Map :Random Map. God : for Bo1 Rounds ( Choose your own God ) God for Bo3 final rounds, will be decided later.
Dropping will be determined based on current game state:
If the winner dropped, then the match will be replayed.
If the game is still undecided at time of drop, match will be replayed.
If the loser is dropping (and it's clear he's losing), then the other person will move on and the dropped will be DQ'd.
All aspects, plus others not listed, will be analyzed before making a decision by tournament runners and others as they see fit.
Third Party Tools:
The use of any third party tool is prohibited. Examples are, but not limited to: Modified game files, syncers, crashers, network throttling devices (purposely lagging programs), and other such tools. Violation of this rule will not only result in disqualification from tournament, but termination/punishment as the Voobly staff team seems fit.
You will have ten minutes to report to your first round game, or you will receive a lost and be eliminated from the tournament. You are also expected to play future rounds as soon as possible. Both issues may be extended at the tournament mods' discretion.
All matches will be required to be played in the tournament lobby of voobly, located here: ( Will be setup 2 days before the tournament ) No other lobbies/clients will be allowed. Any issues with the client that may arise will be dealt with by the tournament mods/admins as they are presented.
You may only play on your account, and may only enter the tournament with one account. This also includes playing for someone else if your account was eliminated. Failure to follow this rule will result in disqualification of all involved accounts.
Any rule can be added/modified at any time as seen fit by a Voobly tournament mod. This rule exists to stop and punish potential exploitation of loopholes in current rules.
All matches must be reported before advancing to the next round in the appropriate section. Games must be recorded therefore. The recorded games may be uploaded to [You must login to view link] ( Will provide Forum link in the tournament day
The last round for spots 1 , 2 , 3 will be played Best of 3. Same map. but will be different Gods that we will decide later. Brackets:TBD after signups close.
doubt I'd be able to play a 1 day tourney but it probably works better for most. And you might want to fix the 'shields' for the winners.... supermacy???
doubt I'd be able to play a 1 day tourney but it probably works better for most. And you might want to fix the 'shields' for the winners.... supermacy???
lol ty for the heads up
ill fix that spelling mistake when im back home
i always read it as supermacy lol
my bad !
but you can try your luck
sign up and you maybe be able to make it
Hello everyone
I'm glad to announce
1v1 Supremacy Tournament
DATE: September the 11th at 4pm GMT
[You must login to view link]
Tournament Rules:
Map : Random Map.
God : for Bo1 Rounds ( Choose your own God )
God for Bo3 final rounds, will be decided later.
Dropping will be determined based on current game state:
If the winner dropped, then the match will be replayed.
If the game is still undecided at time of drop, match will be replayed.
If the loser is dropping (and it's clear he's losing), then the other person will move on and the dropped will be DQ'd.
All aspects, plus others not listed, will be analyzed before making a decision by tournament runners and others as they see fit.
Third Party Tools:
The use of any third party tool is prohibited. Examples are, but not limited to: Modified game files, syncers, crashers, network throttling devices (purposely lagging programs), and other such tools. Violation of this rule will not only result in disqualification from tournament, but termination/punishment as the Voobly staff team seems fit.
You will have ten minutes to report to your first round game, or you will receive a lost and be eliminated from the tournament. You are also expected to play future rounds as soon as possible. Both issues may be extended at the tournament mods' discretion.
All matches will be required to be played in the tournament lobby of voobly, located here: ( Will be setup 2 days before the tournament ) No other lobbies/clients will be allowed. Any issues with the client that may arise will be dealt with by the tournament mods/admins as they are presented.
You may only play on your account, and may only enter the tournament with one account. This also includes playing for someone else if your account was eliminated. Failure to follow this rule will result in disqualification of all involved accounts.
Any rule can be added/modified at any time as seen fit by a Voobly tournament mod. This rule exists to stop and punish potential exploitation of loopholes in current rules.
All matches must be reported before advancing to the next round in the appropriate section. Games must be recorded therefore. The recorded games may be uploaded to [You must login to view link] ( Will provide Forum link in the tournament day
The last round for spots 1 , 2 , 3 will be played Best of 3. Same map. but will be different Gods that we will decide later.
Brackets: TBD after signups close.
1st) 6 month Gold membership
2nd) 3 month Gold membership
3rd) 3 month silver membership
In addition shields will be put on your profile to show your achievement
To sign up you must agree to the rules and state your full user name for the tourney
Example of signup
1. Arg_Fedee
2. [mG_]Ervd
3. AoL_Iron_maiden
4. NiM_Mazinger_Z
5. Nim_sergio
6. DoD_NeBrAsKaS
8. Destroyer10
9. NiXec
10. _DZ_Light_
11. [SL']FixKo
12. [DoD_]velitewarrior
13. IRegret
14. [UrK]_LatinO
15. Pokerstar
16. BrinGThERaiN
17. TylerDurden_
18. [mG_]RaNgErS
19. ATB_Tyr
20. GreekToMe.
21. Ray_Kalm
22. ArmyCore
23. Apocalipticuz
24. handjobs
25. Chicks
26. NiM_MYF
27. IamTalent
28. NiM_Anybodyilaz
29. tHx_MinaTo
30. [NiM]Zancrow
31. Nim_jalegas
32. MayanEmpire
33. _Quicker_
34. [_RSA_]sNaKeSmR
35. [DoD_]IamFox
36. PsychoX
37. [NiM]Darkrak
38. devanshchopra10
39. DaSoothingLight
40. ChronoJJ_
41. [DoD_]S_to_the_pOefT
42. [NIM]Ragnarokk
43. NiM_Dan_herZ
44. Kratos_nh
45. Funileiro_Naval
46. [ZOP]leyver007
47. NoRsEforRoXxX
48. Chojinete
49. Ventdange
50. SuPeR_StArr
51. AkwiD
52. GDM_IQ
53. CZE_Panpohoda_
54. Free_SunRiSe
55. GDM_Faraon
56. Favour
57. shreyas18
58. TurkisHPoweR
59. NiM_infamous
60. uchihakiller
61. [_RSA_]AleFlip
62. DoO_Darksoul_
63. [DoD_]IamBlood
64. zzkrr
waiting for more sign ups guys!
PS: _eT_ can you please fix the post of that guy so many codes O.O
but yea its 1 day tournament.
unless you got a problem?
lol ty for the heads up
ill fix that spelling mistake when im back home
i always read it as supermacy lol
my bad !
but you can try your luck
sign up and you maybe be able to make it
this is not gonna launch unless we have at least 16 players.