Community Forums > Voobly Support and Game Complaints Support > Client and Website related Problems and Questions > voobly always crashing for the last few weeks!
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for the last few weeks! while waiting in the room, or just idling, it freezes. win11
fix that $ß&§!
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Besides being courteous and informative, try adding a salutation along with a screenshot of the error message you are getting. If you click Reply, you can even upload any screenshots. I hope that helps.
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Here is one error that comes every time i log into new player lobby, however I can still play fine:
Could not find game installation directory -- please join a lobby and run game diagnostics
also I wrote that the game freezes and crashes, there is no error msg. and it happens to many players if you chat around
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Could not find game installation directory -- please join a lobby and run game diagnostics
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In order to troubleshoot your crashing issues, I need the exact version of your Windows 11 installation.
Start > Run > type "winver" and hit Enter. Take a screenshot and upload it here at the forums.