Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > Fency Palisade Walls

Fency Palisade Walls

by GorLeon - 151 downloads

This mod will replace the graphics of palisade walls with those of fences, which are scenario editor-only constructions. Fences are shorter and visually less intrusive. This should enhance the visibility of units behind your palisade walls.


Keep in mind that palisade gates won't be affected. Modifying gates in AOE2 is way too complicated and it's not really worth it. Also, this mod was inspired by a mostly identical one on DE (thanks to SongSong for using it on his Twitch stream; I saw it there for the first time).

Would you prefer something "heavier"? Take a look at Bulky Palisade Walls.
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