Community Forums > Voobly Community > Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Custom Scenario > Rated Map Pack / Ladders and official CS news > Random Ladder need an update packs
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I HAVE A PROBLEM (2 posts)
here i'll put an example below:
Random lite: a small amount of most common/friendly maps for newcomers.
maps should be quickly like > AB-Bacteria-Nova-Ray-Smosh-Khans bloods-Lustful
Random Bloods: a pack with just bloods most harders/popular ones but not need to had all of them.
Maps can be > same as lite + Woa+Vetz+Gwarz+Path+Radical+HeroFest+Grave+KM+Pool+Fury
Random TG: same as bloods with adding some other good maps.
maps can be > random bloods + Rcb+Lustful+Byo Cb+Cbx
Random Full TG: this pack allows you to play most CS maps, made for experts and tryharders who love to try new things.
maps should be the same as TG pack but add those uncommon maps like these > Zotten+Dodgeball v10+Aow+King of Towers+Spider+Small Bloods+Daze+Diamond+Hardcore+BSB+Blue Bloods.
take on note that i didn't put cba/hero because the grace of this ladder was to promote variety of maps.
as i said it's best way to make a more enjoyable mappacks for every class of ppl who play Custom.
Your message is too short.
Maps would have to be added based on popularity though - what are players hosting and actually playing? What if the majority don't like the map that comes up and it was only added based on a few who like that map? More than likely they will resign or not want to play that pack at all.
Btw, post here next time please (requesting topic be moved):
a version without AB for Veni
a version only with AoK maps for AoK players
a version with only Europe for Cena
and a version with only Lustful for Javi ...
it was fine before, just Random Lite and Random TG
take on note that i didn't put cba/hero because the grace of this ladder was to promote variety of maps.
as i said it's best way to make a more enjoyable mappacks for every class of ppl who play Custom.
Seems to be going well so far lol