TIW - 2017 Suggestions


Join Date: 5 February 2012
Edited 13 November 2016 - 1:30 am by Army1_VCom
Ok ladies and gents id like to start by saying i haven't been that active of late to really gauge who is active and who isn't so don't really know how big we can make it. However and with no date set just going on this years event which began in January i think it might be an idea to open up a mature discussion on next years event. Naturally the likes of 7th, eot, vicious, xcel and dv8 all will be invited whether they choose to play i just don't know but i would be hopeful.

Regarding rules for those who cant remember or just don't know how it was set up last year, you can find the rules we used here http://vooblycommittee.voobly.com/forum/thread/235579

Should we change anything?

One thing id like to suggest is perhaps certain power house clans perhaps considering fielding 2 teams and maybe having a roster max for teams? I can imagine some mightn't be in favour of this and i do understand but ive also heard others saying how they would perhaps field 2 teams next year after 2016 was finished (then again alot has changed in cs since then). I have seen some with huge rosters struggle to field 3 players in previous tourneys for games, while ive also seen those with small rosters being super organised and having no difficulties. I guess the pros to having a roster limit is it makes the tourney more competitive with the con being the best overall clan mightn't win it and i guess with cs being how it is there is always pride and bragging rights at stake.

So really what i would like to hear is a discussion/suggestions on who to invite, rules/changes, whether your clan is interested in playing, when to host it etc...

I would be delighted if we could have another tourney at least as big and successful as this years event next year
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Join Date: 30 November 2012
Posted 13 November 2016 - 1:15 am
the only 2 recommendations i would give are to have an opportunity for 2 team sets per clan :) not rly put much thought into this yet tho 11

cs seems dead atm :( let's hope this revives it for at least one more time!
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Join Date: 16 October 2016
Edited 13 November 2016 - 1:50 am by [HBHJBJ]jbgyugyugu
Make a cup of nations cba or cba hero ;1st
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Join Date: 17 May 2012
Posted 13 November 2016 - 2:00 am
rb will play even if we will just resign the moment you make a **** decision again
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Join Date: 26 August 2014
Posted 13 November 2016 - 2:28 am
just i want dodgeball v5 ;goatee
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Join Date: 24 October 2013
Posted 13 November 2016 - 3:32 am
gary always sounds like a hopeless widow
or like a rat dying
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Join Date: 13 September 2016
Posted 13 November 2016 - 4:36 am
Very good idea bro, hopefully we can get at least 16 clans for this, awesome!
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 [ X ]PrIMeZ_X_StaR

Join Date: 21 November 2015
Posted 13 November 2016 - 4:58 am
two teams per clan wont work.
and its not good idea for TIW
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Join Date: 5 February 2012
Posted 13 November 2016 - 5:05 am
I understand what your saying but i think some clans are tight enough were it wouldnt create problems but also they have a deep enough talent pool to have two competitive teams. Not saying thats the plan just want to hear what others think
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Join Date: 13 September 2016
Edited 13 November 2016 - 5:39 am by Eot_Leader
Real talk now my n!gga, TIW won't happen again Army, who do you expect to play in this? I am banned on my main PC and 7th aren't active or interested in playing. Eot are not active from what I've heard. The other clans don't have the numbers or consistency to play even if they were active.
Competitive AoC CS is dead and it's not coming back, VCOM (not you Army) played its part in killing CS.
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Join Date: 21 August 2012
Posted 13 November 2016 - 5:38 am
The only important suggestion I have is that there has to be some change with the veto and/or map picking system:

I know a big tournament like this requires a variety of maps. But CBA, CBA Hero and RCB are by far the most popular maps in CS, each map having its own Ladder. Thats why I think those maps should be more important in a tournament which is supposed to decide the currently best clan in CS. Taking dv8 vs Vicious as an example, we ended up having all our CB maps vetod and ended up having to pick Blood maps as even OUR home maps even though our clan is not really interested in Bloods. A clan should have the right to pick maps as their home maps theyre actually good at and not having to pick maps theyre bad at. Obviously, this is in interest of our clan performing better but there are plenty of other clans who are pretty good at CBs (Epic for example if they still exist) who would perform quite good compared to the big clans if the most popular maps receive more weight in such tournament. It would also make a - usually - very Bloods favored tournament more appealing to them to participate in in the first place. I myself for example dont feel very motivated to play in a similar tournament again if its having to play 95% bloods in the end.

You could change that for example by:
- allowing CBA and Hero to be picked in every cathegory and not blocking each other out like they used to.
- having them twice in each cathegory so for example in the 3v3/4v4 cathegory there are 2 CBAs and 2 CBA Heros, so if one CBA gets vetod with the current system, we could still pick it one more time (and before the Blood players start crying about how that would only result in them having to waste all their vetos on CBs and still having to play some in the end - well, then you know how we from dv8 felt like last time playing against Vicious and Xcel)
- changing the veto system like vetos not being able to veto CBs or granting each clan 1-2 immunities for example
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Join Date: 1 January 2010
Edited 13 November 2016 - 7:25 am by [Eot_]Trumplaris
@ Malte. 2015 TIW had a CBA & CBA hero map in every single set.. so it was overall 6 maps of it... and only 2 vetos... 2016 was a bit different as I think CBA didnt have enough votes in one of the sets so it wasent part of the map pool for all 3 sets as you would normally expect.

Either way I think your dv8 roster this time around will be much stronger bloodwise than it was last time so you guys can hang better if you wish to.

@ Damian. Not sure what you got banned for but probably some dumb racist bull****... pretty sure you can be unbanned though as I dont think its some huge deal and your main acct needs to be banned forever. As for the rest... yeah CS bloods are pretty dead atm... but if theres one thing that we've always noticed is that when TIW comes around clans do usually get more active and start to practice more + this tournament wont be for another few months most likely so theres plenty of time.

& Eot will be participating so count on us atleast to start things off. Hoping to see the rest of teams also participate.
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Join Date: 21 August 2012
Posted 13 November 2016 - 8:06 am
+ there were 3 vetos in 2016. Nobody wastes vetos on the opponents 1v1 and 2v2 home pick, youre saving them for the decider which constisted mostly of blood maps to begin with. And in 3v3, if you still had 3 vetos left you could easily veto cba, hero and rcb and make the opponent team pick blood maps as THEIR home maps. Thats what I was saying. Im not playing a blood tournament again. 2016 the brazilians talked me into changing my mind and playing but if the rules stay the same in this aspect, Im not playing again, regardless of whether we would perform better or not.
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Join Date: 1 January 2010
Posted 13 November 2016 - 8:11 am
having cba and cba hero twice is really stupid... I dont care how many people play the maps or how popular it is... but the other stuff you suggested is viable so its something for frankie to keep in mind.
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Join Date: 2 July 2007
Edited 13 November 2016 - 8:19 am by [I3acI]_Army1_
I think voting on maps will be a bit different and more cbs will be there, though we could maybe have say one immunity for each clan in each clan match up?

Meaning you have one pick that cant be vetoed?

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