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Network Connection Error [Code: 10000005]. Connection errors are typically caused by a temporary server outage, a firewall, or a problem with your internet connection. If it's been a long time since you've connected to Voobly it's recommended that you redownload the client from the website.
anyone have same issue??or have any solved case
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What error message were you getting -- I mean, how did you come to the conclusion that your ip address is blocked? is a RFC1918 ip address which is not routed on the internet.
or maybe this my ip
i got IP used ip lookup web, if this not my ip, How can I confirm which IP is blocked, or is there another way I can log in without using a VPN?
Thx for your help
sepertinya kasus kita sama..
hello mr christ, my friend have same problem, any solution ?
Anyone else using the SAME internet service provider and experiencing the SAME issues?
Network Connection Error [Code: 10000005]. Connection errors are typically caused by a temporary server outage, a firewall, or a problem with your internet connection. If it's been a long time since you've connected to Voobly it's recommended that you redownload the client from the website.
I use PT Telkom Indonesia ISP and my friend can't login too.
Please help Us with this problem.
Our ISP Is PT Telkom Indonesia
website log in no error message.