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How about the decay system? Wouldn't be a good decision to bring it back on the Custom Scen lobby?
Just asking! Any thoughts? If should it be done?
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May i ask what was the problem with this if u already tried it and as i can see from your words it didn't really worked out?
Dunno if you know about league of legends ranked decaying system?! ik its different game and huge diff on player numbers/base.
I'm not suggesting anything , its not my authority at all. Literally just asking about thoughts about it? whats wrong with it etc.
Thank you!
This. Every time the ladder was reset, removed, renewed, decayed or whatever, we lost a significant part of the CS community. They even stopped playing CBA; now it's CBA Hero only.
Welcome back. Perhaps you can convince them to play DE, since you can play it for free on Voobly (1.6 Patch, if you play 1.6 Custom Scenario instead of 1.6 Game Data you can play with the old AOC civs only).
We tried everything, but they are still playing AOC. No HD civs, no DE civs, literally nothing new.
We tried everything, but they are still playing AOC. No HD civs, no DE civs, literally nothing new.
Thank you! I'm never gonna stop loving the game even tho there is a small amount of ppl whom still playing the game.. Unfortunate i'm not the guy who has that big influence to make them play anything else. Still i prefer as nostalgia to play the good old aoc civs and stuff. Happy to be here again. The game is still fun and the aura of it ( toxicity ) still didnt changed as i can see/feel. This is what it is , prolly it comes with it and thats how we still love the game and the 'community'.
Thank you again for your response and words, i really do appreciate it. Good to see you around after all these huge amount of years!
With respect, Peter (aka impulsive/former voobly promoter)