Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
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Getting Started on Voobly!
Game Features
AoC Improvements
Since the closure of CD-Rom game support on MSN Zone the staff at Voobly has been dedicated to providing the best online matchmaking service for Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. During these years Voobly has added features and improvements to enhance the game play and stability for Age of Empires II: The Conquerors and the AoC community.
Enhanced Game Features:
- Mirrored Civilizations - This option allows each team to receive the same civilizations as the other team, providing a more even match up in your game by eliminating the possibilities of having a team with all weak civilizations.
- Anti-Cheat - Voobly has spent over 7 years developing and updating the only working Anti-Cheat System for the Age of Empires Series which is now integrated into the AoC Voobly patch to provide the best protection against all cheats.
- Window-Mode - It is now possible to launch your Aok in window-mode, simply click the "Game" button in your game room and select "Directx" and check the "Render in 32bit color" and the "Start in window-mode".
- Widescreen 2.0 - Voobly has released an improved version of widescreen support for Voobly. Widescreen 2.0 has improved the old widescreen layout by fixing the bottom bar and it is also now possible to use multiple monitors while playing your games!
Now it is possible to choose the position(center,left,right,stretch) of your Command Bar(mini map, unit controls) at the bottom of your screen. At the top of your game room click [Game>Resolution Tool>Command Bar Position] and select where you want your Command Bar positioned.
For complete information about Widescreen 2.0 read Here.
- Multiple Monitor Support - If you have multiple screens you can now enable the multi-monitor support on Voobly and the game will span across all your screens. The only requirement is that you set your the monitor on the left as the primary display within Microsoft Windows display settings.
To enable multi-monitor select "Span Game Across Multiple Monitors" from the resolution tool menu: for complete information about multi-monitor support read here.
- Color Fix - Age of Empires II has some graphic problems when running on Windows Vista\Win7\Win8, causing the game colors to become distorted, showing the grass and water in different colors. These issues are now fixed automatically through Voobly. There are no extra files to setup, simply launch your game and allow Voobly to fix these problems for you!
Voobly Client Features
Private Chat Rooms
- Voobly is proud to announce the release of Private Chat Rooms! This feature was quite popular among users on MSN Zone and now has been revamped and added to Voobly for everyone to enjoy.
Private Chat Rooms can be easily created from your messenger by clicking "File" and selecting "Create Private Chat Room".
For complete information about Private Chat Rooms read Private Chat Rooms
Enhanced Game Mod Support
- With the amount of quality mods in production such as Tales of Middle Earth and Age of Empires II: Forgotten Empires Voobly decided to improve it's game mod support to make it as quick and easy as possible for users to install and play their favorite game mods.
Custom Themes
- The Voobly Client comes with 3 different theme styles Voobly Classic, IGZ Classic and Voobly Primitive. With a wide selection of user made themes available for users to download or you can even design your own.
For more information about user made themes visit here.
Live 24/7 Technical Support
- Have a problem with your game or client? No problem, Voobly has a Live Technical Support lobby to help you with any problem you might have! Simply Click the Live Help icon located at the top of any Voobly lobby and you will be directed to the Tech Support Lobby.
Game Ratings
- Game Ratings are set on specific ladders according to each game type, (e.g. Random Map
ladder is for Random Map games), to select the correct rating ladder for your game type simply click on the "Settings" button in your game room and check the box beside "Rated Game" then use the drop down menu to select the correct Rating Ladder and press Ok.
Instant Messenger
- Voobly's Instant Messenger allows you to easily interact with other users by sending messages or inviting them to your room for a game.
Nat Traversal
- NAT Traversal 2.0 removes the requirement for users to manually forward ports (though it might be recommended in rare circumstances) and allows multiple LAN players to easily play in the same game room.
For more information it's recommend you visit the NAT Traversal Page.
Chat Emoticons
- Advertise your games or just chat with other users in Voobly's Lobby Chat which includes custom fonts, size and colors with over 100 emoticons.
User List
- The user list is used to show the users that are in the lobby, including people that are on your friends, watch or ignore list. You can choose which groups are displayed in groups on the user list by clicking the "Settings" button in the lobby and selecting the "Lounge" tab, then check each group you want displayed.(e.g. if you want to display your team members in the user list check the box "Group team members in user list")
Voobly Website Features
User Rating Graphs
- In your user profile you can see your ratings and game history graphs that enables you to track your progress over time. The ratings graph shows your rating history and now allows you to compare your progression with other users. Each rating ladder is represented by a colored line so you can compare your rating history on each game ladder you play on.
For more information about user rating graphs read here.
Rating Ladders/Match Stats
- You can view each rating ladder you have played in through your profile. Each game type has it's own rating ladder and a ranking for every player. It is also possible to see specific stats for the games you have played, e.g. civilization stats, map stats, and recently played matches. If the match was recorded it is possible to download the recorded game from the match by clicking the "Download Rec." option from the player of your choice.
Clan Support
- Voobly's team support offers clans the ability to create their own clan forums, promote their members to higher rankings, easily add your clan tag to new members, customize your clan webpage and much more...
For more information about Customizing your Team read Here.
Live Streaming
- Live streaming can now be shared on your Voobly profile page. Users can now broadcast any game they play on Voobly and other users can watch it live on their profile.
For more information about live streaming read here.
For help getting your stream setup read the Live Streaming Guide
Voobly's Tournament Committee(VCOM)
- Voobly's Tournament Committee or "VCOM", is a community based group established for the organizing and running of Tournaments / Ladders / Leagues / Clan Wars on Voobly. VCOM has been created using the more experienced players, with the addition of some Voobly Moderators to assist when necessary. This committee is an invitation only position, but we actively seek and welcome new players who could help improve VCOM.
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