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I am not able to connect to most players. Network Diag says Symmetric NAT. I have forwarded port 2310 in my router. Also enabled UPNP. But there is no UPNP enabling option in voobly>settings>options. Only NAT Traversal is available and I have done so, but its not working. I have also enabled the same port in windows firewall for voobly incoming connections local port UDP 2310. Nothing works. Please assist.
Also keep in mind, that UPnP settings in Voobly Option have been removed earlier this year.
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In the screenshot of your router configuration, set it to 27000 UDP as well. Both, local and remote port 27000 UDP.
Then restart your router (re-plug the power cable) and paste use the results of the network diagnostics again.
If you notice the network diag message, "it says your router assigned 3 different ports to the test servers". Is this the problem? If so, how can we fix it.
Please verify, whether really is the local IPv4 address of your computer.
You do not have to define a port range by the way, you can set start and end port to both 27000.
You cannot play a Direct Play game with an IPv6 address, please make sure your WAN address at your router is an IPv4 address. Many ISPs assign both, an IPv4 and an IPv6 address. In many cases it is possble to disable IPv6. If you have an IPv6 only, please call your ISP and request an IPv4 address.
Let me check if I can disable IPv6 on my own in router settings, or else I guess I will have to call the ISP.