Age of Empires
Age of Empires is where it all began. Age of Empires was created in 1997 and has been played online ever since. This is where the MSN Zone started to pick up a large group of new players. Voobly allows players to continue to enjoy their favorite classic game online free of charge. Age of Empires will always be one of our most famous games and known as “Where it all began.”
*<a href=>Age Of Empires HD (only on voobly)</a>
*<a href=>Age Of Empires Random Map Ladder</a>
*<a href=>Age Of Empires Help Center & F.A.Q.</a>
*<a href=[You must login to view link]>AoeHeaven: Oldest AOE Fan Community Website</a>
*<a href=[You must login to view link]>Patch 1.0c from the Age Of Empires Official Site</a>
Age of Empires is where it all began. Age of Empires was created in 1997 and has been played online ever since. This is where the MSN Zone started to pick up a large group of new players. Voobly allows players to continue to enjoy their favorite classic game online free of charge. Age of Empires will always be one of our most famous games and known as “Where it all began.”
*<a href=>Age Of Empires HD (only on voobly)</a>
*<a href=>Age Of Empires Random Map Ladder</a>
*<a href=>Age Of Empires Help Center & F.A.Q.</a>
*<a href=[You must login to view link]>AoeHeaven: Oldest AOE Fan Community Website</a>
*<a href=[You must login to view link]>Patch 1.0c from the Age Of Empires Official Site</a>
Để chơi, Bạn hay vào 1 phòng bằng cách click vào tên phòng bạn muốn vào.
Age of Empires Phòng
Tên phòng | Người chơi Online | Xếp hạng |
Babylon | 29 | RM 1v1, RM Teams/FFA, Death Match, Old Random Map (2007-2015) |
Tournament 1 | 0 | VCOM AoE Ladder |
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