All Tech DISABLED! NB! It is your duty to make sure the Game Settings are correct!
Rounds, Spots and Civilizations
Civilisation: Japanese (Optional)
Best of three games
Map may only be played once per round
Dropping and Lag Rules
If a player disconnects, the game will be resumed.
If the game cannot be resumed we will try to view the recorded game. If one player/team was going to win without any doubt they will be awarded the win. If there was no obvious winner then the game will be replayed with the exact same settings.
If the same player constantly disconnects, they/their team will forfeit and the other player/team will progress to the next round. The exception to this rule is if the tournament has not progressed past the first round. A replacement can then be added to the offending team.
If a player is causing unplayable lag and can clearly be proven as the sole cause of the lag then that player may be disqualified.
Pausing Rules
Each team/player can pause once in game for a total of 5 minutes. Other players are not allowed to unpause until they are sure that that everyone has returned. Any player who has paused for longer than this period, without the permission of the other player/team, will be asked to unpause or an admin win will be granted to the other player/team. Players who repeatedly unpause before the 5 minutes is up will cause an admin win to be granted to the other player/team. A pause will be allowed to exceed 5 minutes if the player if communicating with a tournament organizer.
Deleting Rules
Deleting buildings in maps that have rewards for razing is generally not permitted in tournament play. A partially built building counts as a razing and will cause you to violate the rule. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
CBA and CBA Hero
Building is inside your open base or your allies open base, it has more than 25% health and there are no enemy units within range to hit it.
Building is inside your base or your allies closed base and there are no enemy units within range to hit it.
Building is in the main map but it is not on the front line of buildings and there are no enemy units near it.
You or your team have a significant number of units fighting in front of the building, it is blocking the way and highly unlikely to be destroyed.
RCB Gold
Deleting a building is not allowed until all players have gain 20 Razes. If you have bought a villager you may only delete a building that is in your base and under no threat of destruction.
Camping Rules
CBA and CBA Hero
Camping is defined as a player playing ultra defensively in order to gain an unfair advantage. If a player stays at their gates and does not move towards the middle to attack then that is clear camping. First offence means the game must be replayed. The second offence results in disqualification.
RCB Gold
Camping is defined as wasting time when the game is clearly over. If an admin is convinced that a player is doing this he can be kicked from the game.
Break Rules
Every player/team has the right to take a 10-15 minute break between the semi-finals and final games of the tournament.
Players/Teams that take unofficial breaks will be judged depending on the situation. If an organiser determines them to be wasting time they will be disqualified
Language Rules
Discrimination in any form is not tolerated. A violation of this rule can result in disqualification. Keep in mind that there are official rules related to this concern.
Simple trash talk is allowed since it has always been part of competitive activities such as sports or games. Keeping it to a minimum would be nice though.
Team Registration Rules
Teams will be officially locked 10 minutes before the tournament start time. You may not change your team after that point. It is your responsibility to make sure you are listed in the right team on the registration thread.
VCOM Host Rulings
Any and all rules may be changed by the tournament organizers on or before the night. All rulings by the official VCOM tournament organizers are final.
See the 'Sign-Ups' section of the VCOM Protocol
If you need help with time zones, use this website:
[You must login to view link]
Lustful Encounters
Herofest Redux
Radical Blood
Khans Blood
Spider Blood
Veterans Blood
NB! It is your duty to make sure the Game Settings are correct!
Civilisation: Japanese (Optional)
Best of three games
Map may only be played once per round
Each team/player can pause once in game for a total of 5 minutes. Other players are not allowed to unpause until they are sure that that everyone has returned. Any player who has paused for longer than this period, without the permission of the other player/team, will be asked to unpause or an admin win will be granted to the other player/team. Players who repeatedly unpause before the 5 minutes is up will cause an admin win to be granted to the other player/team. A pause will be allowed to exceed 5 minutes if the player if communicating with a tournament organizer.
Deleting buildings in maps that have rewards for razing is generally not permitted in tournament play. A partially built building counts as a razing and will cause you to violate the rule. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
Deleting a building is not allowed until all players have gain 20 Razes. If you have bought a villager you may only delete a building that is in your base and under no threat of destruction.
Camping is defined as a player playing ultra defensively in order to gain an unfair advantage. If a player stays at their gates and does not move towards the middle to attack then that is clear camping. First offence means the game must be replayed. The second offence results in disqualification.
Camping is defined as wasting time when the game is clearly over. If an admin is convinced that a player is doing this he can be kicked from the game.
Teams will be officially locked 10 minutes before the tournament start time. You may not change your team after that point. It is your responsibility to make sure you are listed in the right team on the registration thread.
Any and all rules may be changed by the tournament organizers on or before the night. All rulings by the official VCOM tournament organizers are final.
I agree rules
I agree rules
if i can make it
if i can make it
Try to make it bro. Very serious tournament this one
at this point any blood games are precious