Age of Mythology: The Titans > Game Mods > Mythodea Sudden Death Edition

Mythodea Sudden Death Edition

by Woepie - 28 downloads

Mythodea Sudden Death Edition
Mythodea Sudden Death Edition is a much shortened version of the Pwnage Mythodea scenario. A game of Mythodea SDE shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes. Mythodea SDE is suitable for a 1v1, 2v2, 1v1v1 and 1v1v1v1 format. Additionally, there is an observer feature accessible through player 5.

At the start of the game players can build their own army, consisting of 29 human soldiers of one type and 1 myth unit. After that they choose an upgrade for their units and pick a god power of their choosing. Contrary to Pwnage Mythodea, your army is deployed only once in Mythodea SDE, so be careful with your units. Whoever loses their army or their market, will lose the game.

Some noteworthy features that speed up the game or prevent abuse:
*Flying myth units die when a player has no human soldiers left anymore.
*Flying myth units can't move before the starting timer runs out.
*Players can't leave their base before the start of the game.
*Camping in your base during the game will cause your market to deteriorate slowly.
*When a market is destroyed, all units of the owner will be killed automatically.
*When an army is killed, the market of the owner will be destroyed automatically.
*AFK players are automatically booted when the starting timer runs out.
*You can see the amount of units a player has left by looking at his market.
*At 4.30 minutes four watch towers from mother nature start shooting at all players in order to prevent players from turning the map's corners into their personal sanctuaries.

Have you been playing Mythodea SDE and do you have some feedback or would you like to report a bug? You can do that here. Your comment will be much appreciated.

A map overview

The soldier shop

The myth unit shop

Example army I

Example army II

Example army III
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