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What would people think about AOMT Tournament?
Or AOMT League ladder.
please post your thoughts here
Consider it a Sign up Thread
But you get to decide the type of the map.
1v1 Supermacy
It is an official voobly tournament if I got enough sign ups.
With medals on your profile + Premium memberships for the winners.
Dont forget to invite your friends to come and play.
This will be held by the END of the month. OR in the 1st week of September.
get your gears on
Great idea, I hope this one actually happens
I would prefer a 1v1 deathmatch tournament based on the 1x1 deathmatch seedings ladder but I would also be up for the same thing with supremacy
Random map!
yea it will be great , make it 2 vs 2, we already had 1 vs 1 tourneys, but 1 vs 1 will be great too.
I ment AOMT my bad
and we do support AOM
I would love to play!
if you can drag other members from eso / gr to play here in the tournament then sure we can try the 2v2
Lets keep it 1v1
dm or supermacy?
Lets keep it 1v1
dm or supermacy?
humm as the guys said there is a already a DM tournament so lets take Sup and Light ?
Spread the word out and lets get this popular.