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Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.
Maybe this lesson will be usefull to you, you have time to reflect on your behaviour.
Hope this will be usefull to others aswell so they will think 3 times before acting like you in games.
You know what mean abuse of power? When you do something (ban for example) when is not against the rules.
Go check the Code Of Conduct:
"Voobly reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, from any or all areas of [You must login to view link] for spamming, flooding, or otherwise abusing the public communication tools."
In the abuse of comunication tools you can include also this:
"We encourage our members to treat each other with mutual respect. Do not use any of the [You must login to view link] chat, messenger, or message features to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others or hack their accounts."
"[You must login to view link] inappropriate language can include any language that in any way looks like, sounds like, stands for, hints at, abbreviates, or insinuates any of the following: profanity, sexual content (including but not limited to explicit language, sexual innuendo, sexual content, or references to sexual preferences), slurs (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities."
"Voobly reserves the right to revoke the membership of anyone who advocates or encourages expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. [You must login to view link] does not tolerate racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs."
My question: where do you see a realistic chance of getting unbanned again?
Your message is too short.
telling someone to suck a **** **** isnt racist towards the recipient of said **** , and it aint racist towards the guy from the blacked videos cuz clearly he has the biggest one .
calling someone a dumb mexican isnt racist either , mexicans come in all variety of ethnicities , clearly referring to his internet being **** and not his skin color or anything else related to being mexican .
now that we got that out of the way , i expect an apology from sunny and to be unbanned in the next hour.
You're really stupid