Rogue Spear Help Book
The game isn't that hard to fix, I'll just make a list of things some users may ask so that in the future if they ask anyone you can refer to this post as help. I'll also make a post in the Rogue Spear forum of the same thing that way you can just link them if you need.
I have included screen shots under most sections as visual aids if needed. Just click the "View" and it will show a screen shot of what you're looking for.
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Win 7 with an ATI graphics card
[*]Q: Will Rogue Spear work on Windows 7 with an ATI graphics card?
[*]A: Yes there is an ATI fix now available. Please download it today if you are using an ATI video card -ATI Fix
Common Issues
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Voobly Set up
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Patches and add-ons
- Q: Are there patches, add-ons, etcetera?
- A: There is a patch required in order to play on line along with map packs.
- 2.05 patch
- You can find everything you need on Rogue Spear Gaming Ladder website:
- [You must login to view link].
You only need the ROGUE205.exe and the map packs.
Rogue Spear Maps
Additional maps.
[You must login to view link].
If you are on Vista or widows7, then you will more than likely need this also
The full game is also hosted for downloading on the website if they need a link for that too, it can be also be found here: ROGUESPEARFULLGAME.
Rogue Spear Stats (a program that keeps up with your stats each game) can be found at
Rogue spear Stats
This site has all you need in the way of downloads and help and ladder and will have instructions on how to install and use it.
[You must login to view link]
[There is a new program called Rogue Tools. This is an awesome little program that cleans your rougespear folder. This program is best used after every game for the cleaning. Just remember to back up any screen shots you might want to keep as the program will automatically delete them.
Once you are in game, tab out and open the program and click on the affinity/priority button,then exit and tab back into your game for an excellent boost in gameplay. The priority will go back to normal once you exit rs.exe so make sure you tab and use RT every time you launch.]
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Game modifications
- Q: What kind of modifications can be made to the game?
- A: You are able to delete the A and L sounds in the sounds folder of your game which can be located in data/sound portion of your Rogue Spear folder in your C: drive.
You can edit the size of your reticule in the reticule.txt file in the data/kit portion of your Rogue Spear folder in your C: drive, you can also download reticule files such as bluelime, but be careful as some edit the textures which is not allowed.
It's suggested you edit the reticule file yourself, if you don't know how let someone that does know how do it.
You can edit the gamma of the game in your registry located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Red Storm Entertainment>Rogue Spear ActionGammaValue - you can set it as high as 25.000000. I highly suggest you also go to your Rogue Spear folder in C: and open the RSConfig.exe and select your video card in Renderer and your sound card in Sound and uncheck all of the boxes below.
View of reticules.txt file
View of the gamma value in the registry
Game lag reduction
- Q: Is there anything you can do to make the game lag less?
- A: It's believed by having LAN and Behind Firewall checked in the game's options it will create less lag and warp. Use Rogue Tools after all games.
Black screen / Blocky frag smoke
- Q: My game loads and my screen stays black for a few seconds, how do I fix this?
- A: Some video cards are too powerful for Rogue Spear and you have to run the game at low graphics levels. Set your graphics to medium, or lower and it should help.
- Q: My frag smoke is blocky, how do I fix it?
- A: Turn off force software.
Installing 2.05 patch
- Q: When installing the 2.05 patch it freezes at 100 percent and never finishes, how do I install it all the way?
- A: It's not frozen, there's a command prompt window popped up, exit it and it will finish.
Windows Vista
- Q: I'm on Vista/ win7 and my game doesn't work, how do I fix this?
- A: Download the Vista fix
Vista Fix
Anti-cheat patch
- Q: Where do I get the anti-cheat patch?
- A: The anti-cheat is integrated with the Voobly client, so you must be on Voobly in order to use the patch. Just host a room and go to your settings and enable anti-cheat protection.
Rogue Spear Wiki
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Rogue Spear On Facebook
Facebook Page
Windows10 Help
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These are the most major problems, and there are more but this should do for now. If there are any other suggestions to be added here you can post, or if anyone has another problem you can post it here and we will try our best to resolve it.
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