ROFL I see what you did there. It's reference to South Park where Kenny gets his heart replaced with a potato and dies 3 seconds later. So yeah it works.
ROFL I see what you did there. It's reference to South Park where Kenny gets his heart replaced with a potato and dies 3 seconds later. So yeah it works.
Red > Liverpool
he died..took them that to realize potato and heart got no relationships.
but i guess the next poster can choose whichever of the two words he wants.
ROFL I see what you did there. It's reference to South Park where Kenny gets his heart replaced with a potato and dies 3 seconds later. So yeah it works.
Red > Liverpool
Red > Liverpool
he died..took them that to realize potato and heart got no relationships.
but i guess the next poster can choose whichever of the two words he wants.
Turk => Janissary