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We are happy to announce the creation of a new, hopefully, stable series of events around the new 1.6 Community Patch, to incentivise the use of its features and new civilizations.
This first version of the Community Clash will be a 1v1 tournament focused on open maps like Arabia, Gold Rush or Cross. It is open to everyone, regardless of the ELO and prices will consist of premium memberships and badges on your profile.
Tournament format and Dates
The tournament will be played as a single elimination league with best of 3 matches, except for the final that will be best of 5.
Players will agree upon a time to play on their own and then submit the recorded games to the tournament organizers. Players should indicate the score and winner of the matches to speed the process of setting the next round. In case of discrepancy between players, the recordings will be used.
Recordins will be sent either by sharing the link to the games or directly sharing the recording's file.
Matches should be played before their assigned deadlines, see bellow. In case the matches have not been submitted, one of the players will receive an admin win randomly.
Should a player be unable to contact their opponent and set up a date for the match, the player that made the effort to contact the other will receive an admin win. In order to receive an admin win of this kind, the player has to submit proof of trying to contact the opponent via message screenshots or any other medium.
All rounds of the tournament will have a week to be played. The deadline of each round will be the corresponding Sunday at 23:23:59 UTC-12 (see the current UTC time [You must login to view link]).
No more than 32 players will be allowed to participate.
Should a player not be able to play during the whole week, they should communicate the issue to the tournament organizers as soon as possible.
Participants and seeding
Everyone willing to participate should write in the comments bellow, leaving a link to the account they’ll be using. They must play all games of the tournament using that account.
Players will be randomly placed in the brackets.
Game rules
Players will not have restarts available.
Players can request a restart in situations where their maps are bugged or otherwise failed to generate in the intended way. After a restart, civilisations and colours must remain the same.
Situations that qualify as a bugged generation:
are inaccessible.
generate in the intended amount.
Players are permitted to do anything that the game allows, including, but not limited to, walling in resources, blocking or killing villagers and killing enemy herdable or wild animals.
This does not include deletion of straggler trees around the Town Center.
Players will only pause a game if they, or their opponents, are experiencing severe issues that are directly affecting the game and their ability to play.
The player pausing the game will also be the one to unpause the game. Before unpausing, the player pausing the game will ensure that the opponent is ready to continue.
Game settings
All parties are equally responsible for making sure the lobby settings are correct before launching a game.
Game 1 will be played on DE_Arabia.
Subsequent games will be played in one of the following maps. The looser of the previous game will decide the next map to play. Maps can not be repeated in the same match.
Available maps:
Game 1 will be played with any of the eight new civilizations introduced in Definitive Edition. That is:
Subsequent games may be played with any other civilization. Players can not repeat the same civilization in the same match.
The prize distribution will be the following:
Random events
Should we need to randomly choose between two players for an admin win, the choice will be carried in the following way, to ensure fairness:
Tournament administrators
Tournament participants
Link to the [You must login to view link]