Community Forums > Voobly Support and Game Complaints Support > Game related Problems and Questions > 1.6 Out of sync without any player dropping
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civs: vikings, bulgarians, cumans, japanese, burmese, byzantines, bengalis, bohemians
So yeah, contrary to popular beliefs in certain circles, Romans were not the cause for the latest OOS issues.
[_VN]lieu87 (Malians) went out of sync according to the error message.
civs: Spanish, Mongols, Portuguese, Malians, Vikings, Incas, Teutons, Dravidians
civs: Koreans, Incas, Malians, Celts, Hindustanis, Franks, Huns, Magyars
Seemed to happen right at the moment a player aged up.
No specific player mentioned, "an error occurred"
civs: Burmese, Japanese, Poles, Turks, Italians, Magyars, Portuguese, Khmer.
Very early in game this one, so probably not the same as previous.
please still continue to report outsync bug. thanks a lot for your help i count on you.
Civs: Sicilians, Britons, Magyars, Koreans, Lithuanians, Italians, Turks, Portuguese
Time in game: 7:33
-userPatchSocreStats (when watching record )
-bengalis bonus (ratha and pop)
-civResBonus ressources (poles stone miner gold gen, portugess wood gen , ... )
-TechTree research on green light
hope we found witch code causing the issue.
Please still continue to report outsync bug. thanks a lot for your help.
I know this quite boring , but it is the only way, because we can't debug with anti cheat.thanks again let hope we found.