community patch 1.6


Join Date: 25 May 2020
Edited 20 October 2022 - 5:21 pm by +chris@voobly
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I said multiple time that it looks ugly for me (to the point i thought it was a bug), but apparently i'm not only one, can't you keep the normal AOE2 graphics but with all other changes? I think would make the mod a lot more popular and people would appreciate your work more.
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Join Date: 2 May 2019
Posted 17 September 2022 - 2:03 pm
I think the voobly community is at a critical point where this beautiful new patch must succeed or the community will cease to exist, and honestly the voobly team have been doing great great work to achieve just that, but it seems most people who play nowdays are stuck to nostalgia and don't wanna change the way the game always looked for them( some don't even play any new balance ) so I guess that change would make sense
Would love to know what pancrol and katsuie think
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Join Date: 3 August 2020
Edited 17 September 2022 - 3:47 pm by [_DE_V]GiGaAOE2
Here is some mods if you don't like new graphics
Old units slp
Old terrains
Identical mod just with old graphics for units
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Join Date: 22 September 2022
Posted 23 September 2022 - 9:56 am
yes yes yes
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Join Date: 20 January 2008
Posted 23 September 2022 - 1:24 pm
Make a mod old buildings
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Community Patch Developer

Join Date: 19 December 2016
Edited 24 September 2022 - 6:48 pm by +_456_
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Join Date: 28 September 2019
Posted 23 September 2022 - 11:17 pm
I would also recommend this mod. Looks very similar to the Definitive Edition
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Join Date: 10 March 2022
Posted 24 September 2022 - 12:13 am
L0L ;lol ;lol ;lol
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Community Patch Developer

Join Date: 19 December 2016
Posted 25 September 2022 - 10:41 pm

and a lot more feature
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Join Date: 23 February 2022
Edited 26 September 2022 - 2:25 pm by PinkamenaRules
A general user opinion: I used it a couple of times, on the last try a month ago, it looks a bit "pixeled" but big problem was: no able to change units from stand ground/defensive/aggressive, they where "crashed on passive" and have to micro constantly to was a big bug that really makes it unplayable.

I'm sure they already fix this among others problems BUT there is still the impresion that is an "on development patch" mainly fuelled by: it doesn't even successfully install!!, every time you reopen voobly the download (10 min long) starts again and again and again...I fixed this manually one time but now with new adds to 1.6 it start poping out again...and I'm sorry but this time I don't even worry about solving it, I just cancel the download and play 1.5+DE...I mean, basic stuff: if you want 1.6 to become popular start fixing the installer!.
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Community Patch Developer

Join Date: 30 November 2018
Posted 26 September 2022 - 2:59 pm
no able to change units from stand ground/defensive/aggressive
Maybe you didn't have the advanced commands activated.
it doesn't even successfully install
A problem in the installation is not the mod's fault, it's on your side, either your conection or your computer.

Blame the mod for what it can be blamed for but nothing more.
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Join Date: 10 March 2022
Edited 26 September 2022 - 8:44 pm by [_DE_V]GL_DauT
A general user opinion: I used it a couple of times, on the last try a month ago, it looks a bit "pixeled"
Bro game is from 1999 what do you expext from it(l mean it has DE graphics but frames are reduced 3 times)
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Join Date: 23 February 2022
Edited 30 September 2022 - 12:14 am by PinkamenaRules
Just telling you my user experience in order to understand why (I think) 1.6 is not popular (yet?), and because maybe you don't know this problems are happening, all in a constructive criticism manner.

1) "A problem in the installation is not the mod's fault" mmmm but it ONLY happens with 1.6 mod...I have Wololo, Realms, 1.5 beta R7...never a problem, the only one who never "stay installed" is 1.6 and when I did the research to fix it (months ago) found other users too with the same problem, wich if I remember correctly was solved by an offline installer (not always available), is there any offline installer for the new 1.6?.
In any case, if this is a common problem (maybe is not) I think the vast mayority of users won't do the research to fix it...they probably would not install it and just keep playing 1.5 (wich we are trying to avoid here).

2) "Maybe you didn't have the advanced commands activated" I didn't know that this has to be activated!, should not be a default setting?, I mean is a really key feature in the game...will check it next time.

Yeah I looks more pixeled than DE patch, could be a really good technical reason for that (maybe in bigger resolutions pixels get smooth?), I don't know, for me is not a big downside anyway, just mention it to confirm others perceptions.

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Community Patch Developer

Join Date: 30 November 2018
Edited 30 September 2022 - 1:08 am by +pablo@voobly
but it ONLY happens with 1.6 mod
Because the 1.6 mod is very big since it comes with all the new units and new civilizations with their own language, and I mean all the stuff not present in the original AOC. The installation depends on your bandwith and computer's capabilities to decompress the file.

The only other mod closer in size was Wololokingdoms but it wasn't installed automatically so you didn't depend on the Voobly installer. I assume Realms doesn't have that many new units and probably the dialogue of the civilizations is not unique. We have actually greatly reduced the size of the mod in the past year and have received less complains about that. Regardless, it should be fixed with future versions of the client, once they stop using the old framework.
wich if I remember correctly was solved by an offline installer (not always available)
The manual installation link, if you refer to that, is always available.
I didn't know that this has to be activated!, should not be a default setting?, I mean is a really key feature in the game...will check it next time.
I think new mods are loaded with the function deactivated, at least I oly had to worry about it when I bought a new computer.
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Join Date: 2 May 2019
Edited 14 October 2022 - 1:04 am by +pablo@voobly
+pablo@voobly wrote:
Because the 1.6 mod is very big since it comes with all the new units and new civilizations with their own language, and I mean all the stuff not present in the original AOC. The installation depends on your bandwith and computer's capabilities to decompress the file.

The only other mod closer in size was Wololokingdoms but it wasn't installed automatically so you didn't depend on the Voobly installer. I assume Realms doesn't have that many new units and probably the dialogue of the civilizations is not unique. We have actually greatly reduced the size of the mod in the past year and have received less complains about that. Regardless, it should be fixed with future versions of the client, once they stop using the old framework.

The manual installation link, if you refer to that, is always available.

I think new mods are loaded with the function deactivated, at least I oly had to worry about it when I bought a new computer.

the manual installation link doesn't always work with all mods

I would suggest throwing the voobly installer completely and sticking with manual installation links all the way, don't make things harder for yourselves to help people, just my opinion :)

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