Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > VILLAGERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS


by Gallas - 478 downloads

The name of this mod says what you need to know.
You start as a villager on a big island. There are weapons on the ground somewhere around. Go and pick them up before other players and be the last survivor!

For more information about gameplay, tips and guides visit:


Example random map

(a tiny map with 4 players)

Important information

  • The map shrink 10 tiles by every 5 minutes from the water. Unevenly, so be aware!
  • You will take 3 damage (or more) every 5 seconds if you are in the "storm", so run to the mid!
  • Weapons gives varied stats, know what to use vs your enemy!
  • You can only regen hp while you are unarmed, be careful!
  • You have your own specific class bonuses (civs), use them well!
  • You can gather food and gold (only unarmed) to upgrade your villager in your Pavilion.

Technical informations

Possible changes at next update

(listed here to discuss before it goes live, feel free to comment it)
1.4 - Start res as medium/high should not affect that much if can alter it

Version log

Current version 1.3:
1.3 - Guardian no longer gives unintended resource at age up (thanks for report to _krmyth9)
1.3 - Unarmed unit gain +1 hidden damage vs all weapon holder
1.2 - The amount of resources are scaling with the number of total players
1.2 - Resource gathering speed is increased by 0.1
1.2 - Forage bush and Deer have +5 food
1.2 - Unarmed attack speed slowed down to 3.0 from 2.0 (compromising the self-heal)
1.2 - Ballistics cost 15g/5f instead of 30g/10f
1.2 - Camouflage cost -5 gold and food
1.1 - Base damage of the "storm" is reduced to 3 from 5
1.1 - Pile of Gold appears correctly
1.1 - Mod guide is finished
1.1 - Marksman second civ bonus is fixed
1.1 - There is 16% more chance for sunny weather
1.0 - First working version
0.9 - Added custom civ bonuses
0.8 - Added upgrades and resources
0.7 - Fixed map shrinking thanks to
[sQad]HenkDeSuperNerd's BattleRoyaleMaps
0.6 - Weapon picking and map generating is working

Not possible features and known bugs
  • Making visible the map-shrinking or adding sound to it
  • Showing unit stats on yours and on target
  • Unit stances when equipped with a weapon
  • Adding more weapons, only can have 11 total
  • Units are auto-attack if UP1.5 used, and idle+runs away if 1.4RC

Important game settings


Offline game support

network_down.PNG AoKH link: [You must login to view link]

Special thanks/credits

- Keisari Tapsa, Ruralist and DiGiT for modding tools
- ApAdams for ideas and some graphics
[sQad]HenkDeSuperNerd's BattleRoyaleMaps for map shrink fix
- Ozhara for fancy goldmine
- xViRuS for mod suggestion

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