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Fn (Forest nothing) maps does not have any gold/stone/animals and are filled with trees.
The most commonly played fn map right now is forest nothing lakes. In this map you start with a tc(town centre) and 3 villagers (number of villagers varies if you are chinese or mayans). This map is usually played in team games. Generally what happens is that each team will have a chosen cutter(a civilisation that is able to produce siege onagers, most pick celts as their villagers cut trees the fastest) while the rest go random with 1 mirror( this is to ensure that it is fair as huns get a massive advantage as they do not need houses). Both teams will sling their cutter so that he or she can produce siege onagers ASAP (as fast as possible). This is crucial to be cut out ASAP so the rest of the team can have room to boom/prepare army/create trade routes. There are many different ways that this game plays out as some people (me especially) love to rush, while others love to boom big and attack later( this is usually prefered by most people as failed rushes generally lose the game).
HOWEVER ONE IMPORTANT RULE THAT APPLIES TO ALL FN MAPS IS THAT YOUR ALLIES MUST BE LINKED BEFORE YOU ATTACK (this is because the cutter can easily win the game if he/she decides to cut straight to the enemy).
This is a screenshot of a typical fn lake map:
First you should four villagers as possible from your tc and build a house in the corner and lumber camp one tile away like this.
As soon as you hit seven population delete your tc( yes I said delete your tc).
Now build a mill next to the lumber camp and delete your house.
Build 3 farms as shown while cutting room for a fourth.
Cut these trees while making sure your farmers are working efficiently as possible as they like to walk around a lot while farming.
When you cut out to the lake take that villager that cut there to build a dock in the corner.
When you hit 600 food delete the mill, lumber camp and the farm to build a tc. Also build a house right next to it one tile away where your lumber camp was. Add another one in when you get room.
Cut these trees while ageing up and early feudal, to make room for a market as you will see later.
As soon as your tc goes up build three villagers while still using these farms. Now click feudal age as soon as you hit 10 population.
Build another house as you cut these trees. While you are advancing build two fishing ships. I only build two while I’m advancing as I just have enough wood once i hit feudal for two fishing traps (otherwise if you make more they will be idle for a bit as you will lack the wood for them). Keep these two farms running for now and build two more fishing shipswith fish traps as soon as you get the wood. Add in two more houses while continuing to pump out villys
The reason we rushed to feudal age is because we want to be the 1st person to sell for gold.
Once you have your market continue to sell wood (and food if you hit 25 population). As soon as you hit 1000 gold ( 200 for castle and 800 for imperial). Immediately build a blacksmith (you may need ti delete a house or two, for room.
Delete the blacksmith and market as soon as the blacksmith is completed. Also add in lumber camps to get bit saw/better wood cutting efficiency.
While adding in three more docks in the corners of the lake for maximum efficiency. Continue to build houses while cutting room for them. Keep on producing villagers and fishing ship/fishing traps.
Advance as soon as you hit 800 food mark whilst continuing fishing ship/trap production until you hit 75 population.
As soon as you hit castle build a university and monastery and Go straight to imperial. Now ask all your allies to sling food and wood.
Your lake should look something like this.
Delete your university and monastery as soon as possible. and now build two seige workshops a market and an extra tc.
Upgrade guilds as soon as you hit imperial and start onger upgrade (although some like to wait for guilds to finish before starting onager upgrade, but I like to get out siege onagers ASAP). In the other siegework shop create ongers after you have clicked the siege onager upgrade. You should be able to get oners out at the late 41 minutes / early 42 minutes if your allies are decent slingers (assuming a 4v4). I generally try to cut both ways at once using the number keys while building up my economy. Whilst getting army upgrades, while making trade with only one market( this is to allow most of my resources being spent on army upgrades, and also giving me a slightly gold income that increases over time, incase my rush fails).Now the rest is up to you. Do you want to boom big and make a lot of trade and let the enemy cut to you? Or do you want to go all-in with absolutely no trade? Or do you want to make focus a little on trade while making your army.
Remember this is just a way which I like to cut. There are many different ways to build up. PS can someone please pm me how to get a recorded game vs a cpu, as I cannot seem to find it in the Program files x86/Microsoft Games/AOC/Savegame, file thanks.
Thank you soo much FZ_ and VNS_DeepSorrow for all the knowledge, which I have gained from your recorded games to help me make this guide.
This guide is deticated to all the FN players out there.
Kind regards
When you save it before resigning, you'll have the option to pick a 'suitable name' so the file will be saved as nameyoupicked.gax.
If you're looking for the complete game, it will be saved as "recorded game date played time played.mgx"
depending on the language you run AoC on.
Tx very much