Symmetric NAT


Posted 8 January 2020 - 9:41 pm
I've tried opening port udp 16000 on my router and it didn't help.
I also enabled upnp in my router and in voobly and it didn't help either.
Please help
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Voobly Team

Posted 8 January 2020 - 11:01 pm
Please provide a screenshot of your NAT configuration in router :)
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Posted 9 January 2020 - 5:28 pm
Are you talking about the port forwarding thing in my router?or what exactly?
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Posted 9 January 2020 - 5:50 pm
update: i used this guide: [You must login to view link]
to set a static ip and still I have symmetric nat.
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Voobly Team

Posted 9 January 2020 - 8:37 pm
Are you talking about the port forwarding thing in my router?or what exactly?
Yes, correct :)
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Edited 9 January 2020 - 8:54 pm by trapped_nerve
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I erased mi ip. but the ip that i set up is the ipv4 ip adress that comes up in ipconfig

edit: link to image [You must login to view link]
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Voobly Team

Posted 9 January 2020 - 9:18 pm
A. Restart your PC and router.
B. Set your new static IPv4 <preferred> address to your NAT Configuration. Please make sure, you aren't assigning the routers IP address (Default Gateway).
C. Run the network diagnostics, copy and paste it here.
D. Join a game room with players and look for the message called <trapped_nerve has disabled direct connections>. You might be Fast Proxy with almost everybody in the room. Please let me know, if that is the case.
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Posted 9 January 2020 - 9:44 pm
I restarted my pc and router. My ipv4 didn't change so I didn't move anything in the router. (I'm not using the default gateway ip,my router doesn't let you do that anyway).
This is the network diagnostics log:
Starting networking diagnostics...

Your local network port (UDP) is 16000. All game traffic is routed through this port. This can be changed in "Settings" -> "NAT Traversal".

Attempting to connect to 3 test servers. This will take around a minute to complete...

Received data from 'server 2' through port 47104 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 3' through port 47105 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 1' through port 1304 (this is your WAN or router port)
14 seconds left.
9 seconds left.
4 seconds left.

Test Result: Symmetric NAT
Network Health: Poor
Recommended Action: Port forwarding recommended or switch routers. The only port you need to forward is UDP port 16000 on Voobly you do NOT need the direct play ports 2300-2400 and 47624.
Details: Your router assigned different public ports to all the test servers this will make it hard for users to directly connect to you. You will likely see a large number of fast proxies.

For help understanding this report or for more information go to

This is what happened when I joined a game:

<trapped_nerve has entered the game room>
<Trouble connecting to lehelkurtje -- increasing scan range>
<Trouble connecting to CAFERAGA -- increasing scan range>
<Trouble connecting to Hilfssheriff -- increasing scan range>
<Ramon1983 has entered the game room>
<JusterDuster has entered the game room>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with lehelkurtje. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with CAFERAGA. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with Hilfssheriff. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>

Sometimes I only get a few FP and I do connect with one or two players.Thanks for your help so far
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Voobly Team

Posted 9 January 2020 - 10:08 pm
A. Disable UPnP and increase the port range from 16000-16000 to 27000-27000.
B. Please make an exception for the Voobly folder(or .exe) in your antivirus application.
C. Tick both the private and public boxes in your Windows Defender firewall settings > "Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall".
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Posted 9 January 2020 - 10:31 pm
I did those steps but now I see more FP than before. This happened when I joined a game:

<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with HAckNiK. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with pelaez1988. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with Anthony22222. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with TheSolker. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>
<Lag Warning: Failed to establish a direct connection with PABLOMesas. Traffic to this user will go through the fast proxy server. If you have trouble connecting with many different users you have a problem! To resolve this, it is recommended that you forward a port in your router for UDP port 16000. You are also advised to run the Network Diagnostic Tool>

and the network diagnostics is the same as before
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Voobly Team

Posted 9 January 2020 - 11:05 pm
What antivirus are you using and have you excluded the Voobly folder from real time scanning?
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Edited 9 January 2020 - 11:15 pm by trapped_nerve
Panda dome, I set an exception for the voobly.exe
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Voobly Team

Edited 9 January 2020 - 11:27 pm by +eric@voobly
Make sure no VPN is in use, disable or uninstall the application if you're using one (Reboot the PC is required).

This is more likely a problem with your ISP or possibly a faulty router. I suggest calling them and see what they say about it. Just explain that you are trying to play an online game that requires UDP Port 16000 opened and you need help with the configuration.

You are paying for their services and helping you out is the very least they can do.
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Edited 10 January 2020 - 2:54 am by trapped_nerve
I actually talked with my isp twice - I told them I needed port 16000 UDP opened. they "opened" it,but it was like they did nothing. sadly the people in customer service have no clue whatsoever how to do this stuff,they just follow a basic manual,so they are no help. my router is a hitron cgnv22 if it is of any use...
thanks again sir.
about the vpn: I don't think there's an active VPN...those are never set up by default right?
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Voobly Team

Posted 10 January 2020 - 11:46 am
Do you have a tandem connection (double router setup) or connecting via a WiFi-extender by any chance? Troubleshooting/borrow a different router can help you isolate the problem.

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