Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > Rome Returns

Current version 1.3.1:
1.3.1 - Ai villagers no longer should get stucked while want to build. (huge thanks to CheeseOnToast_FE)
1.3 - New features:
1.3 - Aoe1-like interface skin!
1.3 - New wonders! (thanks to Jan dc and Tzontlimixtli)
1.3 - Two new units: Elite Slinger and Heavy Camel Rider! (thanks to todler)
1.3 - Trade cart replaced by Caravan (thanks to todler)
1.3 - Added aoe1 Taunts.
1.3 - Hun civilization renamed to Scythian (most of the civ-tree is same)
1.3 - Korean civilization replaced by Mauryan (full rework, thanks for the idea to UsacDynastic)
1.3 - General fixes:
1.3 - Fisherman drops food to Granary instead Storage pit to prevent a bug. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia & Ariota)
1.3 - Academy hotkey by default is S (blacksmith) and fixed the "CTRL go to" command. (reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Most of % bonuses/changers are reviewed and should do correct values. (counted and reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Lot of units got a new LoS or Search radius to be equal. (no range changed)
1.3 - Slinger no longer gets +1 unintended damage from Alchemy technology.
1.3 - Logistic no longer should mess up the Slinger's upgrades.
1.3 - Jihad shows correctly the extra damage for female villagers. (reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Several Campaign map has been fixed. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia & [ByT]Poxo)
1.3 - Wall graphics has been updated. (not the best one, but no more holes on it)
1.3 - Lion while walking is no longer invisible.
1.3 - Lion and Alligator behave like wolf in aoe2 (still gives food, but needed some extra trick from SvsW2)
1.3 - Special Ai villagers gets civ bonuses too
1.3 - Jungle trees have correct density. (reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Ruins 2 appear correctly if owned by gaia. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia)
1.3 - Fixed Single Pole Flag's name in editor. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia)
1.3 - Stone Miners no longer should be named as Xerxes. (no idea what causing this bug for certain people)
1.3 - Siege projectiles landed on ground will make an exploding effect, instead of just disappear.
1.3 - Stone projectiles for catapults appears at correct coordinates.
1.3 - Farms on Fortress random map are 1 tile closer to TC.
1.3 - Medusa's second death will be a Catapult not an Onager.
1.3 - Several tooltip fixes.
1.3 - Balance changes:
1.3 - Scout +1 pierce armor.
1.3 - Scout gets an additional 0.1 movement speed in Bronze and Iron age.
1.3 - Slingers will be affected by infantry armor upgrades.
1.3 - Axeman +2 damage vs chariots, chariot archer and camel riders.
1.3 - All Chariots and Heavy Horse Archer -5% movement speed.
1.3 - All towers and walls +1 pierce armor and +2 vs slingers.
1.3 - Bronze, Iron and Tower shield gives bonus armor for Cavalry-line too.
1.3 - Stone projectiles are 30% faster (catapults etc).
1.3 - Heavy Catapult can destroy tress by targeting, not just ground attack.
1.3 - Civilization changes:
1.3 - Babylonian: Walls and towers +75% hp instead of 2x
1.3 - Choson: Granary and Storage pit cost 100 wood from 120
1.3 - Egyptian: Chariot +25% hp instead of +33%
1.3 - Greek: Villagers get +20% foraging, All ship move 20% faster and Academy units cost -20%
1.3 - Hittite: Siege weapons +60% hp instead of 2x
1.3 - Macedonians: Fixed the convert resistance and +2 line of sight not 1.3 also +2 search radius too
1.3 - Mauryan: General rework from Korean (too long to list it)
1.3 - Persian: Villagers get +20% hunting instead of +30% and the whole Trireme-line gets the bonus
1.3 - Palmyran: Fixed the missing trade ships work rate increased by 25% bonus
1.3 - Phoenician: Villagers get +20% wood cutting not +30%, Cat. Tri and Jug +30% fire rate not 50%
1.3 - Scythian: Lost Chariot Archer and the projectile speed bonus, but scouts are trained 2x faster
1.3 - Shang: Villagers cost 40 Food instead of 35
1.3 - Sumerian: Farms have +125 Food instead of +250 and Stone Throwers +30% fire rate not +50%
1.3 - Yamato: Villagers gets +20% movement speed instead of +30%
1.2 - New features:
1.2 - Added Ai for comp by
tegla! Not just plays, but fair challenge even for good players! (more info)
1.2 - All AoE + RoR + Demo Campaigns with total 64 maps! (more info)
1.2 - Changed hotkeys to AoE2!
1.2 - New background in game room, now black texts are eaiser to read.
1.2 - Players starts with Scout in random maps.
1.2 - After Wheel is researched, in Iron age Trade Cart is create-able! (requested by several person)
1.2 - Reaching Bronze Age allows to build TC (no need anymore Government Center for it)
1.2 - General fixes:
1.2 - Regicide working again! (with some new elements) (reported by Gestaltzerfall)
1.2 - Nomad works too, also TC rebuilding is fixed. (reported by Gestaltzerfall)
1.2 - Villager's size radius is 0.2 instead of 0.25 (won't get stucked that common).
1.2 - Trade boat/Merchant ship's graphics and workrate fixed.
1.2 - Trade boat/Merchant ship now can directly send to Dock.
1.2 - Fishing Ship no longer turns back to the old texture after upgraded. (reported by CrimsonCaravan)
1.2 - Fishing Ship fish searching is fixed.
1.2 - Woodcutter no longer gather wood from Shore fish. (reported by Pak_Fortay)
1.2 - Large ships (Trireme and Catapult Trireme) now sink 20% faster when killed.
1.2 - Fire Galley sinking graphics fixed. Had the sinking graphics of a small ship (same as Fishing Boat).
1.2 - "Fortification" renamed to "Fortified Wall"
1.2 - Walls no longer should be open in Arena maps.
1.2 - Logistics tooltip fixed.
1.2 - Technologies no longer counted twice in statistics.
1.2 - Buildings no longer makes AoE2's foundation.
1.2 - Rubble from destroyed walls now disappears after some time and don't have LoS.
1.2 - Tree stumps from dead trees now disappear after a while.
1.2 - Dock ruins no longer produce repeated burning fire sound, also fixed destruction graphics.
1.2 - Elephant King attack graphics fixed (previously it had none).
1.2 - Sentry Tower's flame position fixed.
1.2 - The "how do you turn this on" cheat code will spawn the "bigdaddy" car instead of COBRA.
1.2 - Userpatch Balance changes:
1.2 - Food in fish is proportional to size (Shore fish has less food, Whales have more).
1.2 - Gazelles have 180 Food (had 150).
1.2 - Hunters work 15% faster than before (were as slow as Foragers, which made them less useful).
1.2 - Farm upgrades give you +75/+100/+125 Food (instead of +75/+75/+75).
1.2 - Farmers workrate increased by 10%
1.2 - Gold mines to 480 Gold in each piece (was 400) = 20% more gold.
1.2 - Stone mines to 300 Stone in each piece (was 250) = 20% more stone.
1.2 - Ballista/Stone Thrower (and their ups) no longer receive their Alchemy bonus twice.
1.2 - War Elephant: fixed missing attack bonus vs. buildings.
1.2 - Siegecraft: Bonus attack of villagers against walls and towers is now reduced.
1.2 - Jihad: villager carry capacity penalty reduced, but bonus movement speed too.
1.2 - Broad swordsmen have +10 HP, Long Swordsmen have +20 HP.
1.2 - Heavy Cavalry +1 melee armor.
1.2 - Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Cataphract cost -5 Gold: 70F, 75G (was 70F, 80G)
1.2 - Camel Riders now have attack bonus (+4) vs. all elephants (same bonus as vs. chariots).
1.2 - Cataphract now stronger (+20 HP, +1 melee armor/pierce armor); upgrade cost reduced.
1.2 - Horse Archer and Heavy Horse Archer have only 1 pierce armor (had 2).
1.2 - Slingers have higher bonus attack vs mounted archers (bonus vs foot archers unchanged).
1.2 - Slinger and Elephant Archer LOS fixed (had too small LOS for their range).
1.2 - Medicine: Priest heals 2x faster (was 3x).
1.2 - Civilization changes:
1.2 - All civ able to research Wheel (for Trade Cart)
1.2 - Assyrian: Elephant Archers are now affected by their archer bonus
1.2 - Babylonians: Get Metallurgy
1.2 - Hittite: Fixed Ship bonus range (reported by Tegla)
1.2 - Huns: Starts with -80 wood, lost Cataphract and horse mov. bonus reduced from 20% to 15%
1.2 - Koreans: Get religion bonus (Monk +1/1 armor)
1.2 - Minoan: Composite bowmen range bonus is fixed
1.2 - Palmyrans: Start the game with +100 Food (villagers cost 75 F), also work 25% faster (not 20%)
1.2 - Persians: Get Artisanship
1.2 - Shang: Get Ballistics
1.2 - Sumerians: Get Craftsmanship
1.1 - First big update:
1.1 - Fixed random crash at loading screen by adding 2 new civilization!
1.1 - Techtree fully reworked! (still not perfect, but can't really do much more without .exe editing)
1.1 - Fixed some random map's script. (reported by RazgrizOne)
1.1 - The mod is including Advanced Statistics too.
1.1 - Free carto like the Allied Vision and EEA mod!
1.1 - Added more aoe1 interface elements.
1.1 - All civilization got new theme music.
1.1 - Fixed new ambient sounds.
1.1 - Building icons and graphics now shows correctly the used civilization.
1.1 - Building icons are placed like in aoe1.
1.1 - Villagers after built Storage Pit will automatic go for nearest resources.
1.1 - Storage Pit now buildable on hills. (reported by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Villagers got bigger LoS and Search Radius. (suggested by tegla)
1.1 - Villagers can garrison into TC and towers (suggested by tegla)
1.1 - Houses and TC supports 5 pop instead of 4 (suggested by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Small wall is available from Stone age instead of Tool age. (suggested by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Range upgrades now shows correct numbers. (reported by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Catapults and Cat. Trireme+Jug. got back the ground attack button.
1.1 - Fixed Villager's attack graphics. (reported by RazgrizOne)
1.1 - Slinger can attack Lion. (reported by _Masada_)
1.1 - Fishing ship can fish the shore fish. (reported by 2walls)
1.1 - Increased Fishing ship's Search Radius. (suggested by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Units are no longer walking under Farm's graphics.
1.1 - Mines now use all texture variation.
1.0 - First public version with base data files.
0.9 - Finished the translate back to English from Chinese and fixed missing lines.
0.8 - First Voobly-compatible version!

- The new game balance is still under testing
- CTRL go to Storage pit is not working due to special id required for it
- Ai still need some polishing specially with villager stucking
- Campaigns may have bugs
- Arena random map may not place the walls correctly
- Villagers on farm can stuck if the left edge is blocked (hard-coded stuff for 3x3 area from aoe2 not 2x2)
- Monk can't convert ships (intended bug?) (reported by Shark_Slayer)
- Few Heroes and aoe1 cheat units are missing
- Hawk (white bird, display transparent color when flying in certain directions) [Top at least] (reported by DynaToxic)
- Hero (Hannibal?) displays wrong name at Scenario Editor. (reported by DynaToxic)
- Normal AoK/AoC scenarios are not supported (missing and changed ids make game crash)
- Lion dead body has wrong name
- Lion click-ability need a check when it attacks
- Some reports about changes and texts by Dusknior
- Some unit still can have wrong names for unknown reason
- Medium wall tech info need a fix
- Ai on easy difficult too hard compared to hard/hardest
- Resource 87 check for boat convert
- Balance recheck with new units and few civs
- Aoe1 random maps (most important part is no scout start)
- Allowing more building to build on elevations
- Attempt to force 60026.bina for custom Ai
- Spanish translate as a visual mod
- Gazelle should have less LoS, but this need more tests
- Ancient Rivalries aoe1 mod techs ideas
- Brown orange color mod implement
- aoe1-ish gates?
- Adding new civilizations later?
- ESRGAN (and SFTGAN) - image upscale for walls
This mod not compatible with the following Visual mods:
- Advanced Spec
- Blue Berries
- HD Units re-skin
- Pumpkin Patch
- Pro Mod
If you will use these Visual mods, you will see wrong icons and get the "black box bug" or wrong text lines.
The mod itself ~30Mb big, if you have unzip error try again to download (slow internet can cause it)
To play the Campaign start the game in Single Player mode and click Rome Returns Campaign. You can choose from 11 campaign with total 64 maps, and can use 3+1 difficult settings.

You can also download Campaign as Scenarios from here.
You can choose from two Ai for the mod:
Rome_RM_Ai and Rome_Only_DM (both was made by

Rome_RM_Ai: Supports most of map and land types. You can also type "14" to give a middle difficult between Hard and Hardest, also Ai follows the "31" signal on minimap.
Rome_Only_DM: This Ai is suggested for good players only. For the biggest challenge use the following settings (2k and above 1v1 ratting is essential):
- Teams: 1vs1
- Civilization : Scythian
- Location: GA
- Size: Tiny (2-player)
- Difficulty: Hardest
- Resources: DM
- Starting Age: Post Iron Age
- Population: 200
- Reveal Map: any
- Victory: Conquest
- All Techs: No

You can download the mod's offline version from [You must login to view link] (make sure you follow the install instructions).
- yty from [You must login to view link] for base mod (and [Falling]_Boulder to link it) - [You must login to view link]
- Keisari Tapsa's and DiGiT's aoe tools
- DiGiT, JustTesting1234 and LOD_mantis for aokTS
- AoE1's UPatch team for fixes and balance ideas
tegla for two custom Ai and CheeseOnToast_FE's help with it
- Lloyd Kinsella for Campaign Manager
- Jan dc and Tzontlimixtli for custom Wonders
- todler for new slinger, camel rider and caravan graphics
- AoE1 Wiki helped a lot in tooltip writing
- Justin for AoE-RoR Music and Allied Vision
- Every tester who helps to make this mod more awesome!
by nhoobish and Dan
Playing vs DM Ai:
A streamed match by T-West with commentary
Useful AOE1 Tips
RR Tutorial 1_Algunos cambios entre RR y los age 1 y 2
Rome Returns vs 5 RR RM AIs hard
RR Beaten a team of 7 IAs on hard using Scythians
Jogando Age of Empires 1 pela primeira vez (mod version 1.2)
Rome Returnsby Gallas and yty - 11798 downloads |
Rome Returns
This is an Age of empires 1 replica mod with AoC features.
![]() |
Technical informations
Version log
Current version 1.3.1:
1.3.1 - Ai villagers no longer should get stucked while want to build. (huge thanks to CheeseOnToast_FE)
1.3 - New features:
1.3 - Aoe1-like interface skin!
1.3 - New wonders! (thanks to Jan dc and Tzontlimixtli)
1.3 - Two new units: Elite Slinger and Heavy Camel Rider! (thanks to todler)
1.3 - Trade cart replaced by Caravan (thanks to todler)
1.3 - Added aoe1 Taunts.
1.3 - Hun civilization renamed to Scythian (most of the civ-tree is same)
1.3 - Korean civilization replaced by Mauryan (full rework, thanks for the idea to UsacDynastic)
1.3 - General fixes:
1.3 - Fisherman drops food to Granary instead Storage pit to prevent a bug. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia & Ariota)
1.3 - Academy hotkey by default is S (blacksmith) and fixed the "CTRL go to" command. (reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Most of % bonuses/changers are reviewed and should do correct values. (counted and reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Lot of units got a new LoS or Search radius to be equal. (no range changed)
1.3 - Slinger no longer gets +1 unintended damage from Alchemy technology.
1.3 - Logistic no longer should mess up the Slinger's upgrades.
1.3 - Jihad shows correctly the extra damage for female villagers. (reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Several Campaign map has been fixed. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia & [ByT]Poxo)
1.3 - Wall graphics has been updated. (not the best one, but no more holes on it)
1.3 - Lion while walking is no longer invisible.
1.3 - Lion and Alligator behave like wolf in aoe2 (still gives food, but needed some extra trick from SvsW2)
1.3 - Special Ai villagers gets civ bonuses too
1.3 - Jungle trees have correct density. (reported by Ariota)
1.3 - Ruins 2 appear correctly if owned by gaia. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia)
1.3 - Fixed Single Pole Flag's name in editor. (reported by Lloyd_Garcia)
1.3 - Stone Miners no longer should be named as Xerxes. (no idea what causing this bug for certain people)
1.3 - Siege projectiles landed on ground will make an exploding effect, instead of just disappear.
1.3 - Stone projectiles for catapults appears at correct coordinates.
1.3 - Farms on Fortress random map are 1 tile closer to TC.
1.3 - Medusa's second death will be a Catapult not an Onager.
1.3 - Several tooltip fixes.
1.3 - Balance changes:
1.3 - Scout +1 pierce armor.
1.3 - Scout gets an additional 0.1 movement speed in Bronze and Iron age.
1.3 - Slingers will be affected by infantry armor upgrades.
1.3 - Axeman +2 damage vs chariots, chariot archer and camel riders.
1.3 - All Chariots and Heavy Horse Archer -5% movement speed.
1.3 - All towers and walls +1 pierce armor and +2 vs slingers.
1.3 - Bronze, Iron and Tower shield gives bonus armor for Cavalry-line too.
1.3 - Stone projectiles are 30% faster (catapults etc).
1.3 - Heavy Catapult can destroy tress by targeting, not just ground attack.
1.3 - Civilization changes:
1.3 - Babylonian: Walls and towers +75% hp instead of 2x
1.3 - Choson: Granary and Storage pit cost 100 wood from 120
1.3 - Egyptian: Chariot +25% hp instead of +33%
1.3 - Greek: Villagers get +20% foraging, All ship move 20% faster and Academy units cost -20%
1.3 - Hittite: Siege weapons +60% hp instead of 2x
1.3 - Macedonians: Fixed the convert resistance and +2 line of sight not 1.3 also +2 search radius too
1.3 - Mauryan: General rework from Korean (too long to list it)
1.3 - Persian: Villagers get +20% hunting instead of +30% and the whole Trireme-line gets the bonus
1.3 - Palmyran: Fixed the missing trade ships work rate increased by 25% bonus
1.3 - Phoenician: Villagers get +20% wood cutting not +30%, Cat. Tri and Jug +30% fire rate not 50%
1.3 - Scythian: Lost Chariot Archer and the projectile speed bonus, but scouts are trained 2x faster
1.3 - Shang: Villagers cost 40 Food instead of 35
1.3 - Sumerian: Farms have +125 Food instead of +250 and Stone Throwers +30% fire rate not +50%
1.3 - Yamato: Villagers gets +20% movement speed instead of +30%
1.2 - New features:
1.2 - Added Ai for comp by

1.2 - All AoE + RoR + Demo Campaigns with total 64 maps! (more info)
1.2 - Changed hotkeys to AoE2!
1.2 - New background in game room, now black texts are eaiser to read.
1.2 - Players starts with Scout in random maps.
1.2 - After Wheel is researched, in Iron age Trade Cart is create-able! (requested by several person)
1.2 - Reaching Bronze Age allows to build TC (no need anymore Government Center for it)
1.2 - General fixes:
1.2 - Regicide working again! (with some new elements) (reported by Gestaltzerfall)
1.2 - Nomad works too, also TC rebuilding is fixed. (reported by Gestaltzerfall)
1.2 - Villager's size radius is 0.2 instead of 0.25 (won't get stucked that common).
1.2 - Trade boat/Merchant ship's graphics and workrate fixed.
1.2 - Trade boat/Merchant ship now can directly send to Dock.
1.2 - Fishing Ship no longer turns back to the old texture after upgraded. (reported by CrimsonCaravan)
1.2 - Fishing Ship fish searching is fixed.
1.2 - Woodcutter no longer gather wood from Shore fish. (reported by Pak_Fortay)
1.2 - Large ships (Trireme and Catapult Trireme) now sink 20% faster when killed.
1.2 - Fire Galley sinking graphics fixed. Had the sinking graphics of a small ship (same as Fishing Boat).
1.2 - "Fortification" renamed to "Fortified Wall"
1.2 - Walls no longer should be open in Arena maps.
1.2 - Logistics tooltip fixed.
1.2 - Technologies no longer counted twice in statistics.
1.2 - Buildings no longer makes AoE2's foundation.
1.2 - Rubble from destroyed walls now disappears after some time and don't have LoS.
1.2 - Tree stumps from dead trees now disappear after a while.
1.2 - Dock ruins no longer produce repeated burning fire sound, also fixed destruction graphics.
1.2 - Elephant King attack graphics fixed (previously it had none).
1.2 - Sentry Tower's flame position fixed.
1.2 - The "how do you turn this on" cheat code will spawn the "bigdaddy" car instead of COBRA.
1.2 - Userpatch Balance changes:
1.2 - Food in fish is proportional to size (Shore fish has less food, Whales have more).
1.2 - Gazelles have 180 Food (had 150).
1.2 - Hunters work 15% faster than before (were as slow as Foragers, which made them less useful).
1.2 - Farm upgrades give you +75/+100/+125 Food (instead of +75/+75/+75).
1.2 - Farmers workrate increased by 10%
1.2 - Gold mines to 480 Gold in each piece (was 400) = 20% more gold.
1.2 - Stone mines to 300 Stone in each piece (was 250) = 20% more stone.
1.2 - Ballista/Stone Thrower (and their ups) no longer receive their Alchemy bonus twice.
1.2 - War Elephant: fixed missing attack bonus vs. buildings.
1.2 - Siegecraft: Bonus attack of villagers against walls and towers is now reduced.
1.2 - Jihad: villager carry capacity penalty reduced, but bonus movement speed too.
1.2 - Broad swordsmen have +10 HP, Long Swordsmen have +20 HP.
1.2 - Heavy Cavalry +1 melee armor.
1.2 - Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Cataphract cost -5 Gold: 70F, 75G (was 70F, 80G)
1.2 - Camel Riders now have attack bonus (+4) vs. all elephants (same bonus as vs. chariots).
1.2 - Cataphract now stronger (+20 HP, +1 melee armor/pierce armor); upgrade cost reduced.
1.2 - Horse Archer and Heavy Horse Archer have only 1 pierce armor (had 2).
1.2 - Slingers have higher bonus attack vs mounted archers (bonus vs foot archers unchanged).
1.2 - Slinger and Elephant Archer LOS fixed (had too small LOS for their range).
1.2 - Medicine: Priest heals 2x faster (was 3x).
1.2 - Civilization changes:
1.2 - All civ able to research Wheel (for Trade Cart)
1.2 - Assyrian: Elephant Archers are now affected by their archer bonus
1.2 - Babylonians: Get Metallurgy
1.2 - Hittite: Fixed Ship bonus range (reported by Tegla)
1.2 - Huns: Starts with -80 wood, lost Cataphract and horse mov. bonus reduced from 20% to 15%
1.2 - Koreans: Get religion bonus (Monk +1/1 armor)
1.2 - Minoan: Composite bowmen range bonus is fixed
1.2 - Palmyrans: Start the game with +100 Food (villagers cost 75 F), also work 25% faster (not 20%)
1.2 - Persians: Get Artisanship
1.2 - Shang: Get Ballistics
1.2 - Sumerians: Get Craftsmanship
1.1 - First big update:
1.1 - Fixed random crash at loading screen by adding 2 new civilization!
1.1 - Techtree fully reworked! (still not perfect, but can't really do much more without .exe editing)
1.1 - Fixed some random map's script. (reported by RazgrizOne)
1.1 - The mod is including Advanced Statistics too.
1.1 - Free carto like the Allied Vision and EEA mod!
1.1 - Added more aoe1 interface elements.
1.1 - All civilization got new theme music.
1.1 - Fixed new ambient sounds.
1.1 - Building icons and graphics now shows correctly the used civilization.
1.1 - Building icons are placed like in aoe1.
1.1 - Villagers after built Storage Pit will automatic go for nearest resources.
1.1 - Storage Pit now buildable on hills. (reported by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Villagers got bigger LoS and Search Radius. (suggested by tegla)
1.1 - Villagers can garrison into TC and towers (suggested by tegla)
1.1 - Houses and TC supports 5 pop instead of 4 (suggested by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Small wall is available from Stone age instead of Tool age. (suggested by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Range upgrades now shows correct numbers. (reported by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Catapults and Cat. Trireme+Jug. got back the ground attack button.
1.1 - Fixed Villager's attack graphics. (reported by RazgrizOne)
1.1 - Slinger can attack Lion. (reported by _Masada_)
1.1 - Fishing ship can fish the shore fish. (reported by 2walls)
1.1 - Increased Fishing ship's Search Radius. (suggested by Shark_Slayer)
1.1 - Units are no longer walking under Farm's graphics.
1.1 - Mines now use all texture variation.
1.0 - First public version with base data files.
0.9 - Finished the translate back to English from Chinese and fixed missing lines.
0.8 - First Voobly-compatible version!

Known bugs and missing features
- The new game balance is still under testing
- CTRL go to Storage pit is not working due to special id required for it
- Ai still need some polishing specially with villager stucking
- Campaigns may have bugs
- Arena random map may not place the walls correctly
- Villagers on farm can stuck if the left edge is blocked (hard-coded stuff for 3x3 area from aoe2 not 2x2)
- Monk can't convert ships (intended bug?) (reported by Shark_Slayer)
- Few Heroes and aoe1 cheat units are missing
- Hawk (white bird, display transparent color when flying in certain directions) [Top at least] (reported by DynaToxic)
- Hero (Hannibal?) displays wrong name at Scenario Editor. (reported by DynaToxic)
- Normal AoK/AoC scenarios are not supported (missing and changed ids make game crash)
- Lion dead body has wrong name
- Lion click-ability need a check when it attacks
- Some reports about changes and texts by Dusknior
- Some unit still can have wrong names for unknown reason
- Medium wall tech info need a fix
- Ai on easy difficult too hard compared to hard/hardest
Suggestions for next update
- Resource 87 check for boat convert
- Balance recheck with new units and few civs
- Aoe1 random maps (most important part is no scout start)
- Allowing more building to build on elevations
- Attempt to force 60026.bina for custom Ai
- Spanish translate as a visual mod
- Gazelle should have less LoS, but this need more tests
- Ancient Rivalries aoe1 mod techs ideas
- Brown orange color mod implement
- aoe1-ish gates?
- Adding new civilizations later?
- ESRGAN (and SFTGAN) - image upscale for walls
This mod not compatible with the following Visual mods:
- Advanced Spec
- Blue Berries
- HD Units re-skin
- Pumpkin Patch
- Pro Mod
If you will use these Visual mods, you will see wrong icons and get the "black box bug" or wrong text lines.
Calculated downloading time
The mod itself ~30Mb big, if you have unzip error try again to download (slow internet can cause it)
Connection type | Download speed | Download time
Modem | 28,8 kbit/s | 02:25:38
Modem | 56,6 kbit/s | 01:14:53
ADSL | 256 kbit/s | 00:16:23
ADSL | 512 kbit/s | 00:08:11
ADSL | 1 Mbit/s | 00:04:11
ADSL | 2 Mbit/s | 00:02:05
3G | 7,2 Mbit/s | 00:00:34
ADSL | 8 Mbit/s | 00:00:31
LAN | 10 Mbit/s | 00:00:25
ADSL | 24 Mbit/s | 00:00:10
4G | 80 Mbit/s | 00:00:03
LAN | 100 Mbit/s | 00:00:02
About the Campaign
To play the Campaign start the game in Single Player mode and click Rome Returns Campaign. You can choose from 11 campaign with total 64 maps, and can use 3+1 difficult settings.

You can also download Campaign as Scenarios from here.
About the Ai
You can choose from two Ai for the mod:
Rome_RM_Ai and Rome_Only_DM (both was made by

Rome_RM_Ai: Supports most of map and land types. You can also type "14" to give a middle difficult between Hard and Hardest, also Ai follows the "31" signal on minimap.
Rome_Only_DM: This Ai is suggested for good players only. For the biggest challenge use the following settings (2k and above 1v1 ratting is essential):
- Teams: 1vs1
- Civilization : Scythian
- Location: GA
- Size: Tiny (2-player)
- Difficulty: Hardest
- Resources: DM
- Starting Age: Post Iron Age
- Population: 200
- Reveal Map: any
- Victory: Conquest
- All Techs: No
Offline version

Special thanks
- yty from [You must login to view link] for base mod (and [Falling]_Boulder to link it) - [You must login to view link]
- Keisari Tapsa's and DiGiT's aoe tools
- DiGiT, JustTesting1234 and LOD_mantis for aokTS
- AoE1's UPatch team for fixes and balance ideas

- Lloyd Kinsella for Campaign Manager
- Jan dc and Tzontlimixtli for custom Wonders
- todler for new slinger, camel rider and caravan graphics
- AoE1 Wiki helped a lot in tooltip writing
- Justin for AoE-RoR Music and Allied Vision
- Every tester who helps to make this mod more awesome!
Gameplay videos
by nhoobish and Dan
Playing vs DM Ai:
A streamed match by T-West with commentary
Useful AOE1 Tips
RR Tutorial 1_Algunos cambios entre RR y los age 1 y 2
Rome Returns vs 5 RR RM AIs hard
RR Beaten a team of 7 IAs on hard using Scythians
Jogando Age of Empires 1 pela primeira vez (mod version 1.2)

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Changes Game Play
Game Name:
Created By:
Gallas and yty
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33.01 MB
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