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Every game, every 15 minutes sometimes more often my game kicks me out(and so does everyone else then)
I checked network diagnosis and its "all pass"
I never have any network issues outside of when playing on Voobly.
Nat travelsal is switched on
What can possibly cause this?
I`ve some mods installed (like small trees and tower ranges, nothing crazy)
the 1.6 RC not cause out sync.
if you play 1.6 game data with 1.5 RC it outsync rarely.
1.6 RC could crash some time (we fix some issue with even viewer report)
for outsync i think it isuser patch 1.5 RC with new unit id do not manage sync or some thing else:
you need contact user patch to fix.
Every game I join this message appears in chat. Every single game.
My internet speed is 600mbs
Again, when testing network diagnosis, all good.
Just wanted to share maybe some settings i got are wrong?
Regarding Mikael: I think he's saying that using 1.6 game data with 1.5 Patch can cause Out of Sync and when you use 1.6 game data with 1.6 Patch you should be fine.
From my experience that's wrong. I never play 1.6 game data with 1.5 patch, nor do I ever see any games with those settings. Either 1.6/1.6 or 1.5/1.5. The Out of Sync almost always happen with 1.6/1.6, I don't remember it happened ever with 1.5/1.5.
What is weird, however, is that you are saying it happens in every game. I also encounter OOS, but maybe in 1 of 10 games or less. Therefore I think it is a very specific cause in your case...
Are you playing on Linux or using Windows 11 with the Insider Program? I've read about regular Out Of Sync issues in those cases (on steam however, not sure if its the same for voobly).
Otherwise you could indeed try to deactivate your mods or play with 1.5/1.5 and see if that makes any difference.
Every game, every 15 minutes sometimes more often my game kicks me out(and so does everyone else then)
I checked network diagnosis and its "all pass"
I never have any network issues outside of when playing on Voobly.
Nat travelsal is switched on
What can possibly cause this?
I`ve some mods installed (like small trees and tower ranges, nothing crazy)
Try disabling ALL visual mods and see, whether you are still having the issue.