Age of Mythology: The Titans > Game Mods > Mythodea Mini

Mythodea Mini

by Woepie - 28 downloads

Mythodea Mini
Mythodea Mini is a simpler and more compact version of the Pwnage Mythodea scenario. A game of Mythodea Mini also takes less long than the original map. Mythodea Mini is suitable for both a 2v2 and 1v1v1v1 format and the approximate playing time is 15 minutes. Additionally, Mythodea Mini comes with an observer feature that can be accessed as player 5.

Each player starts with automatically spawning armies of Militia. After each 50 kills your army levels-up, meaning your units will start to be replaced by different, stronger ones. There are 8 levels in total. As you level-up, you will also automatically receive both line and armory upgrades for your units and building upgrades for your Town Center, like Masons and Architects. Additionally, Gaia will be generous sometimes and provides all the players with some god powers. The main objective in Mythodea Mini is to destroy the Town Centers of your opponents in order to win the game.

Have you been playing Mythodea Mini and do you have some feedback or would you like to report a bug? You can do that here. Your comment will be much appreciated.

Beautiful aesthetics!

Exciting battles!

Total mayhem!

Flying elephants (if you're lucky)!
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