I played RoR when 1v1 Medit Map (RM, 50 pop) was popular on the Zone back in 2000-2003. Man those were the days...Then DM got big when new maps were able to be created and the 255 pop hack was popular. The main clan name that comes to mind was aZn/AzN, SuperMajin(?) being the best I ever played against. I also remember PuMa. I really wonder sometimes if the 255 DM games were more difficult than some of the SC 2 games nowadays, as far as APM and whatnot...I remember playing at a high level with the GuM clan and the games just being INSANE. SO MUCH multitasking, not a single break for an hour straight, etc. The 50 pop RM Medit maps were awesome too, where build strategy was supremely important. Hopefully someday, people bring these games back.
It's been fun reading this thread. Memories were great.
Best AOE player of all time would have too be Khong_han aka me won many tournaments and had only a few peaople who would challange me they would include __C0ld/Chosen_One and Furious_B0Y
Thought we were talking aoe here zanch = not aoe even though i love um :p, also naming yourself proves nothing if the only reason noone challenged you is becuase you're and unknown. Also back in the aoe days it was almost impossible to tell who was a hacker and who wasnt seeing as at least 50% of players had one sort of hack small as it might be , so in my opinion the top player would be the one who didn't hack and could beat almost all the hackers.
The best player for me is Roman Jet, rjet or his other nick in ROR trial zl_vicvaprovu his clan was zona latina translated to latin zone. He used to be in clan chingon just a bit then later he moved to zl and they become better than chingon clan for a time
The problem for roman jet is that he doesn't wants anyone to know his skills so he changes nick and then he comes to beat a top expert. For him beating someone who thinks is not beaten gives him the best pleasure; but I already beated my idol at ROR.
Just like blitz at ROR he got beated badly by him. Actually even sunryder didn't survive vs him; he was targeting ironsteel but ironsteel kicks unknown nicks; he was using another nick.
It's been fun reading this thread. Memories were great.
Zanchy i consider a legend even though some of you guys may not think so ! , but i consider him a legend becasue his Castle blood Skills are amazing .
Aoc Zone Player And Turk|1cL| from msn gaming zone
he always taught me good maps and he always raped me in every map, pqwer clan were best
Next to him is ling or youngc2_
You would never believe how unbelievable their rushes were in Cho Wars.
I have watched a bunch of videos of DM Cho Wars and they are intermediate level plays at best compared to what these guys play at.
The problem for roman jet is that he doesn't wants anyone to know his skills so he changes nick and then he comes to beat a top expert. For him beating someone who thinks is not beaten gives him the best pleasure; but I already beated my idol at ROR.
Just like blitz at ROR he got beated badly by him. Actually even sunryder didn't survive vs him; he was targeting ironsteel but ironsteel kicks unknown nicks; he was using another nick.