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This discussion is around me constantly. When we first created the mod, people asked me to port the new graphics from DE. When we finally did, people started asking to revert back to the old ones. Over the last months I've even had people asking me to port the DE graphics with all the frames the new game has, as we severerly reduce them for performance and size reasons.
So I'm opening this new poll to once and for all have the oppinion of the community. This means one thing:
I won't take the results of the poll as valid unless I have a big turnout.
I want to be sure that I do what the mayority wants so that I can point people to this poll whenever they ask me to put the other option of the graphics as default.
We have two options for the graphics, that we ship with equivalent mods:
Please, have a look at both versions of the mod and cast your vote. Also, share this poll with anyone that you know that has used 1.6. My only requirement is that I get a lot of answers.
Respecto a las hotkeys que vienen por default, podrían ser defaults como las que vienen con el aoc clásico? ( aldeano con C por ej)
Carga el fichero que viene con el mod (el que tiene todas las teclas nuevas desactivadas), configúralo a las del AOC y mándamelo.
Some other issues that might be in the way of general adoption:
- on updates it always seem to redownload whole mod, this makes it very slow for people on old pc and 3rd world internet so they click it away and play old version, can voobly installer be changed so it only downloads changed files on upload? (would also save server costs)
- there are updates very often which is nice, but also every time you lose hotkeys and maps etc. and then people start game and someone doesn't have hotkeys and they quit immediately and the whole thing falls apart and everyone leaves. best would be if it would take hotkeys from normal game? or at least don't overwrite hotkeys on each update.
The problem is I play team games, and it's hard to find 8 people to play this, a lot of people join but are still downloading the mod and leave again. And then after like 40 minutes waiting I finally got 8, I tell people this is 1.6 and they should leave if they don't like it, maybe one or two leave, we wait another 10 minutes until we have 8 again (this can repeat), then I tell people to make sure to have copied the hotkeys because otherwise their hotkeys don't work, no one responds (this is also in the game room description to extra emphasise the point). Then game launches and some people realise it's 1.6 and 1 or 2 leave, we gb to voobly to get 8 players again. When we get 8, I tell people this is 1.6 and they should leave if they don't like it, and that they should be sure to copy hotkeys (etc. etc. etc.). When the game finally launches, one or two people realise their hotkeys don't work and resign. If lucky we can finish 3v3 or 2v2 but normally we have to save and exit cause teams uneven.
And then I just join a DE balance game because at least that works.
Look I know it's stupid and ungrateful after all your efforts to create this wonderful mod, but I'm just telling you how it is and what factors I think cause the mod to not be used and if you fix them maybe more people will play it. Dunno if it's language issue or general stupidity, but this is how it goes.
How can we fix the hotkeys more when the configuration we currently have ensures that the user doesn't get his hotkeys replaced?
And I feel you're avoiding the issue here. My hotkeys are not the problem anymore (even if i might miss out on some new hotkeys), I'm trying to explain why it's almost impossible to start a 1.6 team game.