Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > ECL Maps

This mod is intended for WololoKingdoms 5.8.1.
Maps for the ECL. I will update this mod as we add maps for later rounds. Each round also has a map pack that selects from those maps at random. The maps can also be downloaded from [You must login to view link]
This mod has grid terrains on replacement terrains in ZR maps. If you don't want grid terrains, then use this version:
The file ECL_Map_Pack.rms selects randomly from all maps used in the tournament.
The currently available maps are as follows.
Qualifier Maps:
Eastern Europe Maps:
Africa Maps:
Middle East Maps:
East Asia Maps:
Southeast Asia Maps:*
Americas Maps:
Western Europe Maps:
Pick Position Maps:
The pick positions maps can be used to pick pocket/flank positions in 3v3 games based on player colors.
Team 1: 1-Flank, 3-Flank, 5-Pocket
Team 2: 2-Flank, 4-Flank, 6-Pocket
After installing this mod, the map scripts are located at: <your aoe2 folder>\Voobly Mods\AOC\Data Mods\WololoKingdoms\Script.Rm
The mod includes a nerf to slinging:
A previous version of this mod contained balance changes. These changes have been incorporated in HD patch 5.8 by Forgotten Empires and are now included in WololoKingdoms. For reference these changes included:
**Terrain Differences:
The Kilimanjaro and Serengeti maps are "ZR" maps.
Age of Empires 2 is hard coded to use 42 terrains.
In order to use some of the terrains from the HD expansions, the maps use the UserPatch 1.5 feature of creating a "zipped random map".
This allows us to replace a terrain with another terrain, allowing for more terrain textures to be used.
For example, the map Kilimanjaro replaces the "rock" terrain with a "quicksand" terrain.
However, when we combine maps into a map pack, we end up with conflicts between different maps that use the same terrain.
The Gorge map uses the rock terrain as the walls of a gorge.
If we replace the rock terrain with quicksand, then the terrain shows up correctly in Kilimanjaro, but incorrectly in Gorge (as the walls of the gorge now consists of quicksand instead of rocks).
There are only two "non-buildable land" terrains: rocks and non-sailable ice.
We could substitute the ice terrain for the quicksand texture, but the borders of the terrain would still look incorrect, as they use the ice blending instead of normal terrain blending.
We cannot selectively replace terrains in certain maps but not others; we can replace rock with quicksand in all maps, or we can leave the terrain as rocks in all maps.
The ability to include multiple terrain substitutions for map pack is currently not supported in the UserPatch due to file transfer security concerns.
The map pack consists of the 7 maps from the region, but Kilimanjaro and Serengeti do not contain the replacement terrains.
ECL Mapsby TWest - 7103 downloads |

This mod is intended for WololoKingdoms 5.8.1.
Maps for the ECL. I will update this mod as we add maps for later rounds. Each round also has a map pack that selects from those maps at random. The maps can also be downloaded from [You must login to view link]
This mod has grid terrains on replacement terrains in ZR maps. If you don't want grid terrains, then use this version:
The file ECL_Map_Pack.rms selects randomly from all maps used in the tournament.
The currently available maps are as follows.
Qualifier Maps:
- ECL_Qualifier_Map_Pack
- Arabia
- Baltic
- Fortress*
- Gold Rush
- Valley
Eastern Europe Maps:
- ECL_EU_East_Map_Pack
- Acropolis
- Arina
- Baltic
- Budapest
- Cross
- Scandinavia
- Team Acropolis
- Valley
Africa Maps:
- ECL_Africa_Map_Pack**
- Desert
- Gorge
- Kilimanjaro*
- Rift Islands
- Sahara
- Serengeti*
- Team Islands
Middle East Maps:
- ECL_Middle_East_Map_Pack
- Arabia
- Bedouins
- Desert
- Dry_River
- Mediterranean
- Oasis
- Sunburn
East Asia Maps:
- ECL_East_Asia_Map_Pack
- Chaos_Pit
- Mongolia
- Mt_Fuji
- Salt_Marsh
- Steppe
- Team_Causeways
- Twin_Puddles
Southeast Asia Maps:*
- ECL_Southeast_Asia_Map_Pack
- Atoll
- Bog
- Bog_Islands
- Decentring
- Eastern_Coastline
- Enemy_archipelago
- Hillfort
- Riverbed
Americas Maps:
- ECL_Americas_Map_Pack
- Atacama
- Caribbean
- Cenotes
- El_Dorado
- Gold_Rush
- Golden_Pit
- Hamburger
- Mesas
- Yucatan
Western Europe Maps:
- ECL_EU_West_Map_Pack
- Acropolis
- Clearing
- Fortress
- Frisia
- Highland
- Houseboat
- Lombardia
- Team_Acropolis
Pick Position Maps:
- ECL_Arabia-3v3
- ECL_Baltic-3v3
- ECL_Cross-3v3
- ECL_Desert-3v3
- ECL_Oasis-3v3
- ECL_Steppe-3v3
- ECL_Twin_Puddles-3v3
The pick positions maps can be used to pick pocket/flank positions in 3v3 games based on player colors.
Team 1: 1-Flank, 3-Flank, 5-Pocket
Team 2: 2-Flank, 4-Flank, 6-Pocket
After installing this mod, the map scripts are located at: <your aoe2 folder>\Voobly Mods\AOC\Data Mods\WololoKingdoms\Script.Rm
The mod includes a nerf to slinging:
- Base tribute tax percent is increased from 30% to 40%
- Coinage is moved to the Imperial Age
- Banking is removed
A previous version of this mod contained balance changes. These changes have been incorporated in HD patch 5.8 by Forgotten Empires and are now included in WololoKingdoms. For reference these changes included:
- Increasing the cost of towers by 25 wood (from 25 to 50)
- Korean fortification bonus does not affect towers
- Increasing the cost of Arambai and Elite Arambai by 30 wood (from 50 to 80)
- Increasing the cost of Karambit Warriors and Elite Karambit Warriors by 5 food and 5 gold (from 25 food 10 gold to 30 food 15 gold)
- Increasing the cost of Couriers (Inca unique armor tech) to 600 food and 600 gold (from 400 food and 200 gold)
**Terrain Differences:
The Kilimanjaro and Serengeti maps are "ZR" maps.
Age of Empires 2 is hard coded to use 42 terrains.
In order to use some of the terrains from the HD expansions, the maps use the UserPatch 1.5 feature of creating a "zipped random map".
This allows us to replace a terrain with another terrain, allowing for more terrain textures to be used.
For example, the map Kilimanjaro replaces the "rock" terrain with a "quicksand" terrain.
However, when we combine maps into a map pack, we end up with conflicts between different maps that use the same terrain.
The Gorge map uses the rock terrain as the walls of a gorge.
If we replace the rock terrain with quicksand, then the terrain shows up correctly in Kilimanjaro, but incorrectly in Gorge (as the walls of the gorge now consists of quicksand instead of rocks).
There are only two "non-buildable land" terrains: rocks and non-sailable ice.
We could substitute the ice terrain for the quicksand texture, but the borders of the terrain would still look incorrect, as they use the ice blending instead of normal terrain blending.
We cannot selectively replace terrains in certain maps but not others; we can replace rock with quicksand in all maps, or we can leave the terrain as rocks in all maps.
The ability to include multiple terrain substitutions for map pack is currently not supported in the UserPatch due to file transfer security concerns.
The map pack consists of the 7 maps from the region, but Kilimanjaro and Serengeti do not contain the replacement terrains.
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