mouse dbl-click unit - select all units of same type visible
mouse right-click bldg - garrison selected units
key space - center on selection
key ALT - display detail on selcted unit
key DELETE - delete selected unit/building
key Pause - pause game (click menu - pauses game w/o alert box)
key h - toggle Home City View
key ctrl1-9 - group selected units
key shift1-9 - add unit to group 1-9
key 1-9 - select group 1 - 9; 1-9 twice centers group
key F2 - display improvements
key F3 - display objectives
key F4 - display player score
key F5 - display chat menu
key F6 - display tribute menu
key F7 - display player summary
key F8 - quick save
key F9 - quick load
key F10 - display in-game menu
key F11 - display game time
key ctrl-F12 - screen shot
key t - Town Center
key ctrl-b - Barracks \ Blockhouse
key ctrl-c - Church
key ctrl-d - Dock
key ctrl-a - Artillery Depot
key ctrl-i - Mill
key ctrl-k - Bank
key ctrl-l - Plantation
key ctrl-m - Market
key ctrl-e - House \ HouseEast \ HouseMed \ Manor
key ctrl-p - Trading Post
key ctrl-q - Field Hospital
key ctrl-r - Arsenal
key ctrl-s - Stable
key ctrl-o - Outpost
key ctrl-v - Livestock Pen
key ctrl-w - Wall Connector
key ctrl-y - Factory
key ctrl-z - Capitol
key ctrl-f - Fort Frontier
======= Villager builds
key b - Barracks \ Blockhouse
key c - Church
key d - Dock
key e - Town Center
key a - Artillery Depot
key k - Bank
key l - Plantation
key v - Livestock Pen
key i - Mill
key o - Outpost
key e - House \ House East \ House Med \ Manor
key m - Market
key p - Trading Post
key q - Field Hospital
key r - Arsenal
key s - Stable
key w - Wall Connector
key y - Factory
key z - Capitol
key f - Fort Frontier
======= Settlement Unit Create
key n - Eject Garrisoned Units
key v - Settler \ Coureur
key shift-v - Settler 5 \ Coureur 5
key e - Envoy
key shift-e - Envoy 5
key r - Pet Cougar
key shift-r - Pet Cougar 5
======= Dock Unit Create
key f - Fishing Boat
key shift-f - Fishing Boat 5
key c - Caravel
key shift-c - Caravel 5
key g - Galleon
key shift-g - Galleon 5
key r - Frigate
key shift-r - Frigate 5
key m - Monitor
key shift-m - Monitor 5
key y - Fluyt
key shift-y - Fluyt 5
key l - Galley
key shift-l - Galley 5
key e - Canoe
key shift-e - Canoe 5
======= Blockhouse Unit Create
key s - Strelet
key b - Halberdier
key m - Musketeer
key shift-s - Strelet 5
key shift-b - Halberdier
key shift-m - Musketeer
======= Stable Unit Create
key s - Hussar
key d - Dragoon
key o - Oprichnik
key a - Cavalry Archer
key c - Cuirassier
key r - Ruyter
key w - War Wagon
key l - Lancer
key x - Cossack
key u - Uhlan
key m - Musketeer
key shift-m - Musketeer 5
key f - Falconet
key shift-f - Falconet 5
key c - Culverin
key shift-c - Culverin 5
key t - Mortar
key shift-t - Mortar 5
======= Barracks Unit Create
key x - Crossbowman
key l - Longbowman
key j - Janissary
key p - Pikeman
key b - Halberdier
key m - Musketeer
key s - Skirmisher
key r - Rodelero
key e - Cacadore
key d - Dopplesoldner
======= Game Control
mouse dbl-click unit - select all units of same type visible
mouse right-click bldg - garrison selected units
key space - center on selection
key ALT - display detail on selcted unit
key DELETE - delete selected unit/building
key Pause - pause game (click menu - pauses game w/o alert box)
key h - toggle Home City View
key ctrl1-9 - group selected units
key shift1-9 - add unit to group 1-9
key 1-9 - select group 1 - 9; 1-9 twice centers group
key F2 - display improvements
key F3 - display objectives
key F4 - display player score
key F5 - display chat menu
key F6 - display tribute menu
key F7 - display player summary
key F8 - quick save
key F9 - quick load
key F10 - display in-game menu
key F11 - display game time
key ctrl-F12 - screen shot
======= Find / cycle units
key / - Cycle Explorer
key ' - Cycle Ship
key . - Cycle Idle Villager
key , - Cycle idle Military
key ; - Cycle Wagon
======= Find Building
key t - Town Center
key ctrl-b - Barracks \ Blockhouse
key ctrl-c - Church
key ctrl-d - Dock
key ctrl-a - Artillery Depot
key ctrl-i - Mill
key ctrl-k - Bank
key ctrl-l - Plantation
key ctrl-m - Market
key ctrl-e - House \ HouseEast \ HouseMed \ Manor
key ctrl-p - Trading Post
key ctrl-q - Field Hospital
key ctrl-r - Arsenal
key ctrl-s - Stable
key ctrl-o - Outpost
key ctrl-v - Livestock Pen
key ctrl-w - Wall Connector
key ctrl-y - Factory
key ctrl-z - Capitol
key ctrl-f - Fort Frontier
======= Villager builds
key b - Barracks \ Blockhouse
key c - Church
key d - Dock
key e - Town Center
key a - Artillery Depot
key k - Bank
key l - Plantation
key v - Livestock Pen
key i - Mill
key o - Outpost
key e - House \ House East \ House Med \ Manor
key m - Market
key p - Trading Post
key q - Field Hospital
key r - Arsenal
key s - Stable
key w - Wall Connector
key y - Factory
key z - Capitol
key f - Fort Frontier
======= Settlement Unit Create
key n - Eject Garrisoned Units
key v - Settler \ Coureur
key shift-v - Settler 5 \ Coureur 5
key e - Envoy
key shift-e - Envoy 5
key r - Pet Cougar
key shift-r - Pet Cougar 5
======= Dock Unit Create
key f - Fishing Boat
key shift-f - Fishing Boat 5
key c - Caravel
key shift-c - Caravel 5
key g - Galleon
key shift-g - Galleon 5
key r - Frigate
key shift-r - Frigate 5
key m - Monitor
key shift-m - Monitor 5
key y - Fluyt
key shift-y - Fluyt 5
key l - Galley
key shift-l - Galley 5
key e - Canoe
key shift-e - Canoe 5
======= Blockhouse Unit Create
key s - Strelet
key b - Halberdier
key m - Musketeer
key shift-s - Strelet 5
key shift-b - Halberdier
key shift-m - Musketeer
======= Stable Unit Create
key s - Hussar
key d - Dragoon
key o - Oprichnik
key a - Cavalry Archer
key c - Cuirassier
key r - Ruyter
key w - War Wagon
key l - Lancer
key x - Cossack
key u - Uhlan
key shift-x - Cossack 5
key shift-s - Hussar 5
key shift-d - Dragoon 5
key shift-o - Oprichnik 5
key shift-a - Cavalry Archer 5
key shift-c - Cuirassier 5
key shift-r - Ruyter 5
key shift-w - War Wagon 5
key shift-l - Lancer 5
key shift-u - Uhlan 5
======= Fort Unit Create
key m - Musketeer
key shift-m - Musketeer 5
key f - Falconet
key shift-f - Falconet 5
key c - Culverin
key shift-c - Culverin 5
key t - Mortar
key shift-t - Mortar 5
======= Barracks Unit Create
key x - Crossbowman
key l - Longbowman
key j - Janissary
key p - Pikeman
key b - Halberdier
key m - Musketeer
key s - Skirmisher
key r - Rodelero
key e - Cacadore
key d - Dopplesoldner
key shift-x - Crossbowman 5
key shift-l - Longbowman 5
key shift-j - Janissary 5
key shift-p - Pikeman 5
key shift-b - Halberdier 5
key shift-m - Musketeer 5
key shift-s - Skirmisher 5
key shift-r - Rodelero 5
key shift-e - Cacadore 5
key shift-d - Dopplesoldner 5
======= Artillery Depot Unit Create
key f - Falconet
key shift-f - Falconet 5
key c - Culverin
key shift-c - Culverin 5
key m - Mortar
key shift-m - Mortar 5
key g - Grenadier
key shift-g - Grenadier 5
key o - OrganGun
key shift-o - OrganGun 5
key b - AbusGun
key shift-b - AbusGun 5
======= Church Unit Create
key m - Missionary
key shift-m - Missionary 5
key p - Priest
key shift-p - Priest 5
key i - Imam
key shift-i - Imam 5
======= Livestock Pen Unit Create
key s - Sheep
key shift-s - Sheep 5
======= Trading Post Unit Create
key r - Native Axe Rider
key shift-r - Native Axe Rider 5
key d - Native Axe Rider \ Dog Soldier
key shift-d - Native Axe Rider \ Dog Soldier 5
key b - Native Blackwood Archer
key shift-b - Native Blackwood Archer 5
key g - Native Blowgun Warrior
key shift-g - Native Blowgun Warrior 5
key w - Native Bolas Warrior
key shift-w - Native Bolas Warrior 5
key c - Native Clubman
key shift-c - Native Clubman 5
key e - Native Eagle Warrior
key shift-e - Native Eagle Warrior 5
key s - Native Holcan Spearman
key shift-s - Native Holcan Spearman 5
key n - Native Huaminca
key shift-n - Native Huaminca 5
key j - Native Jaguar Warrior
key shift-j - Native Jaguar Warrior 5
key p - Native Medicine Man
key shift-p - Native Medicine Man 5
key m - Native Mantlet
key shift-m - Native Mantlet 5
key f - Native Rifleman
key shift-f - Native Rifleman 5
key o - Native Sharktooth Bowman
key shift-o - Native Sharktooth Bowman 5
key x - Native Tomahawk
key shift-x - Native Tomahawk 5
key e - Native HorseA rcher
key shift-e - Native Horse Archer 5
key k - Native Tracker
key shift-k - Native Tracker 5
key u - CoureurCree
key shift-u - CoureurCree 5