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Join the Inter lobby then.
Please play in any other lobby. You can make it no rated or you can chose and pick who you want to play by chosing or adding a rating limit. If you have friends in NPL then you'll have to play with them in Casual Lobby or MS Lobby.
Any other reason:
Rules are the same for everyone. If you are not allowed to enter the New Player Lobby, it is because you are not longer a New Player; being a low skilled player is not an excuse to be allowed to play there.
My suggestion is to start playing in Intermediate Lobby or Casual Lobby as well of learning some strategies that may get you stronger enough to play at Medieval Siege.
Here are some helpful players you should watch in order to learn build orders / how to play civilization and overall become a better player.
Search these names on Youtube:
TheViper (watch his Voobly 1v1 videos)
DauT (watch his Voobly TG videos)
T90Official (watch his Voobly commentary videos)
There is many more but I would focus on TheViper point of view of games.
Hello. You seem to just create that account today to make a reply. Here is our NPL policy on why youve been removed from there
Yamorido (my brother) is 1370 and its going to play in other lobby, but azules is my acoount and not ready for that yet.
can you help me with only these account? (azulesdelnorte)
Yamorido (my brother) is 1370 and its going to play in other lobby, but azules is my acoount and not ready for that yet.
can you help me with only these account? (azulesdelnorte)
Hello unfortunately the pc your using is linked to an account that is no longer allowed in New Player Lobby (yamorido). This means you must play with your friends in other lobbies like Casual Lobby, Medieval Siege, Custom Scenario or any other ones. Best way to play in those lobbies is add a password and tell your friends the password and if you're trying to play with other users you can add a rating limit and pick and chose who you want to play vs.
Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you understand the reasoning.
please let me play some time in new player to continue learning with fiends. Only this account, the otherone its OK because my brother is better than me.
please let me play some time in new player to continue learning with fiends. Only this account, the otherone its OK because my brother is better than me.
Hello. I understand that and it's unfortunate because if he is removed from NPL that means anyone on that pc/internet will be removed also even if it's not that player.
Let me explain the reason why. Let's say Voobly allowed you to connect to NPL this would give access to anyone in your house to also enter and I hope you understand that we're trying to protect the (actual new players) from smurfs.
If you want to play with your friends you must bring them to other lobbies.
Thank You!