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If there is something that is not dependent on users, I'll be happy to hear about it.
Nevertheless, this is a poll for the graphics.
"Important Notes
Community Patch 1.6 will replace the original..."
"Original graphics
This mod ports most of the graphics from Definitive Edition. If you prefer the look of the original AoC, download this other version of the mod. " --> this part is too far below, many don't even read, and as consequence, they don't even know it exists. That's probably why we have much more donwloads of the version with new graphics instead of the one with old graphics.
But please, voobly community, take note that if u downloaded the version with new graphics, u can play with the old graphics by using this mod:
and if you downloaded the version with the old graphics, u can play using the new ones by using this mod:
Maybe these 2 mods should be mentionated in the begining of the v1.6 game data description, so more people will know they exist.
For people that need to update their v1.6 game data, please, do it by downloading via website, it's much faster.
Share with your friends the videos I recorded explaining how to download, how to setup the lobby, and how to change your hotkeys (the ones of the overlay too regarding the select all hotkeys):
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After you have saved your hotkeys, make a copy of player1.hki that will be inside v1.6 game data and place this copy in the root folder of aoe 2 to replace the player1.hki file that exists there, this way u will always have your hotkeys despite of the updates of the mod, and make a copy of the file OverlayConfig that's inside the folder of v1.6 RC patch to always have your select all hotkeys.
for 1 month, put the version with the old graphics as default, and let's watch carefuly if more people will play it, and what they will say.
NEVER played it for the graphics...
In fact:
Never change the graphics, its only confusing and i totally don't care how a market looks, i do care that i recognize the market...
Esto resulta me resulta lógico ya que los gráficos son convertidos desde el DE. Para que se vean las unidades nuevas como en el AoC, probablemente habría que crear sus gráficos desde cero. Sin embargo el resultado es extraño, no se obtiene unos gráficos 100% antiguos, sino un híbrido.
Por suerte todos podemos elegir con que gráficos jugar y seguiré usando los de este mod https://www.voobly.com/gamemods/mod/1652/Definitive-Edition-Units
Las nuevas unidades no existen en el AoC, así que el único gráfico que existe para ellas son los gráficos del DE. Sea en la versión con los gráficos antiguos, o con los nuevos, las unidades y estructuras que pasaron a exister después del AORR siempre tendrán el mismo tipo de gráfico.
Eso mismo decía yo. La única forma de que las unidades del DE que no existían en el AoC o el HD (2013) tengan un estilo artístico similar al del AoC sería creando con mucho talento y mucho trabajo esos gráficos desde cero. Es un trabajo que creo que nadie hará. Por eso planteaba que los "old graphics" en el mejor de los casos siempre será este resultado híbrido con gráficos del clásico AoC pero inevitablemente tendrá unidades que se verán muy diferentes, ya que son del estilo de arte del Definitive Edition.
I noticed the new new new patch and I wonder why in the video I see a grid mod terrain and small trees and my 1.6 RC data set doesn't.
I've downloaded several mods from the site but some work some don't so I suppose they're for the 1.5 RC... or do I have to manually move some files around in order to work?
Wanted to post this question in the right forum but this account being new I can't.
Thanks for the help.
if it not work you have to much mod on voobly test if you can disable it.
some de mods.