Poll: who will win the election?

Posted 3 December 2020 - 6:08 am
Even the rest of the world can see through this and is supporting President Trump because they know America is their only hope to save the world from global communism.

Bro are you sure about this?
In any other country but USA you'd get thrown into a mental ward for making posts like u just did.

How many tin foil hats are you wearing today?
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 6:49 am
TeorĂ­as falopa volumen 3
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 7:08 am
I don't think you have any basis for your claim. Stop trolling with your baseless claims. You have been brainwashed by the fake news media. You need to readjust your tin foil hat and seek alternative facts that actually tells the truth. It is disgusting how dirty and the news media has been over the years, and they are desperate for their ratings so they are going to beef up their stories.
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 7:12 am
I don't think you have any basis for your claim. Stop trolling with your baseless claims. You have been brainwashed by the fake news media. You need to readjust your tin foil hat and seek alternative facts that actually tells the truth. It is disgusting how dirty and the news media has been over the years, and they are desperate for their ratings so they are going to beef up their stories.

"Beef up their stories"

my version of the facts: there's been elections and now there's a projected winner

your version of the facts: there's been elections but the chinese did some crazy james bond-movie stuff with software and hardware in 29 states, just so Biden could win, ushering in a new era of global communism. Hillary was also in on this, as were all the media in the entire world, and now also all US courts, all US democrats and many US republicans. Only Trump can save the world from this disaster.

Which version of the fact sounds the most 'beefed up'?
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Edited 3 December 2020 - 8:20 am by HelloCupcakes
I don't think you have any basis for your claim. Stop trolling with your baseless claims. You have been brainwashed by the fake news media. You need to readjust your tin foil hat and seek alternative facts that actually tells the truth. It is disgusting how dirty and the news media has been over the years, and they are desperate for their ratings so they are going to beef up their stories.
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Edited 5 December 2020 - 11:41 pm by HelloCupcakes
And you believe that Biden and his team don't know about any of these? How about injecting mail in ballots frauds and locking out the poll watchers so they can execute their steals? Did the Chinese export all of their team members to all the voting polls? Really? Don't interject your trolling comment to support your idiocrasy blind sided support for the cheater just because you hate Trump. Look at the bigger picture. It takes the whole orchestration of all levels to put all this systematic fraud together and scat the evidence as quickly. More evidences are surfacing up everyday in court, but the judges are not going to admit it because they do not want to have anything to do with it and cause more division and riots. This is not even a fight about Trump and Biden anymore. It is the fight about our freedom, true democracy, and and exposing the corruption. Clearly, there is fraud and voting anomalies going across the swing states as we know by far. I'm sure it happens in all the states. It's a matter of time of catching them, and time is not on their side to audit every state because the deadline is December 14, and this pandemic and lockdown is not helping. There are evidences documented on a thick binder stack full of witnesses sworn in to affidavits. You wouldn't think these people risk their lives and career to be in court just to be trolling do you? How is your freedom and democracy being justified if the voting is a joke? Then what's the point of voting if you are leading to believe that your vote counts and it doesn't because it is rigged. If you cannot get beyond this partisan loyalty mentality, you are delusional by how the media has successfully been brainwashing people like you. And guess what I didn't vote for Trump or Biden, but I'm standing for justice. I didn't vote for the following reasons: 1. I feel no matter what partisan or policy you bring to the House, the other side will do whatever it takes to obstruct your objectives. 2. I never feel Electoral College is a a fair voting system. For a fair and accurate representation of the people and democracy, it should be based on popular votes, where every vote is counted. In the electoral voting system, the candidates just need to captitalize their campaign strategy to win the biggest electoral vote staes such as CA (55), NY (29), FL (29), TX (29), to aim for the 270 electoral votes required to win the election. This gives no incentives for states with lesser electoral voting states such as MT (3), ND (3), WY (3) to have a voice on the election. The system is rigged already. Back to my point, and now, I am even more supportive of President Trump because he has the courage to expose this corruption. Don't forget Trump is filthy rich; he downgrades himself to serve the the people and wanted to bring justice to America and take America to the next level. Trump and his family gave up their billionaire lifestyle for America, and Biden and his family gave up America for their billionaire lifestyle. The democrat thugs did nothing the entire whole 4 years but to bring down his administration with digging up his past tax filings, impeachment trials, just as they are hindering the pandemic stimulus package so they can take the credit for it when "Biden" takes office, making Trump look negligent, blowing up the pandemic virus to lockdown people so they cannot come together to protest. This is the lowest of the low scheme to win. And now, on perfect timing scale, the vaccines are ready after the election results and transitioning of power. It's not even about the fighting between Biden and Trump. It's fighting for America when the country is about to lose its democracy and making its headway spiraling into a communist country. And why does it matters to the rest of the world? Because America is the beacon of hope, justice, and democracy. If America falls, the rest of the world will go down the spiral with it. It is a pivotal point and a critical time of US history and the history of the world. This virus is being used to usher in the collapse of economies for the UN agenda of NWO. Wake up sheep! Redirect your tin foil hat from CNN tower and the rest of the fake news and fine tune to other news outlets that actually give facts and you will start to be enlightened. Even if I show you the legit news sources, you trolls won't even look into it. That's what trolls do, keep trolling, never want to educate yourself, or do research on different perspectives.
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 10:36 am
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Edited 6 December 2020 - 2:53 am by HelloCupcakes
That's it? That's all they got for news that day? Slow news day...That obese turtle is a multibillionaire, filthy rich. He doesn't need dirty money like those biased anchors that work for the fake news media outlets, and democratic thugs and other politicians including republicans that all sold out America to China to become millionaires overnight.
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Edited 3 December 2020 - 2:38 pm by +chris@voobly

Whoa I wasn't aware of any of this.
Thank you for opening my eyes.

Anyway, here's a link to Trump's crowdfunding campaign:
[You must login to view link]

Let's all donate our money to the crazy billionaire so he can prolong his inevitable defeat.

Did you do your patriotic duty in the struggle against communism yet?
I just did.

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Posted 3 December 2020 - 2:45 pm
Tomasd wrote:
You must login into Voobly to view image

Anderson Cooper is a spoiled gay boy from a rich family who bought himself into the media. He hates Trump cause Trump wont allow gays to serve in the U.S. military. Trump is fighting for us true americans. Anderson is still a little boy stomping his feet up down throwing a tantrum cause hes not getting his way, like mommy always gave him.

On the same note lol watch this .
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 5:07 pm
Wtf this missgiggles replying with 5 different accounts
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 5:11 pm
No point having argument with a dead stump! You just wait for it. President Trump is a genius believe it or not he has one of the highest IQ among the presidents of the United States. Nothing like what the media has you believing. I have never seen a dumb millionaire much so a billionaire. That doesn't happen by chance.
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 6:48 pm
This is a lib btw exposing daily the corruption bs of Republicans/Democrats. Pelosi couldn't sign off to a big stimulus package when Trump was President and signed off to one half the size when she thinks he's gone.

Wikileaks showed that Obama's entire cabinet was hand picked for him.

The sooner you people realize Bush's, Clintons, Obama's, Bidens etc. These are the names that have been in power for the last 30 + years or so. They are Republican & Democrats and have been corrupt that whole time. The Media is owned by billionaires who support these guys and they all help each other get richer and richer. Trump in power is bad for their business. He wants jobs to go to American's not across the world which they can get 10x the profits for. He fought back against Big Pharma which was ripping people off badly & he only gained in popularity.

I wont argue about some of the theories I've read from others on here but I have seen a **** ton of evidence of fraud that happened atleast. You guys in belgium likely get it censored from you unless you actively search for the truth and dont just leave CNN or some other MSM station on and listen. Even me in Canada I know I would be getting fed bs if I let myself. I had to actively search elsewhere for information to find it out.
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 7:45 pm
shut up sean
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Posted 3 December 2020 - 7:52 pm
shut up sean
Stfu little ****.

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