Community Forums > Voobly Support and Game Complaints Support > Game related Problems and Questions > map needs authorization
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AoKTS updates (53 用户)

CBA PathBlood 1.8.2 (43 用户)

Word Association (42 用户)

1.6 reward campaing (28 用户)

TDII (28 用户)

TIW 2020 Map votes (23 用户)

Fast proxy detection problem (10 帖子)

Fp with some people (6 帖子)


Voobly FP (2 帖子)
just post what you changed in your new version.
i elevated the middle with terrian updates
for each player i added a extra blacksmith and university buildings for quicker research purpose's resulting in faster game play's perhaps?
thats all of the changes and the purpose of the updates was to make the cba hero abit more fresh visually
for each player i added a extra blacksmith and university buildings for quicker research purpose's resulting in faster game play's perhaps?
This makes the map even more unbalanced, now stronger civs can research their technologies much faster. I appreciate your efforts giving the map a fresh new look, but could you also "fix" the terrible balancing of the current map?
My question was actually related to this:
We are looking for someone who helps us making the maps compatible with our community patch 1.6 and also helps us adding the new civs and fixing the balance problems we are having for years.
we r 20+ players that play map almost evry day and have lot of fun.and we all want it rated like it was 5 pls dont kill owr fun with [You must login to view link]