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Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Thank you,
I enabled it on the executable. But when I run the installationg it crashes...
But when I do the same for No Snow, it does not.
But it does not work with 'Allied Vision' or 'DE Balanced'
I've looked at the folder the first one in the mod center creates (the one without grid) and I've noticed the folder name is wrong.
Navigate to where the mod is installed, for me it's
SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Age2HD\Voobly Mods\AOC\Local Mods\No Snow
Inside the folder there is a folder called "graphics". Try renaming it to "drs".
Navigate to where the mod is installed, for me it's
SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Age2HD\Voobly Mods\AOC\Local Mods\No Snow
Inside the folder there is a folder called "graphics". Try renaming it to "drs".
In the attached image, I have the following mods.
The Light Grid Terrain mod seems to negate the No Snow mod.
Another option is to copy the contents of one mod into the other, so that the game treats them as a single mod. With this option you may end up with grid in some terrains and no grid in the replacements of the snow.
This mod also negates the No Snow:
I tried both.
'Light Grid NoSnow'
I confirm that it works and this issue is resolved.