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In 1.5rc never had desync in 1000 games played unless multiple people were dropping at same time.
Not sure what log you need for this?
My own civs were saracens in first and berbers in second.
Game 1:
My Player Name: Sickle
Other Players: neanderthalis, nemesislx, NAPOLEON1810, M416xGlacier, elpajas, inacho, ric_xtrem
civs: Saracens, Lithuanians, Spanish, Teutons, Bohemians, Ethiopians, Khmer, Celts
Game 2:
My Player Name: Sickle
Other Players: wood_is_good, FunnyStupidNoob, Suici_AF, [Zelda]Numero10, gendarme_negro, _Mara_, SKuuLL
Civs: Berbers, Dravidians, Turks, Koreans, Hindustani, Celts, Bulgarians, Portuguese
The bad news: The only overlap is Celts, and they don't have any weird new mechanisms.
Civs: Bulgarians, Slavs, Saracens, Hindistani, Malay, Celts, Teutons, Malians
Celts again!
Or at least auto select it?
In order to this to work properly, add the entire age 2 folder and also the voobly folder to the list of exceptions or your anti virus and to the list of exceptions of your firewall. Besides that, don't use v1.5 RC with v1.6 game data.
Thank you!