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Edit: Time to make the greatest voobly cs memes thread/instagram or whatever? I can contribute some age old pics.
I like the idea +1
Seems like somebody wants to post just for the attention. Four pages of bull**** that I skipped right through.
And your attitude right here is proving that reasonable point. All I see you doing is whining and complaining. If certain people (we all know who they are) didn't care about CS, do you think it would still have players at all? Come off the **** train javi and grow a brain.
And your attitude right here is proving that reasonable point. All I see you doing is whining and complaining. If certain people (we all know who they are) didn't care about CS, do you think it would still have players at all? Come off the **** train javi and grow a brain.
completely agree with you Mich
In addition: CBA Hero TOP lost 80% of old players because of resets, and it was one of you idea so... Definitely would have even more players
only 4 players still play "actively"
same applies for CBA TOP, it's 80% old players gone... and it gets worse when i go through more pages looking at known names who have been afk for that reason(No idea if most of the top players in hero left because of that though)
and it's all been because a change community didn't have a legit chance to even vote...
Nice promotion of lustful. Total 4 players.
GL getting 24+ players for the lustful tournament 'for pleasure ur fetish'.
"and it's all been because a change community didn't have a legit chance to even vote..."
Amazing how 14 votes of players that doesn't even play anymore defined the future eh, or what I'd say amazing how 5 players in the shadow accorded with what was the most voted
fun fact is how skeermo try to bring up Overwatch stuff here and literally that 3 months season **** killed the game LMFAO
GL getting 24+ players for the lustful tournament 'for pleasure ur fetish'.
not talking to light weight players srry
Also the other clan mate, who was head of random ladder for a time and privy to CS meetings.
(ps, locked and malte)
There are 4 active lustful players and you lose to 75% of the active ones (Major hint: One of the active ones is you).
Go outside ...