Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > Interactive Build Order Guide
Interactive Build Order Guideby Cicero - 10485 downloads |
For WololoKingdoms and v1.6 Game Data
A series of interactive tutorials for learning and practicing build orders. Includes 12 scenarios, each with step by step instructions in both text and audio, and a scoring system which will mark you at several benchmarks leading to a final grade (A+ to F). Credits and thanks to ZeroEmpires for voicing these scenarios.
I've listed the scenarios in 2 groups. The first contains the 4 most important strategies for newer players: scouts, archers, FC knights + boom (FC - Unique Unit is also included here as it is relatively simple to execute). The second contains more competitive versions of the scouts and archers builds, in addition to some more challenging builds.
For players less experienced with build orders...
Also, it is not expected that you will get a good grade the first time; it is intended that they will require repeated practice. Start by trying to master the Dark age - try to achieve at least a C here before continuing with the rest of the scenario. (If you lose a villager to a boar here a restart is recommended since the triggers are generally based on villager count.)
The grades are based on the timings for which you achieve certain benchmarks - the final being capped by your previous benchmark scores. Therefore, following the build order exactly is not important (although you should always advance with the correct pop.) The grading system is 'narrow-minded' in what it is looking for - and therefore unforgiving if you aren't focusing on the specific requirements of the scenario. Benchmark timings are given in my guide on Steam.
If you want to play these scenarios on a different map, simply open them up in the scenario editor and generate a new map to practice on. Only, be sure to use the Build Order Arabia map that comes with this mod. For written versions of the build, see my guides on Steam.
Finally, these scenarios are intended to be enjoyed! Don't beat yourself up because you find them hard - they are intended to provide a serious challenge. There are many valid ways of enjoying this great game, so these scenarios won't be for everyone.
Have fun
A series of interactive tutorials for learning and practicing build orders. Includes 12 scenarios, each with step by step instructions in both text and audio, and a scoring system which will mark you at several benchmarks leading to a final grade (A+ to F). Credits and thanks to ZeroEmpires for voicing these scenarios.
I've listed the scenarios in 2 groups. The first contains the 4 most important strategies for newer players: scouts, archers, FC knights + boom (FC - Unique Unit is also included here as it is relatively simple to execute). The second contains more competitive versions of the scouts and archers builds, in addition to some more challenging builds.
For players less experienced with build orders...
- 22p Scouts
- 23p Archers
- 27p FC - Boom
- 28p FC - Knights
- 28p FC - Unique Unit
- 21p Scouts
- 21p Scouts - Skirms
- 21p Scouts - Archers
- 22p Archers
- 22p Men-at-Arms - Archers
- 27p Drush - Archers
- 32p Drush - FC
- Able to achieve gold in the Art of War tutorials (esp. Early Economy, Fast Castle Age + Booming)
- Comfortable with build-order basics such as:
- Keeping the town center working
- Taking herdables under the TC one at a time under the TC
- Luring boar, and 'force-dropping' - Fluent with using the following hotkeys:
- Go to TC + create villager
- Idle villager
- Garrison, set gather point + ungarrison (for boar luring)
- Go to eco-buildings (for eco upgrades)
- Go to military buildings
- Ctrl-group for scout + boar luring villager
Also, it is not expected that you will get a good grade the first time; it is intended that they will require repeated practice. Start by trying to master the Dark age - try to achieve at least a C here before continuing with the rest of the scenario. (If you lose a villager to a boar here a restart is recommended since the triggers are generally based on villager count.)
The grades are based on the timings for which you achieve certain benchmarks - the final being capped by your previous benchmark scores. Therefore, following the build order exactly is not important (although you should always advance with the correct pop.) The grading system is 'narrow-minded' in what it is looking for - and therefore unforgiving if you aren't focusing on the specific requirements of the scenario. Benchmark timings are given in my guide on Steam.
If you want to play these scenarios on a different map, simply open them up in the scenario editor and generate a new map to practice on. Only, be sure to use the Build Order Arabia map that comes with this mod. For written versions of the build, see my guides on Steam.
Finally, these scenarios are intended to be enjoyed! Don't beat yourself up because you find them hard - they are intended to provide a serious challenge. There are many valid ways of enjoying this great game, so these scenarios won't be for everyone.
Have fun

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