Community Forums > Voobly Community > Other Games > Age of Empires III > Deathmatch Tournament 2017 Rules and Sign Ups
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The First Voobly Deathmatch tournament you all have been waiting for is finally coming!
- Signups begin today (July 17th 2017)
- Absolutely everyone is welcome to participate
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive Voobly account badges.
- ***IF we have a great turnout with many participants, Voobly will offer Premium Voobly Memberships as prizes, too ***
1.1 - Every game must be played on Voobly
1.2 - Every game must be played with the "Deathmatch" setting. (See the image below)
1.3 - Every game must be played with the Starting age: Post-Industrial
1.4 - Every game must be recorded and posted to the forum). Only Winner has to post the recording.
1.5 - Every game must use either "Deathmatch" or "Match Stats Only" ladder (which you can set up in the room settings). "Match Stats Only" ladder is a new ladder that keeps the history of your games and it does not affect any of your ratings.
1.6 - Game modifications, BESIDES the Voobly approved mods and Deathmatch homecities mod are NOT allowed, unless you have very similar mods from other source that does not grant an unfair advantage. If you are not sure about the mods, please contact our tournament staff.
1.7 - Every player must respect their opponent.
1.8 - The Warchiefs expansion is required.
1.9 - Smurfing is not allowed.
Disqualification Rules
3.1 - All other external exploits and unfair game modification software are forbidden. The tournament administration reserves the right to disqualify a player for use of any exploits to gain an unfair advantage.
3.2 - Exploits include but are not limited to: Map Hacks, Hacked Deck, Trainers, Explorer Revival Glitch, OOS / Intentional Lag (Stacked downloads or other game crashing exploits), and zoom modification.
3.3 - If you suspect your opponent has violated any of the player integrity rules, finish the game and submit it for review with an explanation of why you think the game was unfair. If the tournament staff members find someone to be guilty of cheating, the cheater will be disqualified from the tournament.
3.4 - When a player disconnects from the internet BEFORE 30 seconds, the players can (when both agree) restart and replay the game. When the opponent does not agree to restart, the outcome of the game will be determined by the tournament staff.
3.5 - When a player disconnects AFTER 30 seconds, the players can (when both agree) restart and replay the game. When the opponent does not agree to restart, the player who lost connection will be given a loss.
3.6 - The registered account name must be the main account of its owner.
Scheduling Rules
4.1 - It is your responsibility to schedule a time to play vs. your opponent. We suggest sending a PM here on the Voobly forum to schedule a time. If games are not played on time, we will give out an admin win.
5.1 - This seeding will be done automatically after signups close.
Map Pool and Map Rules
The map pool for the entire tournament will be as follows:
(The maps must be played in these orders)
To SIGN UP - Leave your main Voobly account name below!
Make sure you understand the rules!
It is Age of Empires III.