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I just happened to re-install v1.6RC patch and it was around 40 MB, took extremely long to download it.
Btw the net speed is 100+ megabits/sec
In a future client release, mods are downloaded first before the lobby will load.
The issue is not that downloads take forever, its just that it takes a lot of time. It's the same with loading a spectator game, somehow takes so much time for it
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Add the Voobly Mods folder (recursively) as exception.
Neither Voobly nor the game is installed at the recommended locations. Voobly is installed inside your home folder and the game directory contains invalid characters. Folders starting with a dot are considered hidden folders, which can even be found on a Windows system. Your installation is not supported.
Voobly Client: [You must login to view link]
AoE II (1999): [You must login to view link]
AoE II (2013): [You must login to view link]
All applications must be installed inside Program Files \ Program Files (x86).\
User account control (UAC) must be enabled:
[You must login to view link]
Your OS has failed the integrity check, please run dism and system file check.
Execute the following commands:
dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
sfc /scannow
Also, I was wondering if there's a 64bit version of Voobly client?