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As of today the feature of showing AKA Rates has been made available for all users in the AOT Main Lobby. In the past this has been available for premium users only, but now it will be available for all the players. If you would like to find out what AKA Rates are or why we made this decision, please keep reading.
What are AKA rates?
From now on, when you hold your mouse on a player in the AOT Main Lobby, there will be a new column visible for you in which it shows the player's AKA Rate. AKA is an abbreviation of “also known as”. An AKA Rate is basically the highest rating a player has on any account he owns. AKA Rates only show if a player has an account with a rating of 1650 or higher and the rates appear with an increment of 50. If you haven't guessed it already, AKA Rates are a pretty useful tool to detect smurfs.
Please take a look at the example picture below. You see that my that my account currently has a TG Supremacy rating of 1658, but that it shows an AKA Rate of 1700. This means that I have another account with a rating close to 1700 and that is correct. My account called [UCA]Strahssis currently has a TG Supremacy rating of 1717.
Why did we make this decision?
Smurfing has been a significant problem for new and lower level players in the community over the past years. For example: a
Not only lower level players are victimized by smurfs, but also medium and higher level players, all be it to a lesser extend. Say you're 1700 and you're facing an 1850 opponent that is playing on a 1650 account. You are more likely to lose this game and because you're opponent is only 1650 on that account, you will be losing a lot of points. Besides that, you may not be interested in playing against such a strong opponent. And let's be honest, if you were to beat the 1850 player, you want the point reward for beating an 1850 player an not the reward of beating a 1650.
By making AKA Rates visible for all players in the AOT Main Lobby we want to help players detect smurfs, so they can make a knowledgeable decision if they want to play against them. We hope we will be solving the problems that people have been facing with smurfing this way.
I hope I have informed you all well about this change and if you have any questions or comments, please post them as a reply below. I wish you all a wonderful Age of Mythology time!
All the best,
@Furkan can you describe what do you not understand about this post? I'll try to explain
it doesn't make sense to buy it anymore
it doesn't make sense to buy it anymore
Premium membership's main advantage over normal users was to see AKA RATES, now everyone can see
Premium membership's main advantage over normal users was to see AKA RATES, now everyone can see