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Could not find game installation directory -- please join a lobby and run game diagnostics
all mods deleted and cant download them again
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Verifying 'c:\age of empires 2 ii + the conquerors + patch 2.0a + crack + custom maps (for windows xp 7 8 8.1 10)\age of empires\language_x1.dll' exists...
Verifying 'c:\age of empires 2 ii + the conquerors + patch 2.0a + crack + custom maps (for windows xp 7 8 8.1 10)\age of empires\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe' exists...
Voobly path is 'c:\program files (x86)\voobly'
Game version is '1.0C-VLY'
Verifying 'c:\age of empires 2 ii + the conquerors + patch 2.0a + crack + custom maps (for windows xp 7 8 8.1 10)\age of empires\language_x1_p1.dll' exists...
Checking DirectPlay libraries...
Looking for dpwsockx.dll...
Looking for dplayx.dll...
'c:\windows\system32\dplayx.dll' size: 215552 bytes
DirectPlay Init Success!
Scanning installed DirectPlay games...
Age of Empires II
Age of Empires II - The Conquerors Expansion [found]
Game was found in DirectPlay registry!
DirectPlay play thinks the game is installed at 'c:\age of empires 2 ii + the conquerors + patch 2.0a + crack + custom maps (for windows xp 7 8 8.1 10)\age of empires'
DirectPlay command line is 'Lobby'
DirectPlay play thinks the game exe is at 'c:\age of empires 2 ii + the conquerors + patch 2.0a + crack + custom maps (for windows xp 7 8 8.1 10)\age of empires\AGE2_X1\age2_x1.exe'
Verifying file exists... Success!
DirectPlay play thinks the language dll is at 'c:\age of empires 2 ii + the conquerors + patch 2.0a + crack + custom maps (for windows xp 7 8 8.1 10)\age of empires\language_x1.dll'
Verifying file exists... Success!
Scanning 'c:\program files (x86)\voobly\gamedata\AOC\age2_x1.exe'
Everything looks fine. DirectPlay is configured and the game was found on your harddrive. If you still have problems try rejoining the lobby or restarting your computer.
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