwwwwwwwww

And then theres the people who spend their time creating cars and extra bits of fun. They should be credited, and maybe if its good the developer of the mod/addon etc should be allowed to forward the file to be alpha beta'd for the golden list.

Just my 2 cents for now ;)
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 6 December 2010 - 11:09 pm
I only think a/c is needed for games where winning actually means something (such as rcn points etc.). For everyday gaming its not needed and I personally dont like being told what files i can and cannot have and having the fact Im not conforming to the rules on allowed files as laid down by homer broadcast to all.
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Join Date: 1 October 2007
Posted 6 December 2010 - 11:21 pm
Its a good point worth noting Joez, but RCN is broken as you know, and M isn't in a hurry to get syrential up and running any time soon (Just a dig to see if he moves his ass LOL)

Thing is a/c is perfect for standard CnR Bus games where everyone always moaning at some thing or another (including me) so I see the A/c as a thing where "well I'll be damned, GJ" as opposed to couple of years ago "ffs fooking modder" LOL

Get my drift???
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 7 December 2010 - 12:07 am
you know we could try make a leauge room with rated games where voolby puts a rating (number) by your name when your in that room, you rating goes up when you win game and down when you loose?

Or we could make a new tournament website? I expect I could pursuade justlife to make one for us?

and do i need to comment on what it appears to take to make players good sports to say gj rather than the alternative you gave? ;)
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 7 December 2010 - 12:08 am
and only have ac in the rated or tourney rooms, i still dont see why we need it everywhere all the time
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Join Date: 8 December 2008
Posted 7 December 2010 - 3:31 am
I think its a shame the mm2 community (or certain people in it) have become so fixated on things like winning, labeling other cheats, trying to make themselves look cool, trying to dictate to the entire community what you can and cannot use in your own game. Are we forgetting mm2 is a game that is meant to be FUN too? Loads of people use mods in everyday fun games and should be allowed to continue to do so without being labeled cheats (or other dergoatory terms), or kicked from games.

I think anti cheat should only exist in a league room or a tournament room where you get points for winning. I think the rest of the rooms should just have nat and no a/c and let people play any way they want.

Thanks for your detailed concern and comment.

I couldn't agree with you more about people wanting to cheat or labeling others, but unfortunately the majority of players that are playing in mm2's community on a daily basis are like that - again, let me emphasize: those who are there almost on a daily basis. It's because of them such a measure was needed - and to be honest this was a long time coming. Voobly developers gave our community the option, and the donators jumped to it, hence this anti-cheat has been created. It's layout is completely our responsibility. When the project was approved, the community should have initiated a demo-model or at least some form of a recommendation when enough money as donated for it. I didn't see any activity, nor any sort of initiative from anyone, so ofcourse I had to tackle the objects that were of utmost importance for the community, and that was to get rid of nuisances that have created problems in the past. It's implementation could have been different to begin with IF people believed in its creation in the first place. I think the reason why a/c's layout 'seems' unfair or different would be due to lack of attendance by many people who showed interest in this project initially.

I really dont think its unfair to have a system where anti-cheat has been enabled for the masses. Again, I don't know if you noticed in my post after HTG's comments, I tried to emphasize the difference between a 'fun game' & competitive multiplayer experience. There's a difference if you really try to look at it the way I have looked at it, and it does make sense.

You messaged me how this a/c system seems to be a dictatorship. If it were dictatorship, I don't think you would have been given the option to upload your desired file for approval, nor would you have been allowed to turn anti-cheat off. If you are to recommend something please upload the files for the community to show everything, back it up with follow-ups, and consistently work at it to show interest.

Your recommended system of approving files for each game was sent off even before you came here and started writing, that was the initial target. However, Elusive (main developer) of this system pointed out a very efficient way of dealing with this issue. I am not going to repeat myself so i'll quote it:
...the main reason why they weren't included to check is because if you can just try to think outside the box: apart from checking the 4 main .ar files in the game that are required for MM2 to RUN, why should the system even bother and waste bandwidth to verify on each and every existing file in the folder? It's inefficient and unnecessary.
Please take into consideration the fact that Voobly is free to use, in reality --> somebody is covering the cost for every single byte that's being transferred, whatever is being done should be highly appreciated and respected, hence my main point: try to compromise here and there.

The point system you indicated; sounds like a good idea - but only applicable for a community with hundreds of people. We only have a handful of 50 who show up to play once in a while. Maximum # of people we ever get to is around 35 on weekends, I think distributing people like that would break the community apart even further. I'll give you an example. We've got 20 people in the lobby. 3 games are set-up. 2 full bus games, 1 default car game with space for people to play. This has happened to me personally, I got extremely bored because I couldn't join the bus games, so I eventually entered the default car game, and I've been having a lot of fun ---- i don't only speak for myself on this example but i've seen other people doing this -- helping create games and making people play in a diverse manner. People have actually been forced to try out other games due to situations like this. I hope you get my point.

For now, this is v1.0 anyway, I'll be jotting down a list of upgrades that I'll combine from your comments/suggestions and will present them towards Elusive - which is why all these comments are always appreciated/welcome.
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Join Date: 8 December 2008
Posted 7 December 2010 - 3:37 am
At the end of it all, you can just turn it off..... I like the way the a/c works. I don't like the fact if the a/c is enabled and you forgotten to remove the other .ar files - 1 AT A TIME. So I would like to second HTG's motion of a full list all at once, again wether as a txt file somewhere.

I can see where Joez is coming from, because lets face it, as Homer pointed out in an earlier post, "did they win that game fair and square". You just never knew for the last 10 years did you?

When the A/c was released last sunday (28th November) everyone just wanged a few files in just to see what happened. Poor PuRe_W00t had over 50 files to move LOL awwwww. But he stuck at it and he seemed to enjoy the game.

I'm still a bit perplexed that some people think that should I not use a/c for one or two games, they would think I would be cheating and using mods.... Well someone has to try them out, different cars, different tracks, even Different textures look so much better on todays pc's than MM2 ever did. You ever played 1024x768 on 32 inch tv - ewwwwwwwwwwww

And then theres the people who spend their time creating cars and extra bits of fun. They should be credited, and maybe if its good the developer of the mod/addon etc should be allowed to forward the file to be alpha beta'd for the golden list.

Just my 2 cents for now ;)

Thanks fudgie :)

Yes I agree about the display on 32inch LOL. But have you tried playing a higher resolution? I'm asking maybe I should try it :P

And I also agree on turning a/c off. Whoever plays with you thinking that you'd be cheating with a/c off and extra cars is... an ****, enough said, lol.

Yeah, setup a list of recommended files wanted by the community - I'll push it forward.8)
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Join Date: 31 August 2007
Posted 7 December 2010 - 4:39 pm
You think a/c is somehow saving the community? Then why is it when it was implemented at slidegamers, it failed and the community fell apart and now its here the community is having problems again?

"And I also agree on turning a/c off. Whoever plays with you thinking that you'd be cheating with a/c off and extra cars is... an ****, enough said, lol." then maybe you should talk to your own BBD team mates as last night in the lobby I was counting the number of insults thrown at people who either challenged a/c or didnt use it and 90% of the insults were coming from bbd team members using a/c and were aimed at non bbd players not using a/c and calling them (profanities)- modders and cheaters. I think your at risk of creating a divide in the community you claim to be trying to protect by having now made it really easy to label every player in the room as either a "pro" who doesnt haf mods and a/c turned on or a "cheat" or "modder" whos not using a/c.

And if your system is working so well at building the community why have we lost an alarming amount of the new players who never played at zone?? And when I ask them why, its because they find the community so unfriendly for new players and those using mods.

And maybe you got a poor response asking for help because several people dont want it? And how many individuals out of the 50 who you claim currently play actually donated for just a/c and how many like you who really wanted it donated loads just to bulldoze it through anyway? I know i only ever support NAT as that is something can make it easier for more people to play and would seem to build community, never supported a/c.

And howcome we never had a/c at zone and had a thriving community if not having is bad for community as you claim??
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Join Date: 3 October 2007
Edited 7 December 2010 - 8:18 pm by _BBD_WESTY
IN reply to [xGz]ArTicJoEz

Slide gamers, MSN Zone, that’s all history there is saying * tomorrow is mystery, yesterday is history today is gift that’s why it’s called present.
Voobly and AC is gift to mm2 community let’s just enjoy it , And if any one of us state their minds and express their grudges about past , will only further damage this community So please with all due respect don’t do it .
If have seen so many new players on Voobly who have potential to built this community again, it’s just word of mouth and our training to them which will increase the numbers of mm2 community. So let’s just filter our comments.
And about BBD I apologize on behalf of BBD members if they have stated anything offensive to other members on Voobly Main Chat, I ensure you it will not happen again *although to be fair Please keep in mind BBD has been always centre of accusations and BBD members only try to defend themselves when they say something back*. Although this is about the community not About the BBD and We will do everything in our hand to make this fair and fun place to play.
At End all I would like to say is , I Appreciate everything voobly did for mm2 community and let’s just keep this post to feedbacks and comments on AC and NAT for Voobly rather than Bringing past debates in Once again.
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Join Date: 8 December 2008
Posted 7 December 2010 - 8:49 pm
You think a/c is somehow saving the community? Then why is it when it was implemented at slidegamers, it failed and the community fell apart and now its here the community is having problems again?
Firstly, you don't even know why it failed in the first place. It was due to improper use of power, countless bans/mutes for personal reasons. Please keep your facts straight before you type anything down.
"And I also agree on turning a/c off. Whoever plays with you thinking that you'd be cheating with a/c off and extra cars is... an ****, enough said, lol." then maybe you should talk to your own BBD team mates as last night in the lobby I was counting the number of insults thrown at people who either challenged a/c or didnt use it and 90% of the insults were coming from bbd team members using a/c and were aimed at non bbd players not using a/c and calling them (profanities)- modders and cheaters. I think your at risk of creating a divide in the community you claim to be trying to protect by having now made it really easy to label every player in the room as either a "pro" who doesnt haf mods and a/c turned on or a "cheat" or "modder" whos not using a/c.
Just because they are part of BBD doesnt mean I represent each and every individual. They chose to be part of the group, but their actions are solely their business. Their rivalry, friendship, fights, are all their responsibility. We are all grown ups here, please don't compare this place to a real life school where one person is a teacher and the kids represent how the teacher behaves. Very poor argument, sorry.
And if your system is working so well at building the community why have we lost an alarming amount of the new players who never played at zone?? And when I ask them why, its because they find the community so unfriendly for new players and those using mods.
I don't think you're qualified enough to make that judgment here, why? You are HARDLY ever there, sir. lol. I see you every 2 months online fully active for a day or so, and then you disappear. I believe to be fully supporting a community you need to be consistently there. DO you know how many people I've helped out to make sure this game works? You can go online and ask yourself, how many have you helped out? Well that doesn't matter because you're hardly ever there :). If you really knew who actually played throughout the day I'd take these comments into consideration.
And maybe you got a poor response asking for help because several people dont want it? And how many individuals out of the 50 who you claim currently play actually donated for just a/c and how many like you who really wanted it donated loads just to bulldoze it through anyway? I know i only ever support NAT as that is something can make it easier for more people to play and would seem to build community, never supported a/c.
Wrong again. People never want to pay for anything online, this is why piracy exists, this is why FREE features exist---- heck, this is what internet is for. More than 90% of the crowd online would rather do everything for free than pay - hence ad-related banners are created - and solely owned by Google - which is why they are so damn rich ---- I hope you get my point.
And howcome we never had a/c at zone and had a thriving community if not having is bad for community as you claim??
You really lack a lot of facts here, must be due to your absence at all times. Let me give you an FYI: I don't know if you remember this, but Zone was THE OFFICIAL HOME of MM2, a place created by game-manufacturers, it was also on their god damn game-label ffs. In the greater zone days, we used have a crowd of 300+, when cheats were released that crowd eventually decreased to 100 due to false promises from MEMBERPLUSES that "OH SOMETHING IS BEING DONE SOON" and what would eventually happen next? Some **** hacker would come in and hack the crap out of the lobby. Overtime, due to lack of support, the crowd went down to 50. It was only due to BBD's efforts and our advertising mania that we were able to gather close to 100 people on the last day of Zone's demise. Don't know if you remember all this, but I do, our forum used to have screenshots and posts/topics displaying this effort from us.

So before you go on bashing BBD and whatever players you've pointed at, they are at their own fault for degrading people, as westy said, I'll have a talk with them as well but thats as far as I go, treat them like individuals.
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Join Date: 8 December 2008
Posted 7 December 2010 - 8:50 pm
_BBD_WESTY wrote:
IN reply to [xGz]ArTicJoEz

Slide gamers, MSN Zone, that’s all history there is saying * tomorrow is mystery, yesterday is history today is gift that’s why it’s called present.
Voobly and AC is gift to mm2 community let’s just enjoy it , And if any one of us state their minds and express their grudges about past , will only further damage this community So please with all due respect don’t do it .
If have seen so many new players on Voobly who have potential to built this community again, it’s just word of mouth and our training to them which will increase the numbers of mm2 community. So let’s just filter our comments.
And about BBD I apologize on behalf of BBD members if they have stated anything offensive to other members on Voobly Main Chat, I ensure you it will not happen again *although to be fair Please keep in mind BBD has been always centre of accusations and BBD members only try to defend themselves when they say something back*. Although this is about the community not About the BBD and We will do everything in our hand to make this fair and fun place to play.
At End all I would like to say is , I Appreciate everything voobly did for mm2 community and let’s just keep this post to feedbacks and comments on AC and NAT for Voobly rather than Bringing past debates in Once again.


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