Community Forums > Voobly Community > Other Games > Age Of Mythology > Remove overall ratings (AoM and AoT)
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The problem with the overall ratings are that you can get 1700 in two game types, making you 1800+ overall rate. Being 1700 in multiple game types doesn`t make you better than 1700... this is a broken system.
Another problem is that this is the default rating in the lobbies. While it can be turned off, having it around is very confusing to new players.
Please vote and voice your opinions - the above would be mine.
If the removal happens, 1v1 supremacy would be the default displayed rating.
Supremacy isn't the only rating, so why make it the primary one?
I'd say at least half the players on voobly scarcely play 1 v 1 rated supremacy.
Other games have the same rating system (AOE2 etc).
Just my opinion
and yes ! remove overall rating
Seems i predicted very well what was going to happen here, people using multiple accounts to vote yes, like LNC_MostFeared = LNC_GoldenAxe
What we need to do is combine 1v1 and TG like it was on ESO.
First, we can only select one default rating, I have TG selected as my default rating basically I rarely see peoples 1v1 rating. Also now TG players could also have a chance to appear on RTS Sanc home page.
teamgames are way too match up dependent and even more imbalanced in general than 1v1 is. so why should this be combined? just that two lnc members get 2k by going double oranos by owning other "tg-only people" and then pointsit on a rating next to themista ?
just because 1v1 and tg are supremacy? thats totally different gameplay! so why should it be the same ladder? ( please dont take this personal goldenaxe)
but i do understand that tg players want to get more attention on rts, so maybe you could ask rts sanctuary staff if they could implement the tg ladder on the mainpage next to the 1v1 ladder? and besides you could ask for a tg expert tag ( you actually dont have to make a tg expert tag, feel free to use the normal aot expert tag).
the only reason i vote yes here btw is not that im against an overall rating in general - its because of the fact that overall rating is the default rating in voobly. i actually like the fact that there is a rewarding for people playing many different gameing mods. i just dont like the fact that it is irritating for new players in voobly, seeing 2k+ people who got that rating by playing zelda scenario only :-/ most players dont even know that they can switch the shown rating to the rating of their choice!
Seems i predicted very well what was going to happen here, people using multiple accounts to vote yes, like LNC_MostFeared = LNC_GoldenAxe
I can see why you would be annoyed if your fake 2k was gone
Explains your erratic behavior yesterday really well.
Get rid of it imo and since when do scenarios represent true skill.
Explains your erratic behavior yesterday really well.
Since when i lost a 2k rating? i still see it 2k, and no my noob friend, this account was made for losing pts, playing for fun etc. so, points are worthless to mention
Maybe your behaviour yesterday made you feel offended by my comments about the stupid Fanpatch 2.0
But forget about the FP for now, if noobs like you (and the rest of ppl who voted yes) are too lazy to look up at players ratings for an specific game mode, that is your problem, you focused this complaint in the wrong side, for example:
There are a lot of noob players with fake rates at 1v1 Supremacy/ TG supremacy and they reach the 2k overall rate so easy, but they will still have a fake rate, removing the overall rating will not change they are noobs.
Let me remind YOU ALL how ESO was working perfect,
1v1 rating = TG rating doesnt say how good a player is, since members of clans plays ALWAYS together to increase TG rate and get easy/fast points
Conquest. 1v1/tg combined
Lightning. 1v1/tg combined
Deathmatch 1v1/tg combined
Total wins and loses
So, after all, ESO had overall victories, so, basically, voobly saves you time of mental addition and substraction.
If people dont like to see the overall rating, lets just use voobly option of hiding specific rating.
Get rid of it imo and since when do scenarios represent true skill.
Seems people like you dont understand this situation, "noobs play in every game" of course... that is not a problem, the problem comes when host let them play, that is why voobly provides us all with a quick view ratings at putting cursor in players name.
"to get unrealistic ratings just so their 'overall' is high." of course is going to be high, is just an addition that anybody can do mentally, but voobly just gives a "all in one" quick view, instead of have to go into players profile in voobly website.